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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR4622 .S795" to "PR4639 .E3 W4 1885" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR4622 .S795 [Info] The Stark Munro Letters, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
PR4622 .T55 1919 [Info] Three of Them: About Naughtiness and Frogs and Historical Pictures (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1919), by Arthur Conan Doyle
PR4622 .T72 [Info] The Tragedy of the Korosko, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
PR4622 .U5 [Info] Uncle Bernac: A Memory of the Empire, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
PR4622 .U5 S7 [Info] Mit Tío Bernac ("Uncle Bernac" in Spanish; New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1900), by Arthur Conan Doyle, trans. by Juan L. Iribas, illust. by Robert Sauber
PR4622 .V35 [Info] The Valley of Fear, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
PR4622 .W5 [Info] The White Company, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
PR4623 .A17 [Info] The Baker Street Journal (partial serial archives)
PR4623 .A3 P3 [Info] Sherlock Holmes, Esq., and John H. Watson, M.D.: An Encyclopaedia of Their Affairs (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1962), by Orlando Park (PDF with commentary at Northwestern)
PR4623 .A4 1924 [Info] Memories and Adventures (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1924), by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR4624 .V3 [Info] A Doctor Enjoys Sherlock Holmes (New York et al.: Vantage Press, c1959), by Edward J. Van Liere (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4627 .D4 L5 1804 [Info] Literary Hours: or, Sketches Critical, Narrative, and Poetical (third edition, 3 volumes; London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1804), by Nathan Drake (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4628 .D3 H3 [Info] The Habitant and Other French-Canadian Poems (Toronto: Musson Book Co., 1897), by William Henry Drummond, illust. by Frederick Simpson Coburn (multiple formats at
PR4628 .D3 H3 [Info] The Habitant and Other French-Canadian Poems, by William Henry Drummond (Gutenberg text)
PR4629 .D4 1894 [Info] Songs, Poems, and Verses (with a memoir of the Sheridan family; second edition; London: J. Murray, 1894), by Helen Selina Blackwood Dufferin and Clandeboye, ed. by Frederick Temple Blackwood Dufferin and Ava (multiple formats at
PR4634 .M3 [Info] The Martian: A Novel (New York: Harper and Bros., 1897), by George Du Maurier
PR4634 .T7 [Info] Peter Ibbetson, by George Du Maurier (Gutenberg text)
PR4634 .T7 1899 [Info] Trilby (New York: International Book and Publishing Co., 1899), by George Du Maurier (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Australia)
PR4634 .T7 1901 [Info] Trilby (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1901), by George Du Maurier
PR4639 .D7 U62 1877 [Info] The Upas: A Vision of the Past, Present, and Future (London: C. Watts, 1877), by R. H. Dyas (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4639 .D922 E3 [Info] Edmond of Ryedale Vale, or, The Widowed Bride: A Poem in Six Cantos (York: T. Bolland; London: W. Sams, 1822), by Frances Elizabeth Dunlop (frame-dependent HTML at
PR4639 .E25 A3 [Info] Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastlake (2 volumes; London: John Murray, 1895), by Elizabeth Eastlake, ed. by Charles Eastlake Smith
PR4639 .E26 C6 1826 [Info] Continental Adventures: A Novel (3 volumes; London: Printed for Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1826), by Charlotte A. Eaton
PR4639 .E3 T4 1893 [Info] This Canada of Ours and Other Poems (1893), by J. D. Edgar (multiple formats at
PR4639 .E3 W4 1885 [Info] The White Stone Canoe: a Legend of the Ottawas (Toronto: Toronto News Co., 1885), by J. D. Edgar, illust. by William Daniel Blatchly (multiple formats at

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