Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR5006 .E36" to "PR5021 .M3 P6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PR | Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category) |
PR5006 .E36 | The Egoist: A Comedy in Narrative, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .E8 | Evan Harrington, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .F37 | Farina, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .H6 | The House on the Beach: A Realistic Tale, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .L6 | Lord Ormont and His Aminta, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .M64 | Modern Love, by George Meredith (HTML at Poets' Corner) |
PR5006 .O5 | One of Our Conquerors, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .O65 | The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .R34 | Rhoda Fleming, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .S35 | Sandra Belloni: Originally Emilia in England, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .S46 | The Sentimentalists: An Unfinished Comedy, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .S51 | The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .T7 | The Tragic Comedians: A Study in a Well-Known Story, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5006 .V5 | Vittoria, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5007 .A1 | Poems by George Meredith, by George Meredith |
PR5008 .R4 | A Reading of Life, and Other Poems, by George Meredith (Gutenberg text) |
PR5013 .B377 1912 | Neither Dorking Nor the Abbey (Chicago: Browne's Bookstore, 1912), by J. M. Barrie, contrib. by Thomas Hardy (Gutenberg text) |
PR5014 .T7 1906 | The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith (London: A. Constable and Co., 1906), by George Macaulay Trevelyan |
PR5021 .M3 A65 | The Colour of Life, by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
PR5021 .M3 A67 1914 | Essays (1914 edition), by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
PR5021 .M3 A73 | The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays, by Alice Meynell |
PR5021 .M3 C4 | Ceres' Runaway and Other Essays, by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
PR5021 .M3 C5 | The Children, by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
PR5021 .M3 L28 | Later Poems (London and New York: J. Lane, 1902), by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
PR5021 .M3 P6 | Poems, by Alice Meynell (Gutenberg text) |
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