Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR6013 .A5 F4" to "PR6013 .A5 S5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PR | Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category) |
PR6013 .A5 F4 | The First and the Last, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F4 | Flowering Wilderness (1932), by John Galsworthy (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) |
PR6013 .A5 F5 | Five Tales, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F6 | The Forsyte Saga (1922), by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F6 | The Foundations (An Extravagant Play), by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F7 | Fraternity, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F75 | The Freelands, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 F8 | The Fugitive: A Play in Four Acts, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 I5 | Indian Summer of a Forsyte, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 I55 | The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg texts) |
PR6013 .A5 I7 | The Island Pharisees, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 J6 | Joy: A Play on the Letter "I" in Three Acts, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 J8 | Justice, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 L5 | The Little Dream: An Allegory in Six Scenes, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 L6 | The Little Man, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 L7 | Loyalties, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 M3 | Maid in Waiting (1931), by John Galsworthy (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) |
PR6013 .A5 M39 | The Man of Property, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 M5 | The Mob: A Play in Four Acts, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 O5 1930 | On Forsyte 'Change (1930), by John Galsworthy (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) |
PR6013 .A5 O7 | Over the River (1933), by John Galsworthy (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) |
PR6013 .A5 P3 | The Patrician, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 P5 | The Pigeon: A Fantasy in Three Acts, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 S3 | Saint's Progress, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
PR6013 .A5 S5 | The Silver Box: A Comedy in Three Acts, by John Galsworthy (Gutenberg text) |
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