Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR6035 .O5815 B5" to "PR6037 .A2 B37" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PR | Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category) |
PR6035 .O5815 B5 | Bill the Minder (New York: H. Holt and Co., 1912), by W. Heath Robinson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PR6035 .O669 D3 | Delina Delaney (London: Chatto and Windus, ca. 1936), by Amanda McKittrick Ros (multiple formats at |
PR6035 .O669 I7 | Irene Iddesleigh (Belfast: Printed by W. and G. Baird, 1897), by Amanda McKittrick Ros (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .R12 D5 | The Deuce and All (London: The Equinox, 1910), by George Raffalovich (multiple formats at |
PR6035 .R981 C7 | Croesus, King of Lydia: A Drama (London: printed by R. Folkard and Son, 1902), by L. Gordon Rylands |
PR6035 .U7 A17 | Collected Poems by A.E. (London: Macmillan, 1913), by George William Russell |
PR6035 .U7 A9 | The Avatars: A Futurist Fantasy (by "AE"; New York: Macmillan Co., 1933), by George William Russell (page images at HathiTrust) |
PR6035 .U7 B9 | By Still Waters: Lyrical Poems Old and New (Dundrum: The Dun Emer Press, 1906), by George William Russell |
PR6035 .U7 C3 | The Candle of Vision, by George William Russell |
PR6035 .U7 D5 | The Divine Vision, and Other Poems (New York and London: Macmillan, 1904), by George William Russell |
PR6035 .U7 H7 | The House of the Titans and Other Poems (1934), by George William Russell (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) |
PR6035 .U7 I5 | Imaginations and Reveries, by George William Russell (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .U7 I6 | The Interpreters, by George William Russell |
PR6035 .U7 N8 | The Nuts of Knowledge: Lyrical Poems Old and New, by George William Russell (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .U7 R4 | The Renewal of Youth, by George William Russell (multiple formats at |
PR6035 .U7 Z4 | Printed Writings by George W. Russell (AE): A Bibliography, With Some Notes on His Pictures and Portraits (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1961), ed. by Alan Denson, contrib. by Padraic Colum, Moritz J. Bonn, and Thomas Bodkin (PDF with commentary at Northwestern) |
PR6035 .U7 Z6 | AE (George W. Russell): A Study of a Man and a Nation (from the Irishmen of To-Day series; Dublin and London: Maunsel and Co., 1916), by Darrell Figgis (multiple formats at |
PR6035 .U8 C4 | Christine (1917), by Elizabeth Von Arnim (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .U8 C53 | Christopher and Columbus (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1919), by Elizabeth Von Arnim, illust. by Arthur Litle |
PR6035 .U8 E5 | Elizabeth and Her German Garden, by Elizabeth Von Arnim (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .U8 E6 | The Enchanted April (New York: Pocket Books (Simon and Schuster, Inc.), 1993), by Elizabeth Von Arnim (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) |
PR6035 .U8 P7 | The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight (1905), by Elizabeth Von Arnim (Gutenberg text) |
PR6035 .U8 S65 | The Solitary Summer, by Elizabeth Von Arnim (Gutenberg text) |
PR6037 .A2 B36 | The Banner of the Bull: Three Episodes in the Career of Cesare Borgia (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., n.d.), by Rafael Sabatini (multiple formats at |
PR6037 .A2 B37 | Bardelys the Magnificent, by Rafael Sabatini (Gutenberg text) |
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