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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR9199.2 .H8 I5" to "PR9199.2 .R64 J26" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR9199.2 .H8 I5 [Info] In Bohemia, and Other Studies for Poems (Toronto : W. Briggs, 1900), by Anna Rebecca Hunt (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 .J64 C26 [Info] Canadian Born (Toronto: G. N. Morang and Co., 1903), by E. Pauline Johnson (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
PR9199.2 .J64 F5 [Info] Flint and Feather: The Complete Poems of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake), by E. Pauline Johnson
PR9199.2 .J64 M6 [Info] The Moccasin Maker, by E. Pauline Johnson (Gutenberg text)
PR9199.2 .J64 M6 [Info] Our Legal Heritage: King Aethelbert - King George III, 600 AD-1776 (4th edition, 2002), by S. A. Reilly (Gutenberg text)
PR9199.2 .J64 S4 [Info] The Shagganappi (Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1913), by E. Pauline Johnson
PR9199.2 .K45 H87 [Info] The Huron Chief, by Adam Kidd (HTML with commentary at
PR9199.2 .K53 H8 1830 [Info] The Huron Chief, and Other Poems (1830), by Adam Kidd (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 L198a [Info] Among the Millet and Other Poems (Ottawa: J. Durie & Son, 1888), by Archibald Lampman (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 L198l [Info] Lyrics of Earth (Boston: Copeland and Day, 1895), by Archibald Lampman (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 .L3 S76 [Info] The Story of an Affinity, by Archibald Lampman (HTML with commentary at
PR9199.2 L558a [Info] Antoinette De Mirecourt, Or, Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing: A Canadian Tale (1864), by Mrs. Leprohon (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 M192 Q5 [Info] Quebec Hill, or, Canadian Scenery: A Poem in Two Parts (1797), by J. Mackay (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 .M33 [Info] The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan (Toronto: W.Briggs, 1900), by Alexander McLachlan (multiple formats at
PR9199.2 .M65 V65 1991 [Info] Voyages: Short Narratives of Susanna Moodie (1991), by Susanna Moodie, ed. by John Harry Thurston (PDF with commentary at Ottawa)
PR9199.2.O37 E55 [Info] The Emigrant: A Poem in Four Cantos (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1841), by Standish O'Grady (multiple formats at
PR9199.2.R53 [Info] The Canadian Brothers, Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled: A Tale of the Late American War (Montreal: A.H. Armour and H. Ramsay, 1840), by Major Richardson
PR9199.2.R53 [Info] The Canadian Brothers, Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled: A Tale of the Late American War, by Major Richardson (Gutenberg text)
PR9199.2.R53 T4 [Info] Tecumseh, by Major Richardson (HTML at
PR9199.2.R53 T4 [Info] Tecumseh, Or, The Warrior of the West (London: Printed for R. Glynn, 1828), by Major Richardson (multiple formats at Google)
PR9199.2 .R64 A44 [Info] Allison Bain, by Margaret M. Robertson, illust. by G. H. Edwards (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR9199.2 .R64 C47 [Info] Christie Redfern's Troubles, by Margaret M. Robertson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR9199.2 .R64 D28 [Info] David Fleming's Forgiveness, by Margaret M. Robertson, illust. by G. H. Edwards (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR9199.2 .R64 I6 [Info] The Inglises, by Margaret M. Robertson (Gutenberg text)
PR9199.2 .R64 J26 [Info] Janet's Love and Service (New York: A.D.F. Randolph, 1869), by Margaret M. Robertson

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