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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS1064 .B3 T6" to "PS1082 .B4 S5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PS Literature: American (Go to start of category)
PS1064 .B3 T6 [Info] Toppleton's Client: or, A Spirit in Exile (New York: C. L. Webster, 1893), by John Kendrick Bangs
PS1064 .B3 W3 [Info] The Water Ghost and Others, by John Kendrick Bangs (Gutenberg text)
PS1064 .B3 W6 [Info] The Worsted Man: A Musical Play for Amateurs (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1905), by John Kendrick Bangs
PS1065 .B55 E6 1892 [Info] The End of Time: A Poem of the Future (New York and London: G. Putnam's Sons, 1892), by L. G. Barbour (multiple formats at
PS1065 .B7 B52 1847 [Info] Blackbeard, or, The Pirate of the Roanoke: A Tale of the Atlantic (Boston: F. Gleason, 1847), by Benjamin Barker (HTML and page images at
PS1067 .B2 L15 [Info] L. P. M.: The End of the Great War, by J. Stewart Barney (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .B68 1886 [Info] The Bow of Orange Ribbon (New York: A. D. Porter Co., c1886), by Amelia E. Barr (HTML at Emory)
PS1072 .B68 1893 [Info] The Bow of Orange Ribbon (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., c1893), by Amelia E. Barr, illust. by Theodor Hampe (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS1072 .D38 [Info] A Daughter of Fife (c1886), by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .H2 [Info] The Hallam Succession (New York: Dodd, Mead, c1884), by Amelia E. Barr
PS1072 .K5 [Info] A Knight of the Nets (Toronto, Montreal: C.W. Coates, W. Briggs, c1896), by Amelia E. Barr
PS1072 .M3 [Info] The Maid of Maiden Lane, by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .M36 [Info] The Man Between, by Amelia E. Barr
PS1072 .M5 [Info] The Measure of a Man (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1915), by Amelia E. Barr, illust. by Frank T. Merrill (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS1072 .R45 [Info] Remember the Alamo, by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .S3 [Info] Scottish Sketches (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1898), by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .S7 [Info] The Squire of Sandal-Side: A Pastoral Romance (New York: A. D. Porter Co., 1886), by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text)
PS1072 .W5 [Info] Winter Evening Tales (New York: Christian Herald, 1896), by Amelia E. Barr (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS1074 .B12 G6 [Info] The Gods Give My Donkey Wings (Chicago: Stone and Kimball, 1895), by Angus Evan Abbott
PS1076 .P3 [Info] The Pagans, by Arlo Bates (Gutenberg text)
PS1076 .P45 [Info] The Philistines, by Arlo Bates (Gutenberg text)
PS1076 .P9 [Info] The Puritans, by Arlo Bates (Gutenberg text)
PS1077 .B4 Y4 [Info] Yellow Clover: A Book of Remembrance, by Katharine Lee Bates (page images at MOA)
PS1077 .B6 M2 [Info] Manitou (Indianapolis: Carlon and Hollenbeck, 1881), by Margret Holmes Bates
PS1082 .B4 S5 [Info] Sketches From Life in Dixie (Chicago: Scroll Publishing and Literary Syndicate, 1899), by Samuel Alfred Beadle

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