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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS3097 .D3 1910" to "PS3114 .V78 N6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PS Literature: American (Go to start of category)
PS3097 .D3 1910 [Info] Darius Green and His Flying-Machine (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1910), by J. T. Trowbridge, illust. by Wallace Goldsmith (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3097 .D75 [Info] The Drummer Boy (New York: Hurst and Co., n.d.), by J. T. Trowbridge
PS3097 .F27 [Info] Father Brighthopes: or, An Old Clergyman's Vacation (New York: Hurst and Co., n.d.), by J. T. Trowbridge (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS3097 .L6 [Info] The Lost Earl, With Other Poems and Tales in Verse, by J. T. Trowbridge (page images at MOA)
PS3097 .Y6 [Info] The Young Surveyor: or, Jack on the Prairies (Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1875), by J. T. Trowbridge (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS3100 .T76 V6 [Info] A Voyage to the Moon: With Some Account of the Manners and Customs, Science, and Philosophy, of the People of Morosofia, and Other Lunarians (1827), by George Tucker (Gutenberg text)
PS3100 .T76 V6 1827 [Info] A Voyage to the Moon: With Some Account of the Manners and Customs, Science and Philosophy, of the People of Morosofia, and Other Lunarians (New York: E. Bliss, 1827), by George Tucker
PS3100 .T78 [Info] Poems, by Mary Eliza Perine Tucker (HTML at Michigan)
PS3100 .T8 [Info] Loew's Bridge: A Broadway Idyl, by Mary Eliza Perine Tucker (HTML at Michigan)
PS3101 .P3 1836 [Info] The Partisan Leader: A Tale of the Future (2 volumes in 1, attributed to "Edward William Sidney" and dated 1856, but actually published 1836), by Beverley Tucker (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3101 .P3 1861 [Info] A Key to the Disunion Conspiracy: The Partisan Leader, by Beverly Tucker, of Virginia, Secretly Printed in Washington (in the Year 1836) by Duff Green, for Circulation in the Southern States, But Afterwards Suppressed (New York: Reprinted by Rudd and Carleton, 1861), by Beverley Tucker
PS3101 .P3 1862 [Info] The Partisan Leader: A Novel, and an Apocalypse of the Origin and Struggles of the Southern Confederacy (Richmond: West and Johnston, 1862), by Beverley Tucker, ed. by Thomas A. Ware
PS3104 .T43 H26 [Info] Hansford: A Tale of Bacon's Rebellion (Richmond, VA: G. M. West, 1857), by St. George Tucker (Gutenberg text)
PS3109 .T847 G7 [Info] The Golden Book of Venice: A Historical Romance of the 16th Century, by Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull (Gutenberg text)
PS3112 .T985 S4 [Info] Shenandoah: A Military Comedy in Four Acts (as reprinted in "Representative Plays by American Dramatists"), by Bronson Howard, ed. by Montrose Jonas Moses (Gutenberg text)
PS3114 .V78 A4 [Info] Against Odds: A Detective Story (London et al.: Ward, Lock and Bowden, 1894), by Lawrence L. Lynch (Gutenberg text)
PS3114 .V78 B4 [Info] A Blind Lead: Daring and Thrilling Adventures, Clever Detective Work (Chicago: Laird and Lee, c1912), by Lawrence L. Lynch (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3114 .V78 D3 [Info] Dangerous Ground: or, The Rival Detectives (Chicago: A. T. Loyd and Co., 1886), by Lawrence L. Lynch (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS3114 .V78 D4 [Info] A Dead Man's Step: A Detective Story, by Lawrence L. Lynch (HTML at Emory)
PS3114 .V78 D5 [Info] The Diamond Coterie (Chicago: Henry A. Sumner and Co., 1884), by Lawrence L. Lynch (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
PS3114 .V78 L3 [Info] The Last Stroke: A Detective Story (London et al.: Ward, Lock and Co., n.d.), by Lawrence L. Lynch (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS3114 .V78 M2 [Info] Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter (Chicago: A. T. Loyd and Co., 1888), by Lawrence L. Lynch (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
PS3114 .V78 M65 [Info] Moina: A Detective Story (third edition; London et al.: Ward, Lock, and Co., 1891), by Lawrence L. Lynch
PS3114 .V78 M68 [Info] A Mountain Mystery: or, The Outlaws of the Rockies (Chicago: A. T. Loyd and Co., 1886), by Lawrence L. Lynch (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3114 .V78 N6 [Info] No Proof: A Detective Story (London et al.: Ward, Lock and Bowden, 1895), by Lawrence L. Lynch

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