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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS3179 .W48 A4" to "PS3231 .B8 1883" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PS Literature: American (Go to start of category)
PS3179 .W48 A4 [Info] The African Preacher: An Authentic Narrative (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1849), by William S. White
PS3179 .W5 S48 [Info] The Shadow of John Wallace: A Novel (New York: White, Stokes, and Clarkson, 1884), by L. Clarkson Whitelock (multiple formats at
PS3187 .W2 I3 [Info] An Idyl of the South, by Albery Allson Whitman (HTML at Michigan)
PS3187.W2 N6 [Info] Not a Man, and Yet a Man, by Albery Allson Whitman (HTML at Michigan)
PS3187 .W2 R3 [Info] The Rape of Florida, by Albery Allson Whitman (HTML at Michigan)
PS3200 [Info] The Walt Whitman Archive, by Walt Whitman, ed. by Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, and Kenneth M. Price (HTML at
PS3200 .F32 [Info] The Uncollected Poetry and Prose of Walt Whitman, Much of Which Has Been But Recently Discovered, With Various Early Manuscripts Now First Published (2 volumes; Garden City, NY, and Toronto: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1921), by Walt Whitman, ed. by Emory Holloway (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3201 [Info] Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman (multiple editions)
PS3201 .1855 [Info] Leaves of Grass (1855 edition, with commentary), by Walt Whitman (HTML and page images with commentary at
PS3201 .1882 [Info] Leaves of Grass (1881-82 edition), by Walt Whitman (HTML and page images with commentary at
PS3201 .1890 [Info] Leaves of Grass (based on post-1855 editions), by Walt Whitman
PS3201 .1892 [Info] Leaves of Grass (deathbed edition of 1891-92), by Walt Whitman (HTML and page images with commentary at
PS3201x [Info] Leaves of Grass (multiple editions, with commentary), by Walt Whitman (HTML and page images with commentary at
PS3201 1897 [Info] Leaves of Grass (Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., 1897), by Walt Whitman
PS3202 [Info] Complete Prose Works: Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy, by Walt Whitman (Gutenberg text)
PS3202 [Info] Poet at Work: Recovered Notebooks from the Thomas Biggs Harned Walt Whitman Collection, by Walt Whitman (page images with commentary at LOC)
PS3202 [Info] Prose Works (Philadelphia: David McKay, 1892), by Walt Whitman (HTML at Bartleby)
PS3204 .R67 [Info] Poems by Walt Whitman (ca. 1886), by Walt Whitman, ed. by William Michael Rossetti (Gutenberg text)
PS3211 .A1 [Info] Drum-Taps, by Walt Whitman (Gutenberg text)
PS3220 .A1 [Info] Specimen Days (and other prose works), by Walt Whitman (HTML at Bartleby)
PS3222 .F7 1929 [Info] Franklin Evans, or, The Inebriate: A Tale of the Times (New York: Random House, 1929), by Walt Whitman, ed. by Emory Holloway (multiple formats at
PS3222 .L54 2017 [Info] Life and Adventures of Jack Engle: An Auto-Biography (originally published serially in 1852; reprinted with commentary in Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, 2017), by Walt Whitman, contrib. by Zachary Turpin
PS3222 .T8 1876 [Info] Two Rivulets: Including Democratic Vistas, Centennial Songs, and Passage to India (author's edition; Camden, NJ: The author, 1876), by Walt Whitman (multiple formats at
PS3229 .W39 [Info] Walt Whitman Quarterly Review (partial serial archives)
PS3231 .B8 1883 [Info] Walt Whitman (Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1883), by Richard Maurice Bucke

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