Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PS | Literature: American (Go to start of category) |
PS3523 .E1125 P8 | A Puzzling Pair (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., 1898), by Amy Le Feuvre, illust. by Eveline Lance |
PS3523 .E1125 R67 | Roses (New York: W. B. Ketcham, c1899), by Amy Le Feuvre, illust. by Sydney Cowell (multiple formats at |
PS3523 .E1125 T4 | Teddy's Button, by Amy Le Feuvre (Gutenberg text) |
PS3523 .E1125 T76 | Two Tramps (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., c1903), by Amy Le Feuvre (multiple formats at |
PS3523 .E1125 W42 | What the Wind Did (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1899), by Amy Le Feuvre (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523 .E1125 W55 | Wij en Ons Ezeltje (Dutch translation of "Us and Our Donkey"; The Hague: D. A. Daamen, n.d.), by Amy Le Feuvre, trans. by Silvanus (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523 .E1555 G7 1912 | The Grasshopper Stories (Jacksonville, IL: Henderson and DePew, 1912), by Elizabeth Davis Leavitt, illust. by Maude Dewey Doan (page images at LOC) |
PS3523 .E249 M87 | Mr. Achilles, by Jennette Lee (Gutenberg text) |
PS3523 .E314 R4 | Remember Pearl Harbor (New York: Fine Editions Press, 1943), by Amy Freeman Lee (page images at HathiTrust) |
PS3523 .E3494 B7 1983 | The Brindle Mule: Stories and Poems of the Brushy Mountains (Boone, NC: Appalachian Consortium Press, c1983), by Robert Rosborough Leeper (multiple formats at |
PS3523 .E36 C63 | The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen (Akron, OH, and New York: Saalfield Pub. Co., c1931), contrib. by Félicité Lefèvre, illust. by Fern Bisel Peat (page images at |
PS3523 .E4583 B54 1858 | The Big Time (as published in Galaxy Magazine, 1958), by Fritz Leiber, illust. by Virgil Finlay (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523 .E492 U5 | Uncle William: The Man Who Was Shif'Less, by Jennette Lee (Gutenberg text) |
PS3523 .E575 S45 | Skipping Village: A Town of Not So Very Long Ago (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., 1927), by Lois Lenski |
PS3523 .E62 L9 1920 | The Lynching Bee, and Other Poems (New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1920), by William Ellery Leonard (multiple formats at |
PS3523 .E7 Q8 1902 | Queen Móo's Talisman: The Fall of the Maya Empire (New York: P. Eckler, c1902), by Alice D. Le Plongeon (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523.E751 | The Melody from Mars (New York: Authors' International Pub. Co., 1924), by Violet Lilian Perkins and Archer Leslie Hood (multiple formats at Google) |
PS3523 .E7994 Z7 1995 | An Obsession with Anne Frank: Meyer Levin and the Diary (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995), by Lawrence Graver (frame-dependent HTML at UC Press) |
PS3523 .E82 J4 1921 | Jephthah's Daughter: A Biblical Drama in One Act (New York and London: S. French, c1921), by Elma Ehrlich Levinger (page images at HathiTrust) |
PS3523 .E842 O7 1949 | Opera Guyed (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1949), by Newman Levy, illust. by Rea Irvin (multiple formats at |
PS3523 .E8468 F27 | Faro Nell and Her Friends: Wolfville Stories (New York: G. W. Dillingham Co., c1913), by Alfred Henry Lewis, illust. by W. Herbert Dunton and J. N. Marchand (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523 .E8468 P74 | The President: A Novel (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1904), by Alfred Henry Lewis (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PS3523 .E8468 W6 | Wolfville, by Alfred Henry Lewis (Gutenberg text) |
PS3523 .E8468 W64 | Wolfville Days, by Alfred Henry Lewis (Gutenberg text) |
PS3523 .E8468 W65 | Wolfville Folks (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1908), by Alfred Henry Lewis |