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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS3537 .I85 M3 1925" to "PS3537 .M278 B4 1923" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PS Literature: American (Go to start of category)
PS3537 .I85 M3 1925 [Info] Mammonart: An Essay in Economic Interpretation (Pasadena, CA: The author, c1925), by Upton Sinclair (multiple formats at
PS3537 .I85 M33 [Info] Manassas: A Novel of the War (Pasadena, CA: The author, c1923), by Upton Sinclair (multiple formats at
PS3537 .I85 M4 [Info] The Metropolis, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 M4 F5 [Info] Maailmankaupunki: Romaani ("The Metropolis" in Finnish; 1911), by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 M6 [Info] The Moneychangers, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 M6 [Info] Rahanvaihtajat (The Moneychangers translated into Finnish; 1915), by Upton Sinclair, trans. by Yrjö Sirola (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 N37 [Info] The Naturewoman, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 O5 [Info] 100%: The Story of a Patriot (Pasadena, CA: The author, 1920), by Upton Sinclair
PS3537 .I85 O5 [Info] Oil! (c1927), by Upton Sinclair (HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
PS3537 .I85 O5 F5 [Info] Sadan Prosentin Patricotti ("100%" in Finnish; c1920), by Upton Sinclair
PS3537 .I85 O5 1921 [Info] 100%: Roman Eines Patrioten (in German; Berlin: Malik-Verlag, 1921), by Upton Sinclair, trans. by Hermynia Zur Mühlen, illust. by George Grosz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PS3537 .I85 O6 [Info] On Guard: or, Mark Mallory's Celebration (published under "Lieut. Frederick Garrison" pseudonym; Philadelphia: D. McKay, c1903), by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PS3537 .I85 P55 [Info] The Pot Boiler: A Comedy in Four Acts, by Upton Sinclair, ed. by E. Haldeman-Julius (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 P75 [Info] Prince Hagen, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 P757 [Info] A Prisoner of Morro: or, In the Hands of the Enemy (published under "Ensign Clark Smith" pseudonym; New York: Street and Smith, c1898), by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
PS3537 .I85 S3 [Info] Samuel the Seeker, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 S3 F5 [Info] Etsivä Samuel ("Samuel the Seeker" in Finnish; 1911), by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 S4 [Info] The Second-Story Man, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 S5 [Info] Singing Jailbirds: A Drama in Four Acts (Pasadena: The author, c1924), by Upton Sinclair (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3537 .I85 S8 [Info] Sylvia: A Novel (Philadelphia and Chicago: The J. C. Winston Co., c1913), by Upton Sinclair
PS3537 .I85 S9 [Info] Sylvia's Marriage, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .I85 T57 [Info] They Call Me Carpenter: A Tale of the Second Coming, by Upton Sinclair (Gutenberg text)
PS3537 .M278 A3 1926 [Info] A Manifest Destiny (New York: Brentano's, 1926), by Arthur D. Howden Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3537 .M278 A8 1918 [Info] The Audacious Adventures of Miles Mcconaughy: An Epic of the Merchant Marine (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1918), by Arthur D. Howden Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
PS3537 .M278 B4 1923 [Info] Beyond the Sunset (New York: Brentano's, 1923), by Arthur D. Howden Smith (page images at HathiTrust)

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