Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS3558 .O3437 B56 2011" to "PS3561 .E6675 B38 2008" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PS | Literature: American (Go to start of category) |
PS3558 .O3437 B56 2011 | Blood Prism (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2011), by Edward Haworth Hoeppner (PDF at Ohio State) |
PS3558 .O6337 C3 1985 | Caribbee, by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 L5 | Life Blood (c2000), by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 M6 | The Moghul, by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 P72 | Project Cyclops (c1992), by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 P74 | Project Daedalus (c1991), by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 S25S25 | The Samurai Strategy (c1988), by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O6337 S95 | Syndrome (c2003), by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats) |
PS3558 .O64 B4 | Black Paradise: A Novel (Philadelphia: Dorrance and Co., c1953), by Florenz H. Hough (page images at HathiTrust) |
PS3558 .U356 S4 1992 | Seeds of Light (c1992), by Ira Hughes (HTML at |
PS3560 .O378 D3 | The Dance of the Red Swan, by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA) |
PS3560 .O378 E3 | Eclipse (c1974), by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA) |
PS3560 .O378 T7 | Transparencies and Projections, by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA) |
PS3560 .O378 W5 | Winter Journey, by Halvard Johnson (HTML at CAPA) |
PS3560 .O524772 A65 1951 | The Alien: A Gripping Novel of Discovery and Conquest in Interstellar Space (Galaxy novel #6; New York: World Editions, c1951), by Raymond F. Jones |
PS3560 .O7729 S48 | Shadow of the Serpent: A Coyote Moon Story, by James Joseph (HTML at |
PS3560 .U375 B57 1996 | Bird-Self Accumulated (New York and London: New York University Press, 1996), by Don Judson (HTML with commentary at NYU Press) |
PS3561 .A335 B88 | Butcher Bird (San Francisco: Night Shade Books, c2007), by Richard Kadrey (HTML at |
PS3561 .A335 M48 | Metrophage, by Richard Kadrey (HTML in the UK) |
PS3561 .A4165 J87 | Justice, My Brother, My Sister (originally published 1974 as "Justice My Brother"), by Roberta Kalechofsky (HTML with commentary at |
PS3561 .A4165 M27 | The Martyrdom of Stephen Werner (originally published in 1975 as "Stephen's Passion"), by Roberta Kalechofsky (HTML with commentary at |
PS3561 .E3979 T494 | Three Unusual Scientists: John Keely, Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell: Three One-Act Plays, by Martha Keltz (PDF, text, Word, and RTF at |
PS3561 .E3979 T94 | A Twentieth Century Trilogy, by Martha Keltz (HTML and Word in the UK) |
PS3561 .E4175 B87 2005 | Burn (c2005), by James P. Kelly (multiple formats at |
PS3561 .E6675 B38 2008 | The Baum Plan for Financial Independence, and Other Stories (2008), by John Kessel (multiple formats with commentary at Small Beer Press) |
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