Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PT1812 .A3 W3" to "PT1889 .G6 B5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PT | Literature: Germanic (Go to start of category) |
PT1812 .A3 W3 | Waldfried: A Novel (author's edition; New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1874), by Berthold Auerbach, trans. by Simon Adler Stern |
PT1815 .B3 P3 1804 | Parthenäis: oder, Die Alpenreise (in German; Hamburg and Mainz: G. Vollmer, ca. 1804), by Jens Baggesen, illust. by C. Schule (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT1818 .B42 F4 1822 | Flore und Blanscheflur: Ein Episches Gedicht in Zwölf Gesängen (in German; Berlin: Reimer, 1822), by Sophie von Knorring, ed. by August Wilhelm von Schlegel, contrib. by Konrad Fleck (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT1819 .B4 Z4 1917 | Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer und Heinrich Laube im Briefwechsel: Auf Grund der Originalhandschriften Dargestellt (in German; Berlin: Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte, 1917), by Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer and Heinrich Laube, ed. by Alexander von Weilen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PT1829 .L4 | Lenore, by Göttfried August Bürger, trans. by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (HTML at |
PT1834 | Peter Schlemihl; The Story Without an End; Hymns to Night, by Adelbert von Chamisso, Friedrich Wilhelm Carové, and Novalis, trans. by Sarah Austin and Henry Morley (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 A22 | The Historical Romances of Georg Ebers, by Georg Ebers (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 A42 | An Egyptian Princess, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Eleanor Grove (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 B3 | Barbara Blomberg, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 B3 | In the Blue Pike, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 E56 | The Emperor, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 F8 | The Burgomaster's Wife: A Romance, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 H66 | Homo Sum, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 I6 | In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 N513 | The Bride of the Nile, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 S3 | Serapis, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 S58 | The Sisters, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 U313 | Uarda: A Romance of Ancient Egypt, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 U313 1888 | Uarda: A Romance of Ancient Egypt ("revised, corrected and enlarged from the latest German edition"; 2 volumes; New York: W. S. Gottsberger, 1888), by Georg Ebers, trans. by Clara Bell (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT1851 .E5 W3 | A Word, Only a Word: A Romance, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1851 .E5 Z82 | The Story of My Life from Childhood to Manhood, by Georg Ebers, trans. by Mary J. Safford (Gutenberg text) |
PT1856 .Z5 A33 1907 | Fahrten und Wanderungen der Freiherren Joseph und Wilhelm von Eichendorff (1802-1814) (in German; 1907), by Joseph Eichendorff, ed. by Alfons Nowack |
PT1858 .E4 H36 1891 | Handwerkerlieder (lyrics without music, in German; Bonn: E. Strauss, 1891), by Carmen Sylva |
PT1886 .T6 G47 | The Death of Abel: In Five Books, Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner (fifth edition; London: printed for R. and J. Dodsley et al., 1763), by Salomon Gessner, trans. by Mary Collyer |
PT1889 .G6 B5 | Biarritz: Historisch-Politischer Roman (2 parts in 13 volumes, in German, 1868-1878), by John Retcliffe |
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