Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PT2259 .G7 1875" to "PT2356 .D4 1870" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PT | Literature: Germanic (Go to start of category) |
PT2259 .G7 1875 | Medea: Trauerspiel in Fünf Aufzügen (in German; Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1875), by Franz Grillparzer (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2265 .B8 | Grillparzers Verhältnis zu Shakespeare (dissertation in German; Nuremberg: Printed by H. Lotter, 1916), by Hanns Braun (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PT2281 .G246 B713 1927 | The Bremen Band (adapted from Grimm's Fairy Tales; New York: MacMillan Co, 1927), contrib. by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, illust. by Frank Dobias (page images at |
PT2281 .G614 G4 | Der Genius (4 volumes in German; Halle: J. C. Hendels Verlage, 1791-1794), by Carl Grosse |
PT2285 .W6 E5 | Walladmor: "Freely Translated into German from the English of Sir Walter Scott", and Now Freely Translated from the German into English (2 volumes; London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1825), by Willibald Alexis, trans. by Thomas De Quincey |
PT2291 .H6 | Hymns to the Night (with revised version of the translation), by Novalis, trans. by George MacDonald (HTML with commentary at |
PT2291 .Z5 H6 | Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg): His Life, Thoughts, and Works (Chicago: A.C. McClurg and Co., 1891), by Novalis, ed. by M. J. Hope (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2291 .Z5 O27 1995 | Novalis: Signs of Revolution (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1995), by William Arctander O'Brien (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2293 .L5 E5 | Lichtenstein: A Romance After the German of Wilhelm Hauff, Adapted for English Readers by L. L. Weedon (London: E. Nister; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., ca. 1900), by Wilhelm Hauff and L. L. Weedon, illust. by W. Heath Robinson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PT2294 .H4 A62 | Antinous: A Romance of Ancient Rome (New York: W.S. Gottsberger, 1882), by Adolf Hausrath, trans. by Mary J. Safford (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2296 .Z5 M63 1908 | Hebbel als Lyriker (in German; Cuxhaven: C. Rauschenplat und Sohn, 1908), by Hans Möller |
PT2316 .A4 L3 | Poems and Ballads; To Which is Prefixed a Biographical Sketch of Heine, by Heinrich Heine, trans. by Emma Lazarus (Gutenberg text) |
PT2316 .A8 1913 | Atta Troll (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1913), by Heinrich Heine, trans. by Herman George Scheffauer, contrib. by Oscar Levy, illust. by Willy Pogány |
PT2316 .F5 L4 1891 | Florentine Nights; The Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski; The Rabbi of Bacharach; and Shakespeare's Maidens and Women (first volume of a set of collected works; New York: John W. Lovell Co., 1891), by Heinrich Heine, trans. by Charles Godfrey Leland (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2316 .F5 L4 1906 | Florentine Nights; The Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski; The Rabbi of Bacharach; and Shakespeare's Maidens and Women (first volume of a set of collected works; London: W. Heinemann, 1906), by Heinrich Heine, trans. by Charles Godfrey Leland |
PT2328 .K33 1896 | Aus Heinrich Heine's Ahnensaal (in German; Breslau: S. Schottlaender, 1896), by David Kaufmann |
PT2332 .K33 1884 | The Last Days of Heinrich Heine (London: Remington and Co., 1884), by Elise Krinitz, trans. by Clare Brune (multiple formats at |
PT2332 .K7 1898 | Heinrich Heine's Last Days (London: T. F. Unwin, 1898), by Elise Krinitz, trans. by Mary Thiddall (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT2349 .H53 Z52 | Amalia von Helvigs Bref Till Atterbom (in Swedish; Stockholm: A. Bonnier, 1915), by Amalie von Imhoff von Helvig, ed. by Hedvig Atterbom-Svenson |
PT2356 .A7 1867 | L'Arrabiata, and Other Tales (Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz; et al., 1867), by Paul Heyse, trans. by Mary Wilson (Gutenberg text) |
PT2356 .A713 1894 | At the Ghost Hour: The House of the Unbelieving Thomas (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1894), by Paul Heyse, trans. by Frances A. Van Santford, illust. by Alice C. Morse |
PT2356 .A78 L4 | Gesammelte Werke (36 volumes in German, in various editions but following a 1910 compilation's numbering), by Paul Heyse (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PT2356 .A78 L4 | Selected Stories From the German of Paul Heyse: L'Arrabiata; Beppe, the Star-Gazer; Maria Francisca (Chicago: L. Schick, c1885), by Paul Heyse |
PT2356 .B27 1874 | Barbarossa, and Other Tales (Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz; et al., 1874), by Paul Heyse, trans. by L. C. S. |
PT2356 .D4 1870 | The Dead Lake, and Other Tales (Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz; London: S. Low, Martson, Searle and Rivington, 1870), by Paul Heyse, trans. by Mary Wilson |
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