Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PT5336 .S64 2021" to "PT7221 .E5 N6 1907" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
PT | Literature: Germanic (Go to start of category) |
PT5336 .S64 2021 | Character Constellations: Representations of Social Groups in Present-Day Dutch Literary Fiction (Leuven: Leuven University Press, c2021), by Roel Smeets (PDF with commentary at |
PT5475 .E5 K6 | Modern Dutch Poetry (1955), ed. by Hans Koning (multiple formats at |
PT5600 .A1 G39 | Geschiedenis van een Neger, Zyn Reize met de Heer N.... van Surinamen naar Holland: Haare Aanland'ng, (Door Oorzaak van een Zware Storm) aan een Onbekend Eiland, Beschryving van de Gouvernour an het Zelve, de heer Le Sage (In Dutch; Utrecht: S. de Waal, ca. 1770) |
PT5630 .S44 1680 | Self-Conflict: or, The Powerful Motions Between the Flesh and Spirit, Represented in the Person and Upon the Occasion of Joseph When by Potiphar's Wife he was Enticed to Adultery (London: Printed for R. Sollers, 1680), by Jacob Cats, trans. by John Quarles (HTML at EEBO TCP) |
PT5675 .N5 T5 1939 | Theatre for Worldlings (New York: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1939), by Jan van der Noot, contrib. by William A. Jackson, Louis S. Friedland, Edmund Spenser, Joachim Du Bellay, and Theodore Roest (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT5694 .Z5 A4 1918 | Een Onwaerdeerlycke Vrouw: Brieven en Verzen van en aan Maria Tesselschade (in Dutch; The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1918), by Maria Tesselschade, ed. by J. A. Worp |
PT5716 .E5 V3 | Lucifer: Treurspel (in Dutch), by Joost van den Vondel, contrib. by Lion Simons (Gutenberg text) |
PT5805 .A9 H7 | De Hollandsche Robinson Crusoë: Een Leerzaam en Prettig Verhaal Voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd (in Dutch; Zwolle: W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, ca. 1876), by P. J. Andriessen |
PT5825 .P8 E5 | Psyche (London: Alston Rivers, 1908), by Louis Couperus, trans. by Benjamin Shepherd Berrington, illust. by Dion Clayton Calthrop |
PT5831 .N3 A32 | The Bride of Dreams, by Frederik van Eeden, trans. by Mellie von Auw (Gutenberg text) |
PT5837 .A1 E5 | Poems of 1890: A Selection (London: UCL Press, c2015), by Herman Gorter, trans. by Paul Vincent |
PT6429 .A2 2016 | Poems of Guido Gezelle: A Bilingual Anthology (London: UCL Press, c2016), by Guido Gezelle, ed. by Paul Vincent |
PT6429 .K4 1906 | Bloemlezing uit Guido Gezelle's Gedichten (6th edition, in Dutch; Amsterdam: L. J. Veen, ca. 1915), by Guido Gezelle, ed. by J. Aleida Nijland (Gutenberg text) |
PT6429 .K4 1906 | Kerkhofblommen (in Dutch; Antwerp: De Dederlandsche Boekhandel, 1906), by Guido Gezelle, contrib. by Caesar Gezelle (Gutenberg text) |
PT6429 .L3 | Laatste Verzen (in Dutch; Amsterdam: L. J. Veen, 1913), by Guido Gezelle (Gutenberg text and page images) |
PT6429 .Z57 | Gedichte (in German; Leipzig: Insel, ca. 1916), by Guido Gezelle, trans. by Rudolf Alexander Schröder (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
PT6434 .L6 P38 | The Path of Life, by Stijn Streuvels, trans. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (Gutenberg text) |
PT7096 .K42 | The Heroes of Asgard: Tales From Scandinavian Mythology (New York: Macmillan and Co., 1891), by Annie Keary and Eliza Keary, illust. by L. Huard (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics) |
PT7102 .I7 | Islandica (partial serial archives) |
PT7150 .E4 | A History of Icelandic Literature (originally published 1957; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Stefán Einarsson (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
PT7162 .M2 W3 1938 | The Maiden King in Iceland (1938), by Erik Wahlgren (page images at HathiTrust) |
PT7183 .C56 1982 | The Medieval Saga (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1982), by Carol J. Clover (PDF and EPub with commentary at Cornell Open) |
PT7221 .E5 | The Norse King's Bridal: Translations from the Danish and Old Norse, with Original Ballads (London: A Melrose, 1912), ed. by E. M. Smith-Dampier (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
PT7221 .E5 N6 1906 | The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson and the Younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson (London et al.: Norroena Society, 1906), trans. by Benjamin Thorpe and I. A. Blackwell, contrib. by Snorri Sturluson |
PT7221 .E5 N6 1907 | The Elder Edda of Saemund Sigfusson, and the Younger Edda of Snorre Sturleson (London et al.: Norroena Society, 1907), ed. by Rasmus B. Anderson and James W. Buel, trans. by Benjamin Thorpe and I. A. Blackwell, contrib. by Snorri Sturluson |
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