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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "Q175 .J34345 2019" to "Q175.5 .M362" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
Q175 .J34345 2019 [Info] Leading Your Research Team in Science (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019), by Ritsert C. Jansen (HTML and PDF with commentary at Cambridge University Press)
Q175 .J82 [Info] Soviet Marxism and Natural Science, 1917-1932 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961), by David Joravsky (page images at HathiTrust)
Q175 .N198 [Info] Observation and Theory in Science (originally published 1971; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Ernest Nagel, Sylvain Bromberger, and Adolf Grünbaum, contrib. by Stephen Francis Barker and Maurice Mandelbaum (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE)
Q175 .N225 [Info] Faces of Science (Philadelphia: ISI Press, c1981), by V. V. Nalimov, ed. by Robert Garland Colodny, illust. by Mikhail Zlatkovsky (linked PDF files here at Penn)
Q175 .P36 1900 [Info] The Grammar of Science (second edition, revised and enlarged; London: A. and C. Black, 1900), by Karl Pearson (multiple formats at
Q175 .P5124 1995 [Info] Philosophy of Science and Education: Chinese and European Views (Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, c1995), ed. by Shen Qingsong, Tran Van Doan, and Fritz Wallner (multiple formats at Google)
Q175 .P75 1905 [Info] Science and Hypothesis (London et al.: Walter Scott Pub. Co., 1905), by Henri Poincaré, trans. by W. J. Greenstreet, contrib. by Joseph Larmor (multiple formats at
Q175 .P763 [Info] Science and Method (London et al.: T. Nelson and Sons, ca. 1914), by Henri Poincaré, trans. by Francis Maitland, contrib. by Bertrand Russell (multiple formats at
Q175 .P885 [Info] Science and the Humanities (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1962), by Moody E. Prior (PDF with commentary at Northwestern)
Q175 .R393327 1999 [Info] The Limits of Science (revised edition; Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1999), by Nicholas Rescher (page images at Pitt)
Q175 .S55 [Info] The Animate and the Inanimate (c1925), by William James Sidis (HTML at
Q175 .S62 [Info] The General Science of Nature (Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co., c1958), by Vincent Edward Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
Q175 .T7913 [Info] The Phenomenon of Science (1977), by V. F. Turchin, trans. by Brand Frentz (illustrated HTML with commentary at Principia Cybernetica Web)
Q175 .W58 [Info] The Concept of Nature, by Alfred North Whitehead (Gutenberg text)
Q175 .W6516 [Info] Cybernetics: or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (first edition; New York: J. Wiley and Sons, c1948), by Norbert Wiener (page images at HathiTrust)
Q175.2 .P73 1986 [Info] Little Science, Big Science ...and Beyond (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986), by Derek J. de Solla Price (PDF with commentary at
Q175.3 .I53 1992 [Info] Inference, Explanation, and Other Frustrations: Essays in the Philosophy of Science (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), ed. by John Earman (HTML at UC Press)
Q175.32 .M38 S65 2014 [Info] Category Theory for the Sciences (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press, c2014), by David I. Spivak (illustrated HTML with commentary at MIT Press)
Q175.32 .V35 B76 2020 [Info] Science and Moral Imagination: A New Ideal for Values in Science (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2020), by Matthew J. Brown, contrib. by Kim Stanley Robinson (multiple formats with commentary at
Q175.35 I595 [Info] Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct, by Institute of Medicine (U.S.) (page images with commentary at NAP)
Q175.5 [Info] Guarding the Eye in the Age of Show (2001 edition), by Ivan Illich (PDF at
Q175.5 .A42 2003 [Info] Politicizing Science: The Alchemy of Policymaking, ed. by Michael Gough, contrib. by William Happer, Henry I. Miller, Joseph P. Martino, S. Safe, Bruce N. Ames, Lois Swirsky Gold, Bernard L. Cohen, Patrick J. Michaels, Robert Nilsson, Roger Bate, and S. Fred Singer (PDF files with commentary at Hoover Institution)
Q175.5 .C588 2018 [Info] Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy (London: UCL Press, 2018), ed. by Susanne Hecker, Mordechai Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes Vogel, and Aletta Bonn (PDF with commentary at UCL Press)
Q175.5 .M36 [Info] The Bias of Science (1979), by Brian Martin (HTML and PDF in Australia)
Q175.5 .M362 [Info] Strip the Experts (1991), by Brian Martin (HTML and PDF in Australia)

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