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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA1 .F76" to "QA1 .R369" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QA Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category)
QA1 .F76 [Info] Kyushu Journal of Mathematics (full serial archives)
QA1 .F76 1940 [Info] Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series A: Mathematics (full serial archives)
QA1 .G35 [Info] Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen (in German) (partial serial archives)
QA1 .H3 [Info] Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg (partial serial archives)
QA1 .H572 [Info] Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (and predecessor journals) (full serial archives)
QA1 .I8835 [Info] Internet Mathematics (2004-) (full serial archives)
QA1 .J92 [Info] Journal de Mathématiques Élémentaires (partial serial archives)
QA1 .J958 [Info] Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (partial serial archives)
QA1 .M27 [Info] Le Matematiche (partial serial archives)
QA1 .M426 [Info] The Mathematical Gazette (partial serial archives)
QA1 .M86 [Info] Mathematische Annalen (in German) (partial serial archives)
QA1 .M96 [Info] The Michigan Mathematical Journal (partial serial archives)
QA1 .N2423 [Info] Nagoya Mathematical Journal (partial serial archives)
QA1 .N28 [Info] The Mathematics Teacher (partial serial archives)
QA1 .N3 [Info] Yearbook (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) (partial serial archives)
QA1 .N525 [Info] Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A: Mathematical Sciences (with predecessor publications; 1977-) (full serial archives)
QA1 .N6 [Info] North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (2015-) (full serial archives)
QA1 .N67 [Info] Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures (full serial archives)
QA1 .N83 1919 [Info] Matematisk Tidsskrift A (in Danish) (partial serial archives)
QA1 .O7 1949 [Info] Osaka Mathematical Journal (full serial archives)
QA1 .O72 1950 [Info] Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University, Series A: Mathematics (full serial archives)
QA1 .O72 1961 [Info] Journal of Mathematics, Osaka City University (full serial archives)
QA1 .O72 1964 [Info] Osaka Journal of Mathematics (full serial archives)
QA1 .P3 [Info] Journal de l'École Polytechnique: Mathématiques (in French and English; 2014-) (full serial archives)
QA1 .R369 [Info] Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas (in Spanish; some early content may be unavailable) (partial serial archives)

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