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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA191 .W44 S5 1906a" to "QA241 .B4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QA Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category)
QA191 .W44 S5 1906a [Info] Determinants, by Laenas Gifford Weld (page images at Cornell)
QA195 .D95 [Info] Linear Computations (New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, c1951), by Paul S. Dwyer (page images at HathiTrust)
QA196 .B16 1911a [Info] Quaternions as the Result of Algebraic Operations, by Arthur Latham Baker (page images at Cornell)
QA196 .H22 L4 [Info] Lectures on Quaternions, by William Rowan Hamilton (page images at Cornell)
QA196 .H26 1887a [Info] Elements of Quaternions, by Arthur Sherburne Hardy (page images at Cornell)
QA196 .H36 1896a [Info] A Primer of Quaternions, by Arthur S. Hathaway
QA196 .H65 1894a [Info] The Outlines of Quaternions, by H. W. L. Hime (page images at Cornell)
QA196 .J75 1905a [Info] A Manual of Quaternions, by Charles Jasper Joly (page images at Cornell)
QA196 .M11 U8 1893a [Info] Utility of Quaternions in Physics, by Alex. McAulay (page images at Cornell)
QA201 .D55 1914a [Info] Algebraic Invariants, by Leonard E. Dickson (page images at Cornell)
QA201 .G55 1915a [Info] A Treatise on the Theory of Invariants, by Oliver E. Glenn
QA201 .S95 [Info] Einleitung in die Theorie der Invarianten Linearer Transformationen auf Grund der Vektorenrechnung (only volume published; Braunschweig: F.. Vieweg und Sohn, 1923), by E. Study
QA205 .H99 G7 1906a [Info] Grassmann's Space Analysis, by E. W. Hyde (page images at Cornell)
QA211.D55 E3 1914a [Info] Elementary Theory of Equations, by Leonard E. Dickson (page images at Cornell)
QA211 .T63 1875a [Info] An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations (1875 edition), by I. Todhunter (page images at Cornell)
QA211 .U75 [Info] Theory of Equations (New York et al.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1948), by J. V. Uspensky (page images at HathiTrust)
QA211 .Y73 1843a [Info] Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations of the Higher Orders, by J. R. Young (page images at Cornell)
QA214 .A77 [Info] Galois Theory: Lectures Delivered at the University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures #2; c1942), by Emil Artin, ed. by Arthur N. Milgram (PDF files at Project Euclid)
QA214 .G35 2003 [Info] Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (2003), ed. by Leila Schneps (PDF files with commentary at
QA214 .M12 1916a [Info] The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems, by F. S. Macaulay (page images at Cornell)
QA215 .B85 1833a [Info] A Compendious Tract on the Theory and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, and of Equations of the Higher Orders, by B. Bridge (page images at Cornell)
QA215 .K64 1888a [Info] Lectures on the Ikosahedron and the Solution of Equations of the Fifth Degree, by Felix Klein (page images at Cornell)
QA221 .J3 [Info] The Theory of Approximation (American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications v11; 1930), by Dunham Jackson (page images at HathiTrust)
QA221 .W55 2010 [Info] The Design of Approximation Algorithms (electronic prepublication edition, c2011), by David P. Williamson and David Bernard Shmoys (PDF files with commentary at
QA241 .B4 [Info] An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers, by Peter Barlow (page images at Cornell)

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