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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA76.6 .M3574 1983" to "QA76.625 .W66 1997" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QA Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category)
QA76.6 .M3574 1983 [Info] Machine Language for Beginners: Machine Language Programming for BASIC Language Programmers (1983), by Richard Mansfield (illustrated HTML at
QA76.6 .M3576 1984 [Info] The Second Book of Machine Language (1984), by Richard Mansfield (illustrated HTML at
QA76.6 .M364317 2003 [Info] Embedded Software Development With eCos (2003), by Anthony J. Massa (PDF at
QA76.6 .M52 [Info] Category Theory for Programmers (free online edition), by Bartosz Milewski, ed. by Igal Tabacnik (illustrated HTML and PDF with commentary at and Github)
QA76.6 .M873 2014 [Info] The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development (older editions, mostly published in or before 2014), by Mark L. Murphy (PDF files with commentary at
QA76.6 .N66 1990 [Info] Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory: An Introduction (c1990), by Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, and Jan M. Smith (PDF and Postscript in Sweden)
QA76.6 .N687 1992 [Info] Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (c1992), by Peter Norvig (multiple formats with commentary at Github)
QA76.6 .R47 [Info] The Craft of Programming (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, et al.: Prentice-Hall International, c1981), by John C. Reynolds (PDF at CMU)
QA76.6 .S726 2019 [Info] Elements of Programming (authors' edition; 2019), by Alexander A. Stepanov and Paul McJones (PDF files with commentary at
QA76.6 .V573 2017 [Info] Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2017), by Divakar Viswanath (illustrated HTML at
QA76.6 .W376 [Info] Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration, ed. by Allen Cypher (illustrated HTML at
QA76.6 .W38 [Info] Usborne Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners (London: Usborne Pub., c1983), by Lisa Watts and Mike Wharton, illust. by Naomi Reed and Graham Round (PDF at Usborne and Google)
QA76.6 .W56 2019 [Info] Teaching Tech Together: How to Create and Deliver Lessons That Work and Build a Teaching Community Around Them (free online editions in English and Spanish; c2019), by Greg Wilson (illustrated HTML with commentary at
QA76.62 .P49 [Info] Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial (1992), by Simon L. Peyton Jones and David R. Lester (compressed formats at Microsoft)
QA76.62 .T46 1999 [Info] Type Theory and Functional Programming (c1999), by Simon Thompson (PDF and Postscript with commentary in the UK)
QA76.62 V36 [Info] Clojure Cookbook (open source Github version; originally published 2014), by Luke VanderHart and Ryan Neufeld (HTML with commentary at Github)
QA76.623 .P766 2008 [Info] A Field Guide to Genetic Programming (2008), by Riccardo Poli, W. B. Langdon, and Nicholas F. McPhee, contrib. by John R. Koza (PDF and illustrated HTML with commentary in the UK)
QA76.625 .A55 2006 [Info] Software Engineering for Internet Applications (Cambridge. MA: MIT Press, 2006), by Eve Astrid Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet (HTML at
QA76.625 .C74 2002 [Info] Creating Applications With Mozilla (electronic edition), by David Boswell, Brian King, Brian Oeschger, Pete Collins, and Eric Murphy (HTML at
QA76.625 .G53 2010 [Info] .NET Performance Testing and Optimization: The Complete Guide (c2010), by Paul Glavich and Chris Farrell (PDF with commentary at
QA76.625 .H366 [Info] Beej's Guide to Network Programming, Using Internet Sockets, by Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall (HTML and PDF with commentary at
QA76.625 .M38 2004 [Info] Rapid Application Development with Mozilla, by Nigel McFarlane (zipped PDF at
QA76.625 .M3825 2018 [Info] Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed (Electronic Mediations 56; Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, c2018), by Fenwick McKelvey (illustrated HTML with commentary at
QA76.625 .S66 [Info] Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod (free online editions for various versions), by Michael Snoyman (HTML with commentary at
QA76.625 .W66 1997 [Info] Web Client Programming with Perl (first edition, 1997), by Clinton Wong (illustrated HTML at

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