Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA76.6 .M3574 1983" to "QA76.625 .W66 1997" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
Q | Science (Go to start of category) |
QA | Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category) |
QA76.6 .M3574 1983 | Machine Language for Beginners: Machine Language Programming for BASIC Language Programmers (1983), by Richard Mansfield (illustrated HTML at |
QA76.6 .M3576 1984 | The Second Book of Machine Language (1984), by Richard Mansfield (illustrated HTML at |
QA76.6 .M364317 2003 | Embedded Software Development With eCos (2003), by Anthony J. Massa (PDF at |
QA76.6 .M52 | Category Theory for Programmers (free online edition), by Bartosz Milewski, ed. by Igal Tabacnik (illustrated HTML and PDF with commentary at and Github) |
QA76.6 .M873 2014 | The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development (older editions, mostly published in or before 2014), by Mark L. Murphy (PDF files with commentary at |
QA76.6 .N66 1990 | Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory: An Introduction (c1990), by Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson, and Jan M. Smith (PDF and Postscript in Sweden) |
QA76.6 .N687 1992 | Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp (c1992), by Peter Norvig (multiple formats with commentary at Github) |
QA76.6 .R47 | The Craft of Programming (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, et al.: Prentice-Hall International, c1981), by John C. Reynolds (PDF at CMU) |
QA76.6 .S726 2019 | Elements of Programming (authors' edition; 2019), by Alexander A. Stepanov and Paul McJones (PDF files with commentary at |
QA76.6 .V573 2017 | Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2017), by Divakar Viswanath (illustrated HTML at |
QA76.6 .W376 | Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration, ed. by Allen Cypher (illustrated HTML at |
QA76.6 .W38 | Usborne Introduction to Machine Code for Beginners (London: Usborne Pub., c1983), by Lisa Watts and Mike Wharton, illust. by Naomi Reed and Graham Round (PDF at Usborne and Google) |
QA76.6 .W56 2019 | Teaching Tech Together: How to Create and Deliver Lessons That Work and Build a Teaching Community Around Them (free online editions in English and Spanish; c2019), by Greg Wilson (illustrated HTML with commentary at |
QA76.62 .P49 | Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial (1992), by Simon L. Peyton Jones and David R. Lester (compressed formats at Microsoft) |
QA76.62 .T46 1999 | Type Theory and Functional Programming (c1999), by Simon Thompson (PDF and Postscript with commentary in the UK) |
QA76.62 V36 | Clojure Cookbook (open source Github version; originally published 2014), by Luke VanderHart and Ryan Neufeld (HTML with commentary at Github) |
QA76.623 .P766 2008 | A Field Guide to Genetic Programming (2008), by Riccardo Poli, W. B. Langdon, and Nicholas F. McPhee, contrib. by John R. Koza (PDF and illustrated HTML with commentary in the UK) |
QA76.625 .A55 2006 | Software Engineering for Internet Applications (Cambridge. MA: MIT Press, 2006), by Eve Astrid Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet (HTML at |
QA76.625 .C74 2002 | Creating Applications With Mozilla (electronic edition), by David Boswell, Brian King, Brian Oeschger, Pete Collins, and Eric Murphy (HTML at |
QA76.625 .G53 2010 | .NET Performance Testing and Optimization: The Complete Guide (c2010), by Paul Glavich and Chris Farrell (PDF with commentary at |
QA76.625 .H366 | Beej's Guide to Network Programming, Using Internet Sockets, by Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall (HTML and PDF with commentary at |
QA76.625 .M38 2004 | Rapid Application Development with Mozilla, by Nigel McFarlane (zipped PDF at |
QA76.625 .M3825 2018 | Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed (Electronic Mediations 56; Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, c2018), by Fenwick McKelvey (illustrated HTML with commentary at |
QA76.625 .S66 | Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod (free online editions for various versions), by Michael Snoyman (HTML with commentary at |
QA76.625 .W66 1997 | Web Client Programming with Perl (first edition, 1997), by Clinton Wong (illustrated HTML at |
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