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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA76.9 .A73 K66" to "QA76.9.D3 A6325 2010" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QA Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category)
QA76.9 .A73 K66 [Info] An Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction, by Philip Koopman (PDF files with commentary at CMU)
QA76.9.A73 L48 1984 [Info] Capability-Based Computer Systems (1984), by Henry M. Levy (PDF files at Washington)
QA76.9.A96 C45 2016 [Info] Certified Programming with Dependent Types (latest electronic edition), by Adam Chlipala (PDF and HTML with commentary at
QA76.9.A96 G35 1986 [Info] Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving (revised edition, 2003, with errata for the original edition and other papers), by Jean H. Gallier (PDF and Postscript files here at Penn)
QA76.9 .A96 I47 [Info] Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System (1985), ed. by R. L. Constable (illustrated HTML at Cornell)
QA76.9 .A96 N57 2018 [Info] Concrete Semantics with Isabelle/HOL (2018), by Tobias Nipkow and Gerwin Klein (PDF with commentary at
QA76.9 .B45 [Info] Big Data and Society (2014-) (partial serial archives)
QA76.9 .B45 R53 2018 [Info] The Big Data Agenda: Data Ethics and Critical Data Studies (London: University of Westminster Press, 2018), by Annika Richterich
QA76.9 .B56 J68 [Info] The Journal of the British Blockchain Association (2018-) (full serial archives)
QA76.9.C55 T478 2004 [Info] Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets, by Julian Smart and Kevin Hock, contrib. by Stefan Csomor (PDF at
QA76.9.C55 T478 2004 [Info] Samba-3 by Example: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment (second edition, 2005), by John H. Terpstra (PDF at
QA76.9 .C65 S385 2012 [Info] The Nature of Code (c2012), by Daniel Shiffman, ed. by Shannon Fry, illust. by Zannah Marsh (illustrated HTML with commentary at
QA76.9 .C66 A245 2008 [Info] Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion (2008), by Harold Abelson, Ken Ledeen, and Harry R. Lewis (PDF with commentary at
QA76.9.C66 B52 [Info] Citizens, Computers, and Connectivity: A Review of Trends (1999), by Tora K. Bikson and Constantijn W. A. Panis (PDF files at
QA76.9.C66 G465 [Info] When Things Start to Think (c1999), by Neil A. Gershenfeld (HTML with commentary at
QA76.9 .C66 K45 1996 [Info] Digital Creativity (London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1996), by Owen Kelly (PDF with commentary at
QA76.9 .C66 .M333 2010 [Info] Text and Genre in Reconstruction: Effects of Digitalization on Ideas, Behaviours, Products and Institutions (Cambridge, UK: OpenBook, 2010), ed. by Willard McCarty (page images at Google)
QA76.9 .C66 M3625 [Info] Software Takes Command: Extending the Language of New Media (New York and London: Bloomsbury, c2013), by Lev Manovich (illustrated HTML with commentary at Bloomsbury Collections)
QA76.9 .C66 R39 1996 [Info] Moths to the Flame: The Seductions of Computer Technology, by Gregory J. E. Rawlins (HTML at MIT)
QA76.9 .C66 R62 1997 [Info] Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization, by Gene I. Rochlin (HTML at Princeton)
QA76.9 .C66S67 2013 [Info] Software and Mind: The Mechanistic Myth and its Consequences (Toronto: Andsor books, c2013), by Andrei Sorin (PDF with commentary at
QA76.9 .C66 T34 1995 [Info] The Future Does Not Compute: Transcending the Machines in Our Midst (c1995), by Stephen L. Talbott (HTML with commentary at
QA76.9.D26 M35 1989 [Info] INGRES: Tools for Building an Information Architecture (c1989), by Carl Malamud (page images at HathiTrust)
QA76.9 .D3 A26 1995 [Info] Foundations of Databases (ca. 1995), by S. Abiteboul, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu (PDF with commentary at INRIA)
QA76.9.D3 A6325 2010 [Info] CouchDB: The Definitive Guide (2010; with translations and link to current documentation), by J. Chris Anderson (HTML at

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