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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QC1" to "QC6 .K34" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QB-QE Physical Sciences (Go to start of category)
QC Physics (Go to start of category)
QC1 [Info] New Journal of Physics (1999-) (full serial archives)
QC1 .A56 [Info] Bulletin of the American Physical Society (partial serial archives)
QC1 .A6 [Info] Annalen der Physik (partial serial archives)
QC1 .A65 [Info] Annales de Physique (partial serial archives)
QC1 .B72 [Info] British Journal of Radiology (partial serial archives)
QC1 .D4861 [Info] Berichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (partial serial archives)
QC1 .I53 [Info] Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (partial serial archives)
QC1 .P4 [Info] Physical Review (partial serial archives)
QC1 .P5 [Info] Proceedings of the Physical Society (partial serial archives)
QC1 .P6535 [Info] Physikalische Berichte (in German and English) (partial serial archives)
QC1 .P75 [Info] Physikalische Zeitschrift (1899-1945) (partial serial archives)
QC1 .R414 [Info] Brazilian Journal of Physics (issues online 1997-) (partial serial archives)
QC1 .S3 [Info] SciPost Physics (2016-) (full serial archives)
QC1 .S35 [Info] Anales de la Sociedad Española de Física y Química (in Spanish) (partial serial archives)
QC1 .Z45 [Info] Zeitschrift für Technische Physik (partial serial archives)
QC3 .B8 1725 [Info] The Philosophical Works of The Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.: Abridged, Methodized, and Disposed Under The General Heads of Physics, Statics, Pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine (3 volumes; London: Printed for W. and J. Innys, et al., 1725), by Robert Boyle, ed. by Peter Shaw (page images at HathiTrust)
QC5.45 .A45 1990 [Info] AIP Style Manual (4th edition, c1990), by American Institute of Physics (PDF at
QC6 .E35 [Info] The Meaning of Relativity: Four Lectures Delivered at Princeton University, May, 1921 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1923), by Albert Einstein, trans. by Edwin P. Adams
QC6 .E35 1923 [Info] The Mathematical Theory of Relativity (Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1923), by Arthur Stanley Eddington (Gutenberg PDF and LaTeX)
QC6 .E4 1920 [Info] Space, Time and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1920), by Arthur Stanley Eddington (Gutenberg PDF and LaTeX)
QC6 .E42 [Info] The Theory of Relativity and its Influence on Scientific Thought (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1922), by Arthur Stanley Eddington (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
QC6 .E54 [Info] Relativity: The Special and General Theory, by Albert Einstein, trans. by Robert W. Lawson
QC6 .E54 1920 [Info] Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition (third edition; London: Methuen and Co., c1920), by Albert Einstein, trans. by Robert W. Lawson (multiple formats at
QC6 .E54 1922 [Info] Vier Vorlesungen uber Relativitätstheorie Gehalten im Mai 1921 an der Universität Princeton (in German; Braunschweig: Friedr. Vieweg & Son, 1922), by Albert Einstein (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
QC6 .K34 [Info] An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity (originally published 1964), by Robert Katz (PDF at

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