Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QC981.8 .G56 G5812 1997" to "QD1 .A732" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
Q | Science (Go to start of category) |
QB-QE | Physical Sciences (Go to start of category) |
QC | Physics (Go to start of category) |
QC981.8 .G56 G5812 1997 | Global Warming: The Science and the Politics (Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 1997), ed. by Laura Jones (illustrated HTML at |
QC981.8.G56 M46 1999 | The Greening of Global Warming (Washington: AEI Press, 1999), by Robert O. Mendelsohn (PDF with commentary at AEI) |
QC981.8.G56 P37 1994 | Climate Treaties and Models: Issues in the International Management of Climate Change (1994), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton) |
QC981.8 .G56 W48 2015 | Why Scientists Disagree on Global Warming (Arlington Heights, IL: Pub. for the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change by the Heartland Institute, c2015), by Craig D. Idso, R. M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer (PDF with commentary at |
QC982 .H51 1904 | Katalog Bemerkenswerter Witterungsereignisse von den Ältesten Zeiten bis zum Jahre 1800 (in German; Berlin: A. Asher, 1904), by Richard Hennig |
QC983 .A2 | Monthly Weather Review (partial serial archives) |
QC983 .C5172 2001 | Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (overview and foundation reports, 2001), by National Assessment Synthesis Team (U.S.) (HTML and PDF files with commentary at |
QC984.N9 J46 | Climate of North Dakota, by Ray E. Jensen (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine) |
QC988 .B6 L2 | Boletín del Observatorio Meteorológico, by Sociedad Geográfica de La Paz (partial serial archives) |
QC989 .G7 A5 | Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great Britain: Chronicled From the Earliest to the Present Time (London: G. Redway, 1887), by William Andrews |
QC989 .G7 L8 1820 | The Climate of London, Deduced From Meteorological Observations, Made at Different Places in the Neighbourhood of the Metropolis (2 volumes; London: W. Phillips, et al., 1818-1820), by Luke Howard (page images at HathiTrust) |
QC990 .S8 J5 | Meteorological Observations at Jerusalem (London: Pub. by the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, ca. 1902), by James Glaisher (multiple formats at |
QC994.8 .H37 2004 | Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (2004), by Susan Hassol (PDF files in Norway) |
QC995 .G7 | Weather Predicting by Astro-Meteorology (Alan Leo's Astrological Manuals #14; London: 'Modern Astrology' office, L. N. Fowler and Co., 1912), by H. S. Green (multiple formats at Google) |
QC995 .L75 | Reading the Weather (c1915), by T. Morris Longstreth (HTML at |
QC995 .W38 1940 | Forecasting From Synoptic Weather Charts (USDA Miscellaneous Publication #236, revised 1940), by Richard Hanson Weightman |
QC996 .F68 1991 | Four-Dimensional Model Assimilation of Data: A Strategy for the Earth System Sciences (1991), by National Research Council Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources (page images with commentary at NAP) |
QC998 .I63 | Weather Lore: A Collection of Proverbs, Sayings, and Rules Concerning the Weather (London: W. Tweedie, 1869), ed. by Richard Inwards (page images at HathiTrust) |
QD | Chemistry (Go to start of category) |
QD1 .A3529 | Aldrichimica Acta (1968-) (full serial archives) |
QD1 .A4 | American Chemical Journal (full serial archives) |
QD1 .A5 | Journal of the American Chemical Society (partial serial archives) |
QD1 .A51 | Chemical Abstracts (partial serial archives) |
QD1 .A5635 | Chemical Reviews (partial serial archives) |
QD1 .A7 | Annales de Chimie et de Physique (full serial archives) |
QD1 .A732 | Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (partial serial archives) |
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