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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QD476 .R58" to "QD603 .C7 N3 1960" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QB-QE Physical Sciences (Go to start of category)
QD Chemistry (Go to start of category)
QD476 .R58 [Info] Notes on Molecular Orbital Calculations (New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1961), by John D. Roberts (PDF at Caltech)
QD501 .D366 [Info] Chemical Dynamics (1968), by Joseph B. Dence, Harry B. Gray, and George S. Hammond (PDF with commentary at Caltech)
QD505 .N363 [Info] Catalysis Looks to the Future (1992), by National Research Council Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology (page images with commentary at NAP)
QD549 .C6 [Info] Colloid Symposium Monograph (partial serial archives)
QD553 .N37 1986 [Info] New Horizons in Electrochemical Science and Technology (1986), by National Research Council National Materials Advisory Board (page images with commentary at NAP)
QD591 .R6 [Info] Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Applications to Organic Chemistry (1959), by John D. Roberts (PDF with commentary at Caltech)
QD601 .L4 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Rubidium, by G. W. Leddicote (PDF at
QD601 .M63 [Info] The Radiochemistry of the Rare Gases, by Floyd F. Momyer (PDF at
QD601 .O9 [Info] Basic Concepts of Nuclear Chemistry (New York: Reinhold Pub. Corp.; London: Chapman and Hall, c1963), by Ralph T. Overman (page images at HathiTrust)
QD601 .S82 [Info] Low-Level Radiochemical Separations, by Thomas Tamotsu Sugihara (PDF at
QD602.4 M36 [Info] Recent Radiochemical Separation Procedures for As, At, Be, Mg, Ni, Ru, and Se, by K. B. Marsh (PDF at
QD603 .A3 S85 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Silver, by Duane Neuman Sunderman and Charles William Townley (PDF at
QD603 .A4 L4 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Aluminum and Gallium, by John E. Lewis (PDF at
QD603 .A5 P46 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Americium and Curium, by Robert Allen Penneman and T. K. Keenan (PDF at
QD603 .A7 B4 [Info] Radiochemistry of Arsenic, by Harold C. Beard and J. G. Cuninghame (PDF at
QD603 .A8 A66 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Astatine, by Evan H. Appelman (PDF at
QD603 .A9 E5 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Gold, by J. F. Emery and G. W. Leddicote (PDF at
QD603 .B2 S96 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium, and Strontium, by Duane Neuman Sunderman and Charles William Townley (PDF at
QD603 .B4 F35 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Beryllium, by A. W. Fairhill (PDF at
QD603 .B5 B2 [Info] Radiochemistry of Bismuth, by Kashinath S. Bhakti (PDF at
QD603 .B55 H5 [Info] The Radiochemistry of the Transcurium Elements, by Gary Hoyt Higgins (PDF at
QD603 .C1 H83 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen, by J. Hudis (PDF at
QD603 .C3 D48 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Cadmium, by James R. DeVoe (PDF at
QD603 .C6 B3 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Cobalt, by Lamont C. Bate and G. W. Leddicote (PDF at
QD603 .C7 N3 1960 [Info] The Radiochemistry of Chromium (1960), by J. Pijck (PDF at

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