Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QK645 .H3" to "QK882 .C29" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
Q | Science (Go to start of category) |
QH-QR | Biological Sciences (Go to start of category) |
QK | Botany (Go to start of category) |
QK645 .H3 | Die Scheitelzellgruppe im Vegetationspunkt der Phanerogamen (journal reprint in German; ca. 1868), by Johannes Ludwig Emil Robert von Hanstein (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK647 .K3 | Anatomical Characters and Identification of Formosan Woods with Critical Remarks from the Climatic Point of View, with 300 Micrographs (Taihoku, Taiwan: Bureau of Productive Industries, Government of Formosa, 1921), by Ryozō Kanehira |
QK649 .C42 | On the Relation of Phyllotaxis to Mechanical Laws (London: Williams and Norgate, 1904), by A. H. Church (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK649 .C45 | On the Interpretation of Phenomena of Phyllotaxis (Botanical Memoirs #6; London et al.: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1920), by A. H. Church (multiple formats at |
QK661 .M37 1961 | Seed Identification Manual (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961), by Alexander C. Martin and William D. Barkley (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK667 .C85 | The Phylogeny of Angiosperms (offprint; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1903), by John Merle Coulter (multiple formats at Indiana) |
QK671 .M12 | The Botanical Atlas: A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants, Containing Representatives of the Leading Forms of Plant Life, With Explanatory Letterpress (2 volumes; New York: The Century Co., 1883), by Daniel McAlpine |
QK710 .R48 | Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology (partial serial archives) |
QK725 .M66 | Nouvelles Notes sur le Cambium (reprinted from Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, in French; Paris: Gide, 1839), by C.-F. Brisseau-Mirbel (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK725 .M75 1977 | The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977), ed. by H. Smith (HTML at UC Press) |
QK728 | BMC Plant Biology (2001-) (full serial archives) |
QK731 .P94 2004 | The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (free electronic edition, c2004), by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer |
QK745 .G55 | Principles and Methods of Tree-Ring Analysis (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #486, 1937), by Waldo S. Glock, contrib. by A. E. Douglass and G. A. Pearson (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK751 .B6 | Kohlensäure und Pflanzenwachstum (in German; Berlin: P. Parey, 1920), by Felix Bornemann (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK757 .C5 | Colonial Formation of Unicellular Green Algae Under Various Light Conditions (Smithsonian Miscellanous Collections v92 #5 (publication 3256); Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1934), by Florence E. Meier (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK757 .R22 | Radiation Botany (partial serial archives) |
QK771 .D22 | The Power of Movement in Plants, by Charles Darwin, contrib. by Francis Darwin |
QK771 .G6 | Anthokinetics: The Physiology and Ecology of Floral Movements (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #420; 1932), by Glenn W. Goldsmith and A. L. Hafenrichter (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK773 .D3 | The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants, by Charles Darwin |
QK861 .G5 1943 | The Chemistry of Plant Constituents (revised edition; Minneapolis: Burgess Pub. Co., 1943), by Ole Gisvold and Charles H. Rogers (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK870 .B68 1995 | Measuring the Water Status of Plants and Soils (San Diego: Academic Press, c1995), by John S. Boyer (PDF files at Delaware) |
QK870 .K72 1995 | Water Relations of Plants and Soils (San Diego: Academic Press, c1995), by Paul J. Kramer and John S. Boyer (PDF files at Delaware) |
QK871 .M285 | The Pneumatic System of Plants, Especially Trees (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #441; 1933), by Daniel Trembly MacDougal and Earl B. Working (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK873 .M3 | Studies of Evaporation and Transpiration Under Controlled Conditions (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #550; 1943), by Emmett Martin (page images at HathiTrust) |
QK882 .C29 | The Photosynthesis of Carbon Compounds (New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1962), by Melvin Calvin and James Alan Bassham (multiple formats at |
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