Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QL684 .F6 W74" to "QL690 .G3 F57 1897" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
Q | Science (Go to start of category) |
QH-QR | Biological Sciences (Go to start of category) |
QL | Zoology (Go to start of category) |
QL684 .F6 W74 | The Birds of the Everglades, and Their Neighbors, the Seminole Indians (Florida edition; Tampa: Tampa Tribune Pub. Co., 1920), by Minnie Moore-Willson (Javascript-dependent page images at |
QL684 .H3 F67 | Forest Bird Communities of the Hawaiian Islands: Their Dynamics, Ecology, and Conservation (1986), by J. Michael Scott, Stephen Mountainspring, Fred L. Ramsey, and Cameron B. Kepler (PDF at |
QL684 .I5 B8 | The Birds of Indiana, With Illustrations of Many of the Species, by Amos W. Butler (multiple formats at |
QL684 .K4 F5 | Birds of Kentucky (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 1945), by J. D. Figgins, ed. by W. D. Funkhouser (page images at HathiTrust) |
QL684 .M5 P39 1983 | A Distributional Checklist of the Birds of Michigan (1983), by Robert B. Payne (PDF at Michigan) |
QL684 .M5 W6 | The Birds of Michigan (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1951), by Norman Asa Wood (PDF at Michigan) |
QL684 .N2 | Birds of the Central Platte River Valley and Adjacent Counties (Lincoln, NE: Zea Books, 2013), by Mary Bomberger Brown and Paul A. Johnsgard (PDF with commentary at |
QL684.N2 B78 | Some Notes on Nebraska Birds (1896), by Lawrence Bruner (illustrated HTML at |
QL684 .N2 P52 1981 | The Platte River Ecology Study: Special Research Report (1981), by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (PDF at |
QL684 .N3 L5 | The Birds of Nevada (1936), by Jean M. Linsdale (PDF at |
QL684.N7 E3 | Birds of New York (2 parts; Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1910-1914), by Elon Howard Eaton (page images at HathiTrust) |
QL684 .N9 S73 | Breeding Birds of North Dakota, by Robert E. Stewart (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine) |
QL684 .N9 W6 | A Preliminary Survey of the Bird Life of North Dakota (1923), by Norman Asa Wood (PDF at Michigan) |
QL684 .O3 S96 1996 | Nesting Ecology and Nesting Habitat Requirements of Ohio's Grassland-Nesting Birds: A Literature Review (1996), by David Anthony Swanson (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine) |
QL684 .O3 T7 | The Birds of Buckeye Lake, Ohio (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1940), by Milton B. Trautman (PDF at Michigan) |
QL684 .O6 M54 1983 | Migratory Bird Populations and Habitat Relationships in Malheur-Harney Lakes Basin, Oregon (Portland, OR: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Ecological Services, Portland Field Office, 1983), by Sherry K. Horton, Carroll D. Littlefield, David G. Paullin, and Roger E. Vorderstrasse (page images at HathiTrust) |
QL684 .T4 V3 | The Birds of Brewster County, Texas (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1937), by Josselyn Van Tyne and George Miksch Sutton (PDF at Michigan) |
QL684 .W6 S36 1997 | Managing Habitat for Grassland Birds: A Guide for Wisconsin (Madison, WI: Dept. of Natural Resources, Bureau of Integrated Science Services, 1997), by David W. Sample and Michael J. Mossman (page images at HathiTrust) |
QL685 .B7 | Catalogue of British Columbia Birds (1904), by British Columbia Provincial Museum and Francis Kermode (Gutenberg text) |
QL686 .B7 | Birds From the Gulf Lowlands of Southern Mexico (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1943), by Pierce Brodkorb (PDF at Michigan) |
QL686 .F75 | Distributional Check-List of the Birds of Mexico, ed. by Alden H. Miller, Herbert Friedmann, Ludlow Griscom, and Robert T. Moore |
QL687 .S547 | Life Histories of Central American Birds (3 parts, 1954-1969), by Alexander F. Skutch |
QL687 .V3 | The Birds of Northern Petén, Guatemala (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1935), by Josselyn Van Tyne (PDF at Michigan) |
QL688 .H2 C7 | The Birds of Haiti and San Domingo (Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1885), by Charles B. Cory |
QL690 .G3 F57 1897 | Katalog der Vögel Badens: Systematische Zusammenstellung Sämmtlicher bis jetzt im Grossherzogthum Baden beobachteten Vögel (in German; Karlsruhe: G. Braunschen Hofbuchhandlung, 1897), ed. by Leopold Fischer |
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