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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "R489 .O7 C8" to "R722.32 .S93 A4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
R Medicine (Go to start of category)
R489 .O7 C8 [Info] The Life of Sir William Osler (2 volumes; Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1925), by Harvey Cushing (page images at HathiTrust)
R498.9 .A88 A3 1911 [Info] Recollections of an Irish Doctor (London: Religious Tract Society, 1911), by Lombe Atthill (multiple formats at
R507 .L193 W46 1992 [Info] La Mettrie: Medicine, Philosophy, and Enlightenment (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1992), by Kathleen Anne Wellman (page images at HathiTrust)
R605 .C7 [Info] A History of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913 (2 volumes; London: W. Thacker and Co.; Kolkata and Shimla: Thacker, Spink and Co., 1914), by D. G. Crawford (page images at HathiTrust)
R614 .B8 [Info] De Geneesheer in Nederlandsch-Indië (3 volumes, in Dutch; Batavia: Ernst and Co., 1883-1887), by Cornelis Leendert van der Burg
R683 .H3 H3 [Info] Outline of Hawaiian Physical Therapeutics (Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin #126; Honolulu: The Museum, 1934), by E. S. Craighill Handy, Mary Kawena Pukui, and Katherine Livermore (page images at HathiTrust)
R692 [Info] The Medical Education of Women: A Lecture (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1895), by Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (multiple formats at
R692 .B63 [Info] Medicine as a Profession for Women (New York: New York Infirmary for Women, 1860), by Elizabeth Blackwell and Emily Blackwell (multiple formats at
R692 .C38 1994 [Info] Caring and Curing: Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, c1994), ed. by Dianne Dodd and Deborah Gorham
R692 .J48 [Info] Medical Women: A Thesis and a History (1886), by Sophia Jex-Blake (page images at Drexel)
R692 .L57 1900 [Info] Histoire des Femmes Médecins Depuis l'Antiquité Jusqu'à Nos Jours (in French; Paris: G. Jacques et cie., 1900), by Mélina Lipinska
R692 .M38 1938 [Info] A History of Women in Medicine, From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century (only volume published of a projected larger work; Haddam, CT: Haddam Press, 1938), by Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead (page images at HathiTrust)
R693 .B35 1994 [Info] Balancing the Scales of Opportunity: Ensuring Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Health Professions, ed. by Marion Ein Lewin and Barbara Rice (page images with commentary at NAP)
R702 .A5 1896 [Info] The Doctor in History, Literature, Folklore, Etc. (Hull: W. Andrews and Co.; London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, and Co., 1896), ed. by William Andrews
R705 .T7 [Info] The Elephant Man, and Other Reminiscences (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1923), by Frederick Treves (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
R706 .G69 [Info] Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle
R706 .M6 [Info] Curiosities of Medical Experience (second edition; London: R. Bentley, 1839), by J. G. Millingen (multiple formats at
R713.01 .C3 [Info] Canadian Medical Directory (partial serial archives)
R713.29 .M4 [Info] The Medical Directory (partial serial archives)
R722 .G72 1888 [Info] Medical Work of the Woman's Foreign Mission Society: Methodist Episcopal Church (Boston: Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1888), by Annie Ryder Gracey (page images at Drexel)
R722 .H3 1940 [Info] Doctor in Arabia (New York: John Day Co., c1940), by Paul W. Harrison (page images at HathiTrust)
R722 .L27 [Info] A Doctor Without a Country (New York et al.:: F. H. Revell Co., c1939), by Thomas A. Lambie, contrib. by Howard A. Kelly (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
R722 .S45 [Info] Waste-Basket Surgery (Philadelphia et al.: Judson Press, 1930), by Gordon Stifler Seagrave (page images at HathiTrust)
R722.32 .J54 A34 [Info] Call Mama Doctor: African Notes of a Young Woman Doctor (1979), by Louise Jilek-Aall (illustrated HTML at
R722.32 .S93 A4 [Info] A Glimpse of India: Being a Collection of Extracts from the Letters of Dr. Clara A. Swain (New York: James Pott and Company, 1909), by Clara A. Swain (page images at Drexel)

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