Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "S95 .E2" to "S441 .T58 2010" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
S | Agriculture (Go to start of category) |
S95 .E2 | The Apples of New York (2 volumes; Albany : J.B. Lyon Co., 1905), by S. A. Beach, contrib. by N. O. Booth and O. M. Taylor |
S95 .E3 | Annual Report of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, by Cornell University (partial serial archives) |
S101 .A2 | Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, by Ohio State Board of Agriculture (partial serial archives) |
S121 .E2 | Annual Report of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, by Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station (partial serial archives) |
S235 .E25 | Annali della R. Stazione Sperimentale di Agrumicoltura e Frutticoltura in Acireale (in Italian) (partial serial archives) |
S294 .N67 P76 1978 | Conservation and Development in Northern Thailand, ed. by Jack D. Ives, Sanga Sbhasri, and Pisit Voraurai (HTML at UNU Press) |
S339 .A6 | Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge (partial serial archives) |
S381 .A35 | Bulletin (New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research) (partial serial archives) |
S403 .P76 | Travels of a Philosopher: or, Observations on the Manners and Arts of Various Nations in Africa and Asia (Augusta: Reprinted by P. Edes, 1797), by Pierre Poivre (HTML at Evans TCP) |
S407 .B4 | Plain and Pleasant Talk about Fruits, Flowers and Farming, by Henry Ward Beecher (page images at MOA) |
S413 .P37 | The Farmer's Land-Measurer, or Pocket Companion (New York: C. M. Saxton, 1856), by James Pedder (page images at MOA) |
S417 .B36 B7 | Big Hugh, the Father of Soil Conservation (New York: Macmillan, 1951), by Wellington Brink, contrib. by Louis Bromfield (page images at HathiTrust) |
S417.C3 M4 | From Captivity to Fame: or, The Life of George Washington Carver (Boston, MA: Meador Pub. Co., c1929), by Raleigh H. Merritt (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) |
S417 .L4 C68 | Daniel Lee, Agriculturist: His Life North and South (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, c1972), by E. Merton Coulter (PDF at Georgia) |
S417 .M43 W47 2008 | The Queen of American Agriculture: A Biography of Virginia Claypool Meredith (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, c2008), by Fred Whitford, Andrew G. Martin, and Phyllis Mattheis (multiple formats with commentary at |
S431 .D23 | Lectures on Roman Husbandry, Delivered Before the University of Oxford: Comprehending Such an Account of the System of Agriculture, the Treatment of Domestic Animals, the Horticulture &c., Pursued in Ancient Times (Oxford: Printed by J. Wright, et al., 1867), by Charles Daubeny (multiple formats at |
S441 .A15 1936 | Report of the Great Plains Drought Area Committee (1936), by Great Plains Drought Area Committee, contrib. by Morris Llewellyn Cooke (page images at HathiTrust) |
S441 .A358 | Agriculture Fact Book, 2001-2002, by United States Department of Agriculture (PDF at Wayback Machine) |
S441 .C79 | Bulletin From the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (partial serial archives) |
S441 .C791 | Bulletin From the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (partial serial archives) |
S441 .I48 1982 | Impacts of Technology on U.S. Cropland and Rangeland Productivity (1982), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment |
S441 .M13 | Food From the Far West: or, American Agriculture, With Special Reference to Beef Production and Importation of Dead Meat from America to Great Britain (London and Edinburg: W. P. Nimmo, 1878), by James Macdonald (page images at Cornell) |
S441 .M87 | How to Get a Farm, and Where to Find One: Showing That Homesteads May be Had by Those Desirous of Securing Them, With the Public Law on the Subject of Free Homes, and Suggestions From Practical Farmers (New York: J. Miller, 1864), by Edmund Morris |
S441 .P47 2007 | Perspectives on 21st Century Agriculture: A Tribute to Walter J. Armbruster (Oak Brook, IL: Farm Foundation, c2007), ed. by Ronald D. Knutson, Sharron D. Knutson, and David P. Ernstes (PDF at AgEcon Search) |
S441 .T58 2010 | Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century (2010), by National Research Council Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources (multiple formats at NAP) |
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