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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "SB321 .F8" to "SB355 .K3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
S Agriculture (Go to start of category)
SB Plant Culture (Go to start of category)
SB321 .F8 [Info] War Gardens: A Pocket Guide for Home Vegetable Growers (New York: Harper and Bros., 1918), by Montague Free (page images at Wisconsin)
SB321 .M28 [Info] Victory Gardens: Handbook of the Victory Garden Committee, War Services, Pennsylvania State Council of Defense (1944), by Warren Bryan Mack, Helen Marshall Eliason, and Pauline Beery Mack, contrib. by Edward Martin and Marion Margery Scranton (multiple formats at
SB321 .R6 [Info] Home Vegetable Gardening: A Complete and Practical Guide to the Planting and Care of All Vegetables, Fruits and Berries Worth Growing For Home Use, by F. F. Rockwell (Gutenberg text)
SB321 .S4 1917 [Info] Everyman's Garden in Wartime (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1917), by Charles A. Selden (page images at Wisconsin)
SB321 .S64 1913 [Info] The Profitable Culture of Vegetables for Market Gardeners, Small Holders, and Others (London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1913), by Thomas Smith (multiple formats at
SB321 .S644 [Info] Gardening Without Irrigation: Or Without Much, Anyway, by Steve Solomon
SB321 .T62 [Info] A Manual of Vegetable Plants (Factoryville, PA: Tillinghast Bros., 1878), by Isaac F. Tillinghast (page images at Cornell)
SB321.5 .R32 [Info] A Treatise on Gardening: By a Citizen of Virginia, John Randolph, Jr. (1727-1784), Reprinted from the American Gardener of John Gardiner and David Hepburn, Third Edition, 1826 (Richmond: Reprinted by Appeals Press for the William Parks Club, 1924), by John Randolph, ed. by Marjorie Fleming Warner (page images at HathiTrust)
SB321.5 .W3 1910 [Info] Truck Farming in the Everglades (c1910), by Walter Waldin
SB323 .M26 1908 [Info] The French Garden: A Diary and Manual of Intensive Cultivation (London: Associated Newspapers, Ltd., 1908), by C. D. McKay
SB323 .M26 1909 [Info] The French Garden in England: A Diary and Manual of Intensive Cultivation (London: The Daily Mail, ca. 1909), by C. D. McKay (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
SB323 .P6413 1905 [Info] The Vegetable Garden: Illustrations, Descriptions and Culture of the Garden Vegetables of Cold and Temperate Climates (English edition; New York: Dutton and Co., 1905), by Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie., ed. by W. Robinson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
SB323 .P6413 1920 [Info] The Vegetable Garden: Illustrations, Descriptions and Culture of the Garden Vegetables of Cold and Temperate Climates (third English edition; New York: Dutton and Co., 1920), by Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie., ed. by W. Robinson, contrib. by W. P. Thomson (multiple formats at
SB323 .S45 [Info] French Gardening (London: J. Fels, Utopia Press, 1909), by Thomas Smith, contrib. by Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin, illust. by A. Garrett (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
SB324.73 [Info] Vegetables and Fruits: A Guide to Heirloom Varieties and Community-Based Stewardship (3 volumes, 1998), by Suzanne DeMuth (HTML at
SB331 .L87 1912 [Info] Cabbage and Cauliflower for Profit (Philadelphia: W. A. Burpee and Co., 1912), by J. M. Lupton (page images at HathiTrust)
SB349 .L78 1998 [Info] Livingston and the Tomato (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1998), by A. W. Livingston, ed. by Andrew F. Smith (PDF at Ohio State)
SB351 .H5 C63 1939 [Info] Magic Gardens: A Modern Chronicle of Herbs and Savory Seeds (New York: Macmillan, 1939), by Rosetta E. Clarkson (page images at HathiTrust)
SB351 .H5 E83 1937 [Info] Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets (Brooklyn: Pub. by the Women's Auxiliary, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1937), by John Evelyn, contrib. by Helen Morgenthau Fox (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
SB351 .H5 K25 [Info] Old-Time Herbs for Northern Gardens (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1938), by Minnie Watson Kamm (page images at HathiTrust)
SB354 .M65 [Info] Bulletin (Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station) (partial serial archives)
SB354.3 .D48 1902 [Info] Bericht über die Verhandlungen der XVI. Allgemeinen Versammlung Deutscher Pomologen und Obstzüchter, und der Generalversammlung des Deutschen Pomologen-Vereins in Stettin, vom 2-4 Oktober 1902 (in German; Stettin: Buchdruckerei der "Pommerschen Reichspost", 1903)
SB355 .E47 [Info] Hand-Book for Fruit Growers: Containing a Short History of Fruits and Their Value, Instructions as to Soils and Locations, How to Grow From Seeds, How to Bud and Graft, the Making of Cuttings, Pruning, Best Age for Transplanting, Etc., Etc.; With a Condensed List of Varieties Suited to Climate (Rochester, NY: D. M. Dewey, 1876), by F. R. Elliott (page images at Cornell)
SB355 .G73 1877 [Info] How to Raise Fruits: A Handbook of Fruit-Culture (New York: S. R. Wells and Co., 1877), by Thomas Gregg (page images at Cornell)
SB355 .K3 [Info] Home Fruit Grower (New York: A. T. De La Mare, 1918), by M. G. Kains (multiple formats at

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