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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "SF203 .N88 2016" to "SF309 .B88" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
S Agriculture (Go to start of category)
SF Animal Culture (Go to start of category)
SF203 .N88 2016 [Info] Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle (8th revised edition, 2016), by National Research Council Committee on Animal Nutrition (page images with commentary at NAP)
SF206 .H68 1982 [Info] The Cattle Guard: Its History and Lore (originally published 1982; open access edition Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, c2021), by James F. Hoy (PDF and Epub with commentary at
SF208 .S491 2000 [Info] Practical Techniques for Dairy Farmers (third edition; c2000), by Anthony James Seykora (PDF with commentary at
SF221 .H7 [Info] Hoard's Dairyman (partial serial archives)
SF221 .J6 [Info] Journal of Dairy Science (partial serial archives)
SF221 .M55 [Info] Mljekarstvo (in Croatian and English) (full serial archives)
SF232 .N7 K4 1935 [Info] History of Randleigh Farm (Lockport, NY: W.R. Kenan, Jr., c1935), by William Rand Kenan (page images at HathiTrust)
SF239 .J78 [Info] Dairying for Profit, Or, The Poor Man's Cow (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1892), by Eliza Maria Harvey Jones (multiple formats at
SF253 .U5 [Info] Chemical Testing of Milk and Cream (USDA Bureau of Animal Industry A-7; Washington: GPO, 1916), by Roscoe H. Shaw
SF253 .W24 [Info] Milk-Analysis: A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk and its Derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese (London: Trübner and Co., 1874), by J. Alfred Wanklyn (page images at HathiTrust)
SF253 .W24 [Info] Milk-Analysis: A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk and its Derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1874), by J. Alfred Wanklyn (page images at Cornell)
SF259 .M8 [Info] The Baby Killer: A War on Want Investigation Into the Promotion and Sale of Powdered Baby Milks in the Third World (London: War on Want, 1974), by Mike Muller (PDF with commentary at
SF271 .B7 [Info] The Complete Book of Cheese (New York: Gramercy Pub. Co., 1955), by Bob Brown, illust. by Erik Blegvad (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
SF271 .S24 [Info] Practical Cheddar Cheese-Making (St. Albans, UK: Camfield Press, ca. 1917), by Dora G. Saker (PDF with commentary at WordPress)
SF271 .S24 [Info] Practical Cheddar Cheese-Making (second edition; St. Albans, UK: Camfield Press, ca. 1917), by Dora G. Saker (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
SF283 .H3 [Info] The Equine F. F. Vs.: A Study of the Evidence for the English Horses Imported into Virginia Before the Revolution (Richmond, VA: Privately printed, The Old Dominion Press, 1928), by Fairfax Harrison (page images at HathiTrust)
SF284 .E5 G6 [Info] The Horse-World of London (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1893), by W. J. Gordon (illustrated HTML at
SF285 .G7 1916 [Info] Animal Management (1908; reprinted 1916), by Great Britain War Office Veterinary Department (page images at HathiTrust)
SF285 .H3 [Info] The Faras-Nama of Hashimi (attributed to Salihotra; in Persian, with English notes; Kolkata: Asiatic Society, 1910), by Zayn al-'Abidin 'Ali ibn al-Husayn, ed. by D. C. Phillott, contrib. by Sa-li-ho-tra and Nelson Annandale (page images (with unusual ordering) at HathiTrust; US access only)
SF285 .S69 1696 [Info] The Parfait Mareschal, or Compleat Farrier (Edinburgh: Printed by G. Mosman, 1696), by Jacques de Solleysel, trans. by William Hope (HTML at EEBO TCP)
SF293 .H8 [Info] The Hunter Stud Book (Hunters' Improvement Society (UK) publication; volumes online for 1904-1921) (partial serial archives)
SF293 .M8 B8 [Info] Justin Morgan, Founder of His Race: The Romantic History of a Horse (New York: The Shakespeare Press, 1911), by Eleanor Waring Burnham, illust. by Roger Noble Burnham (multiple formats at
SF301 .A65 1850 [Info] The Chase, the Turf and the Road (London: J. Murray, 1850), by Nimrod (illustrated HTML with commentary at
SF301 .O83 [Info] A Dissertation on Horses: Wherein it is Demonstrated, by Matters of Fact, as Well as From the Principles of Philosophy, that Innate Qualities do not Exist, and that the Excellence of this Animal is Altogether Mechanical and not in the Blood (London: Printed for T. Waller, 1756), by William Osmer (Gutenberg text and HTML)
SF309 .B88 [Info] In the Riding-School: Chats With Esmeralda (1890), by Theo. Stephenson Browne (Gutenberg text)

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