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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "SH1 .C8 1898" to "SH343.9 .N37 1991" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
S Agriculture (Go to start of category)
SH Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling (Go to start of category)
SH1 .C8 1898 [Info] Comptes Rendus des Séances du Congrès International des Pêches Réuni à Bergen du 18 au 21 juillet 1898 par la Société Pour l'Encouragement des Pêches Norvégiennes à Bergen (in Norwegian, French, and English; Bergen: J. Grieg, 1899)
SH1 .P25 [Info] Pacific Fisherman (partial serial archives)
SH1 .W59 [Info] World Aquaculture (partial serial archives)
SH11 .A25 [Info] Fishery Bulletin (full serial archives)
SH11 .A4463 [Info] Fishery Market News (full serial archives)
SH11 .A4463 1946 [Info] Commercial Fisheries Review (full serial archives)
SH11 .A4463 1972 [Info] Marine Fisheries Review (full serial archives)
SH11 .C27 [Info] Fish Bulletin (partial serial archives)
SH35.V8 W52 [Info] The Bounty of the Chesapeake: Fishing in Colonial Virginia (Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet #13; Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, c1957), by James Wharton (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
SH105 .R53 1995 [Info] Rice-Fish Culture in China, ed. by Kenneth Tod MacKay (PDF and HTML with commentary at
SH157.85 .A7 R4 1987 [Info] Rigs-to-Reefs: The Use of Obsolete Petroleum Structures as Artificial Reefs (New Orleans: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office, 1987), by Villere Reggio (page images at HathiTrust)
SH157.85 .F56 F57 1995 [Info] Fish Passage Technologies: Protection at Hydropower Facilities (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
SH213.5 .B37 2014 [Info] Fishing for a Solution: Canada's Fisheries Relations with the European Union, 1977-2013 (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2014), by Donald Barry, Bob Applebaum, and Earl Wiseman (PDF at University of Calgary)
SH221 .A4 1872 [Info] Cod and Whale Fisheries: Report of Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, on the Subject of Cod and Whale Fisheries, Made to the House of Representatives, February 1, 1791; Also, Report of Lorenzo Sabine, Esq., on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas (short Jefferson/State report, and longer Sabine report; 1872), by Lorenzo Sabine and Thomas Jefferson, contrib. by United States Department of State
SH221 .C28 [Info] Fish and Shellfish of the Middle Atlantic Coast (Washington: G. P. O., 1945), by Rachel Carson, contrib. by Katherine L. Howe (PDF at
SH221 .T45 1984 [Info] Third Report to the Fish Farmers: The Status of Warmwater Fish Farming and Progress in Fish Farming Research (Washington: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984), ed. by Harry K. Dupree and Jay V. Huner (page images at HathiTrust)
SH221 .U5 1977 [Info] Establishing a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone (1977), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
SH237 .G35 2008 [Info] From Seascapes of Extinction to Seascapes of Confidence: Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries in Chile: El Quisco and Puerto Oscuro (2008), by Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández (HTML and PDF in Canada)
SH261 .B79 [Info] The Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland, With Suggestions for the Working of a Fishing Company (Dublin: J. McGlashan; et al., 1848), by Wallop Brabazon, illust. by William Cooper (multiple formats at Google)
SH285 .I6 [Info] Scientia Marina (issues online 1989-) (partial serial archives)
SH307 .F3 A3 [Info] Fisheries of the Far Eastern Republic (Washington: Special Delegation of the Far Eastern Republic to the United States of America, 1922), by Dalʹnevostochnai︠a︡ Respublika
SH328 .I46 1994 [Info] Improving the Management of U. S. Marine Fisheries (1994), by National Research Council Committee on Fisheries (page images with commentary at NAP)
SH329.S53 M353 [Info] Managing Small-Scale Fisheries: Alternative Directions and Methods (2001), by Fikret Berkes, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, Richard Pollnac, and Robert Pomeroy (PDF and HTML at
SH336.5 .S24S76 1920 [Info] The Story of Salmon (Seattle: Gateway Printing Co., ca. 1920), by Carlisle Packing Company (page images at
SH343.9 .N37 1991 [Info] Fishing Vessel Safety: Blueprint for a National Program (1991), by National Research Council Marine Board (page images with commentary at NAP)

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