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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TA1 .A52" to "TA140 .S75 A3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TA Engineering (General and Civil) (Go to start of category)
TA1 .A52 [Info] Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers (partial serial archives)
TA1 .C77 1919 [Info] Successful Methods (1919-1926) (full serial archives)
TA1 .C77 1926 [Info] Successful Construction Methods (full serial archives)
TA1 .C77 1927 [Info] Construction Methods and Equipment (partial serial archives)
TA1 .E56 [Info] Engineering and Mining Journal (partial serial archives)
TA1 .E6 [Info] Engineering News-Record (partial serial archives)
TA1 .F25 [Info] Industrial Management (1916-1927) (full serial archives)
TA1 .M46 [Info] Memoirs of the College of Engineering, Koyoto Imperial University (partial serial archives)
TA1 .P85 1909 [Info] Professional Memoirs (Corps of Engineers, United States Army and Engineer Department at Large) (full serial archives)
TA1 .P85 1920 [Info] The Military Engineer (partial serial archives)
TA1 .V3 [Info] Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine (full serial archives)
TA3 .Z4 [Info] Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (partial serial archives)
TA4 .B8 [Info] Bulletin Technique de la Suisse Romande (in French; 1900-1978) (full serial archives)
TA4 .K83 A2 [Info] Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University (partial serial archives)
TA7 .H3 [Info] Publications (Harvard School of Engineering) (partial serial archives)
TA23 .A2 [Info] Annual Report, by United States Army Corps of Engineers (partial serial archives)
TA23 .N36 1986 [Info] Engineering Infrastructure Diagramming and Modeling (1986), by National Research Council Committee on the Education and Utilization of the Engineer (page images with commentary at NAP)
TA113 .P6 [Info] Bureau of Public Works Bulletin, by Philippines Bureau of Public Works (partial serial archives)
TA139 .S64 [Info] Lives of the Engineers: Smeaton and Rennie; Harbours, Lighthouses, Bridges (based on the J. Murray popular edition of 1904; with additional recent illustrations and notes), by Samuel Smiles, ed. by Ian Petticrew (illustrated HTML in the UK)
TA139 .S65 [Info] Lives of the Engineers: Metcalfe-Telford; History of Roads (based on the J. Murray popular edition of 1904; with additional recent illustrations and notes), by Samuel Smiles, ed. by Ian Petticrew (illustrated HTML in the UK)
TA139 .S65 1879 [Info] Lives of the Engineers: The Locomotive; George and Robert Stephenson (new and revised edition; London: J. Murray, 1879), by Samuel Smiles (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
TA140 .F75 A3 [Info] Sixty-Three Years of Engineering, Scientific and Social Work (London: J. Murray, 1924), by Francis Fox
TA140 .P65 E34 [Info] The Dean: A Biography of A. A. Potter (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University, c1974), by Robert B. Eckles (PDF with commentary at Purdue)
TA140 .S7 S7 [Info] Frank J. Sprague and the Edison Myth (New York: William-Frederick Press, 1947), by Harriet Chapman Jones Sprague (page images at HathiTrust)
TA140 .S75 A3 [Info] An Engineer's Recollections (reprinted from Engineering News-Record; c1936), by John F. Stevens (page images at HathiTrust)

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