Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TA426 .P75 1996" to "TA593 .C33" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
T | Technology (Go to start of category) |
TA | Engineering (General and Civil) (Go to start of category) |
TA426 .P75 1996 | Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research (Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1996), by C. A. Price (PDF and page images with commentary at and Google) |
TA426 .P75 2010 | Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research (second edition; Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2010), by Eric Ferguson Doehne and C. A. Price (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) |
TA432 .P48 | Brick and Tile Engineering: Handbook of Design (Washington: Structural Clay Products Institute, 1957), by Harry C. Plummer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
TA435 .B8 1908 | Luftkalke und Luftkalkmörtel: Ergebnisse von Versuchen, Ausgeführt im Königlichen Materialprüfungsamt zu Gross-Lichterfelde West (in German; Berlin: J. Springer, 1908), by Heinrich Burchartz |
TA455 .A7 T7 | Asphalt: Its Composition, Properties, and Uses (New York: Reinhold Pub. Corp.; London: Chapman and Hall, c1961), by Ralph N. Traxler (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA455.C43 A38 1988 | Advanced Materials by Design (1988), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton) |
TA455 .P58 N376 1990 | Liquid Crystalline Polymers (1990), by National Research Council National Materials Advisory Board (page images with commentary at NAP) |
TA455 .S46 S5 | Ceramics-Silikáty (partial serial archives) |
TA460 .F49 T4 | A Theory for the Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue of Metals Under Combined Torsion and Axial Load or Bending (1958), by William N. Findley (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA462 .K618 | Koroze a Ochrana Materiálu (in Czech) (partial serial archives) |
TA462 .P7 | Prevention of Material Deterioration: Corrosion Control Course (U.S. Army Corrosion Control, 1986), by United States Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA472 .T5 1946 | Digest of Steels for High Temperature Service (fifth edition; 1946), by Timken Roller Bearing Company (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA472 .T5 1958 | Digest of Steels for High Temperature Service (sixth edition; 1957), by Timken Roller Bearing Company (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA473 .H365 T6 | Torsion Analysis of Rolled Steel Sections (New York: Bethlehem Steel Corp., 1963), by Conrad P. Heins and P. A. Seaburg (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA 480 .A6 A47 1958 | Alcoa Structural Handbook: A Design Manual for Aluminum (revised edition; Pittsburgh: Aluminum Company of America, c1958), by Aluminum Company of America (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA485 .I567 1997 | Intermetallic Alloy Development: A Program Evaluation (1997), by National Research Council National Materials Advisory Board (page images with commentary at NAP) |
TA492 .P7 M59 1963 | Skew Plates and Structures (New York: Macmillan, 1963), by L. S. D. Morley (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA545 .C91 | Handbuch des Feldmessens und Nivellirens in Gewöhnlichen Fällen (in German; Berlin: G. Reimer, 1826), by A. L. Crelle (page images in Germany) |
TA545 .L37 | Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques (in French; Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1883), by A. Laussedat (page images in France) |
TA545 .S56 1851 | A Manual of Surveying for India: Detailing the Mode of Operations on the Revnue Surveys in Bengal and the North-Western Provinces (Kolkata and London: W. Thacker and Co., 1851), by R. Smyth and H. L. Thuillier (multiple formats at Google) |
TA545 .S56 1875 | A Manual of Surveying for India: Detailing the Mode of Operations on the Trigonometrical, Topographical and Revenue Surveys of India (third edition; Kolkata: Thacker, Spink and Co.; et al., 1875), by H. L. Thuillier and R. Smyth (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA549 .P5 1949 | Route Surveying (third edition; New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, c1949), by George Wellington Pickels and Carroll Carson Wiley (page images at HathiTrust) |
TA551 .H684 1907 | A Manual of Land Surveying: Comprising an Elementary Course of Practice with Instruments, and a Treatise Upon the Survey of Public and Private Lands, Prepared for Use of Schools and Surveyors (Climax, MI: F. Hodgman Co., 1907), by F. Hodgman |
TA562 .W327 | Field Work and Instruments (London and New York: Whittaker and Co., 1900), by Arthur Thomas Walmisley |
TA593 .C33 | Photographic Surveying, Including the Elements of Descriptive Geometry and Perspective (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1895), by É. Deville (multiple formats at |
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