Call number | Item |
T | Technology (Go to start of category) |
TL | Motor Vehicles, Air and Space Technology (Go to start of category) |
TL1 .A5 | Autocar (partial serial archives) |
TL1 .A6 | Automotive Industries, the Automobile (partial serial archives) |
TL1 .C58 | Commercial Motor (partial serial archives) |
TL1 .H81 | The Horseless Age (full serial archives) |
TL1 .M825 | The Motor-Car Journal (partial serial archives) |
TL1 .M85 | Motor (partial serial archives) |
TL1 .S5 | The Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers (full serial archives) |
TL5 .M75 | The Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book, 1920 (London: Technical Pub. Co., ca. 1920), ed. by W. C. Bersey and A. Dorey (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
TL15 .B65 | Famous Old Cars (Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, c1957), by Hank Wieand Bowman (page images at HathiTrust) |
TL145 .B45 1956 | Theory of Land Locomotion: The Mechanics of Vehicle Mobility (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1956), by M. G. Bekker (page images at HathiTrust) |
TL151.6 | Environmental Issues of Synthetic Transportation Fuels From Coal (1982), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton) |
TL151.6 .A927 | Automotive Fuel Economy: How Far Should We Go?, by National Research Council Energy Engineering Board (page images with commentary at NAP) |
TL151.6 .I48 1991 | Improving Automobile Fuel Economy: New Standards, New Approaches (1991), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment |
TL151.6 .I5 1982 | Increased Automobile Fuel Efficiency and Synthetic Fuels: Alternatives for Reducing Oil Imports (1982), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment |
TL151.6 .U53 1995 | Advanced Automotive Technology: Visions of a Super-Efficient Family Car (1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton) |
TL152.4 .H4 | Vision and Audition in Driving (report prepared for National Highway Traffic Safeety Administration; 1974), by Robert L. Henderson and Albert Burg (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
TL158 .N387 | Review of the Research and Development Plan for the Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies, by National Research Council Board on Energy and Environmental Systems (page images and partial HTML at NAP) |
TL158 .N39 1998 | Review of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Fourth Report (1998), by National Research Council Standing Committee to Review the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (page images and partial HTML at NAP) |
TL158 .N39 1999 | Review of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Fifth Report (1999), by National Research Council Standing Committee to Review the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (page images and partial HTML at NAP) |
TL158 .N39 2000 | Review of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Sixth Report (2000), by National Research Council Standing Committee to Review the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (page images with commentary at NAP) |
TL205 .L82 1898 | Petroleum Motor-Cars (London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1898), by Louis Lockert |
TL215 .F8 | Ford Times (partial serial archives) |
TL230.3 .B6 1989 | Grade Severity Rating System (GSRS): Users Manual (McLean, VA: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1989), by Brian L. Bowman (page images at HathiTrust) |
TL236 .S664 | Car and Driver (partial serial archives) |
TL236 .S664 | Sports Cars Illustrated (full serial archives) |