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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TL521 .B39" to "TL540 .S25 B38 E5 2006" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TL Motor Vehicles, Air and Space Technology (Go to start of category)
TL521 .B39 [Info] The High-Speed Frontier: Case Histories of Four NACA Programs, 1920-1950, by John Vernon Becker (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL521 .R44 1957 [Info] An Economic Study of the Military Airframe Industry (1957), by Miguel Ángel Reguero (page images at HathiTrust)
TL521.3 .C6 A3 [Info] An Adaptive Maneuvering Logic Computer Program for the Simulation of One-on-One Air-to-Air Combat (2 volumes; 1975), by George H. Burgin, Lawrence J. Fogel, J. Price Phelps, and A. J. Owens (page images at HathiTrust)
TL521.3 .C6 A3 [Info] NASA Contractor Report (partial serial archives)
TL521.312 .B56 [Info] Orders of Magnitude: A History of the NACA and NASA, 1915-1990, by Roger E. Bilstein (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL521.312 .F47 2013 [Info] NASA's First A: Aeronautics From 1958-2008 (Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2013), by Robert G. Ferguson (multiple formats with commentary at NASA)
TL521.312 .H34 [Info] On the Frontier: Flight Research at Dryden, 1946-1981, by Richard Hallion (PDF at NASA)
TL521.312 .L38 [Info] Managing NASA in the Apollo Era, by Arnold S. Levine (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL521.312 .M325 1997 [Info] Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Aeronautics: Scenario-Based Strategic Planning for NASA's Aeronautics Enterprise, by National Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (page images with commentary at NAP)
TL521.312 .N365 [Info] NASA Engineers and the Age of Apollo, by Sylvia Doughty Fries (HTML at NASA)
TL521.312 .N395 1998 [Info] Supporting Research and Data Analysis in NASA's Science Programs: Engines for Innovation and Synthesis, by National Research Council Space Studies Board (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
TL521.312 .R58 [Info] Model Research: The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1915-1958 (2 volumes), by Alex Roland (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL521.312 .W35 [Info] Airborne Trailblazer, by Lane E. Wallace (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL521.312 .W354 [Info] Flights of Discovery: 50 Years at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (1996), by Lane E. Wallace
TL526 .G7 A4 [Info] Reports and Memoranda, ed. by Great Britain Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Great Britain Aeronautical Research Committee, and Aeronautical Research Council (Great Britain) (partial serial archives)
TL526 .G7 W5 [Info] British Airships, Past, Present and Future, by George Whale (Gutenberg text)
TL537 .F76 [Info] From Engineering Science to Big Science: The NACA and NASA Collier Trophy Research Project Winners, ed. by Pamela Etter Mack (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL539 .H3 [Info] Once to Every Pilot (New York: Stackpole sons, c1936), by Frank Hawks (page images at HathiTrust)
TL540 .B3 B3 [Info] The Record of an Aeronaut: Being the Life of John M. Bacon (London: J. Long, 1907), by Gertrude Bacon
TL540 .C45 A3 [Info] The Chanute-Mouillard Correspondence, by Octave Chanute and Louis-Pierre Mouillard, trans. by Eugene Mortiz and M. Louise Kraus (HTML at
TL540 .H24 J3 [Info] Soldier and Aviator: A Tribute in the Form of a Short Memoir of the Last Few Months of the Life and Career of Patrick Hamilton of the Royal Flying Corps (London: C. W. Daniel, 1912), by Ethel Hamilton (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
TL540 .L5 A3 1927 [Info] "We" (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1927), by Charles A. Lindbergh, contrib. by Myron T. Herrick and Fitzhugh Green
TL540 .M49 I78 [Info] The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe: The Life of Luftwaffe Marshall Erhard Milch, by David John Cawdell Irving (PDF with commentary at
TL540 .R8 A3 [Info] I Fly for News (New York: A. and C. Boni, 1932), by Larry Rue (page images at HathiTrust)
TL540 .S25 B38 E5 2006 [Info] Santos-Dumont and the Invention of the Airplane (Rio de Janeiro: Centro Brasiliero de Pesquisas Fisicas, 2006), by Henrique Lins de Barros, trans. by Maria Cristina Ramalho Ardoy (PDF in Brazil)

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