Call number | Item |
T | Technology (Go to start of category) |
TP | Chemical Technology (Go to start of category) |
TP372.5 .S74 1996 | Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering (second edition, 1996), by James Freeman Steffe (PDF at MSU) |
TP375 .S755 | Sugar (1914-1929) (full serial archives) |
TP379 .J4 K65 2014 | Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885 (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2014), by G. R. Knight (PDF with commentary at Adelaide) |
TP453 .P7 P557 1983 | Plants: The Potentials for Extracting Protein, Medicines, and Other Useful Chemicals (OTA-BP-F-23; 1983), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment |
TP455 .F66 | Food Chemicals Codex (partial serial archives) |
TP492 .H7 | Refrigeration Fundamentals: An Operating Engineers' Outline of Refrigeration (Chicago: Nickerson and Collins Co., c1940), by George Holman (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP492 .J77 1948 | Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948), by Richard C. Jordan and Gayle B. Priester (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP492 .N4 | Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration (New York et al.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1952), by C. Wesley Nelson (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP 492.7 .B478 | Thermodynamic Properties of "Freon-113", Trichlorotrifluoroethane CCl2F-CClF2, With Addition of Other Physical Properties (Wilmington, DE: Kinetic Chemicals, c1938), by A. F. Benning and R. C. McHarness (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP500 .C35 | Comptes Rendus des Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg (in French and English) (partial serial archives) |
TP500 .I64 | Journal of the Institute of Brewing (partial serial archives) |
TP500 .K9 | Kvasný Průmysl (partial serial archives) |
TP500 .S47 | Slow (partial serial archives) |
TP517 .F3 | Die Mechanische Technologie der Bierbrauerei und Malzfabrikation (3 volumes; Vienna: Allgemeinen Zeitschrift für Bierbrauerei und Malzfabrikation, 1881-1885), by Franz Fasbender |
TP548 .D78 | Mon Livre de Cave (in French; Paris: Plon-Nourrit et cie, 1903), by Maurice Dubois (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
TP557 .P56 1989 | A History of Wine in America From the Beginnings to Prohibition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), by Thomas Pinney (illustrated HTML at UC Press) |
TP569 .E55 | The London and Country Brewer (second edition, 1736), by William Ellis |
TP570 .L6 | The Brewer: A Familiar Treatise on the Art of Brewing (London: William R. Loftus, 1863), by William Robert Loftus (zipped page images at |
TP579 .A84 1881 | The Chemistry of Sake-Brewing (Tokyo: Tokio Daigaku, 1881), by Robert William Atkinson (HTML at |
TP593 .S67 1894 | La Rectification de l'Alcool (in French; Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Fils, et al., ca. 1894), by E. Sorel |
TP597 .H5 1934 | Manufacture of Whiskey, Brandy and Cordials (Newark, NJ: Sherman Engineering Co., c1934), by Irving Hirsch (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP630 .C52 | Carbonated Beverages: The Art of Making, Dispensing and Bottling Soda-Water, Mineral-Waters, Ginger-Ale and Sparkling-Liquors (New York: P.H. Reilley, c1882), by Thomas Chester, contrib. by John Matthews (Firm : New York, N.Y.) (page images at HathiTrust) |
TP638 .C53 1682 | The Natural History of Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, Tobacco, In Four Several Sections; With a Tract of Elder and Juniper Berries, Shewing How Useful They May Be in Our Coffee-Houses; and Also the Way of Making Mum, With Some Remarks Upon That Liquor (London: Printed for C. Wilkinson, 1682), by John Chamberlayne (multiple formats at |
TP640 .Z79 1902 | The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (second edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1902), by Paul Zipperer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
TP640 .Z79 1915 | The Manufacture of Chocolate and Other Cacao Preparations (third edition; Berlin: M. Krayn; et al., 1915), by Paul Zipperer, ed. by Herm. Schaeffer (multiple formats at |