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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TX791 .S6" to "TX828 .B68 1928" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TX Home Economics (including food and cooking) (Go to start of category)
TX791 .S6 [Info] The Art of Candy Making Fully Explained, With 105 Recipes for the Home (Dayton, OH: Heath Pub. Co., c1915), by Mrs. Sherwood P. Snyder
TX795 .A1 I38 [Info] The Ice Cream Review (partial serial archives)
TX795 .R6 [Info] Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings, Together with Refreshments for All Social Affairs, by S. T. Rorer (Gutenberg text)
TX799 .T3 [Info] Pop Corn Recipes (Grinnell, IA: S. Nelson Jr. Co., c1916), by Mary Hamilton Talbott
TX804 .F72 2000 [Info] Wild About Mushrooms: The Cookbook of the Mycological Society of San Francisco (online edition, 2000), by Louise Freedman, contrib. by William Freedman (illustrated HTML at
TX807 [Info] Salads and Vegetable Cookery, by Carson Gulley (page images at Wisconsin)
TX809 .M2 H6 1907 [Info] The Corn Cook Book (Chicago: The Rogerson Press, 1907), ed. by Elizabeth O. Hiller
TX809 .M2 H6 1918 [Info] The Corn Cook Book (war edition; New York et al.: P. F. Volland Co., c1918), ed. by Elizabeth O. Hiller (page images at Wisconsin)
TX809 .W45 D53 [Info] The Diamond Cook Book: Compiled From Tested Recipes (Minneapolis: Cream of Wheat Co., ca. 1900) (PDF at
TX813 .B3 Y47 1925 [Info] Yes! 100 Ways to Enjoy Bananas (New Orleans: Bauerlein, c1925) (page images at HathiTrust)
TX813 .R34 P35 2011 [Info] Sun-Maid Raisins and Dried Fruits: Serving American Families and the World Since 1912 (100th anniversary book published for Sun-Maid Growers of California; c2011), by Anna L. Palecek, Gary H. Marshburn, and Barry F. Kriebel (multiple formats with commentary at
TX814.5 .G4 C66 1929 [Info] The Complete Jell-O Recipe Book (Le Roy, NY: Jell-O Company, c1929), by Jell-O Company (page images at HathiTrust)
TX814.5 .G4 J45 1914 [Info] Jell-O: America's Most Famous Dessert (Le Roy, NY: Gennessee Pure Food Co., ca. 1914) (page images at Duke)
TX815 .D75 1671 [Info] De l'Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (published anonymously, but often attributed to Dufour; in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour (multiple formats at Google)
TX815 .M7 [Info] On Uncle Sam's Water Wagon: 500 Delicious Drinks Which Can be Made At Home (1919), by Helen Watkeys Moore
TX817 .C6 D8 [Info] Usage du Caphé, du Thé, et du Chocolate (in French; Lyon: J. Girin and B. Riviere, 1671), ed. by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, contrib. by Jacob Spon, Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, Bartolomeo Marradon, Antonius Faustus Naironus, and Alexandre de Rhodes (multiple formats at Google)
TX818 .F8 [Info] Painted Sandwiches: 555 Recipes From 1909 and 1927, by Eva Greene Fuller, illust. by Nicholas Rougeux (illustrated HTML at
TX818 .F8 1927 [Info] The Up-to-Date Sandwich Book: 555 Ways to Make a Sandwich (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1927), by Eva Greene Fuller (page images at HathiTrust)
TX819 .A1 G8 1956 [Info] Seasoning Secrets and Favorite Recipes of Carson Gulley (c1956), by Carson Gulley (page images at Wisconsin)
TX819 .H4 [Info] Seasoning Secrets: Herbs and Spices (c1949), by Carson Gulley (page images at Wisconsin)
TX819 .M65 B7 1948 [Info] Brer Rabbit's New Orleans Molasses Recipes: For Delicious Desserts, Candies, Beverages and Other Tasty Foods (New Orleans: Penick and Ford, c1948), by Penick & Ford, Ltd. (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
TX823 .K3 1910 [Info] Camp Cookery (New York: Outing Pub. Co., 1910), by Horace Kephart
TX823 .S6 [Info] Canoe and Camp Cookery: A Practical Cook Book for Canoeists, Corinthian Sailors and Outers, by Seneca (Writer on outdoor life)
TX825 .S36 [Info] The Cult of the Chafing Dish (London: Gay and Bird, 1904), by Frank Schloesser, illust. by May Sandheim (illustrated HTML with commentary at
TX828 .B68 1928 [Info] Electric Refrigerator Menus and Recipes: Recipes Prepared Especially for the General Electric Refrigerator (fourth edition; Cleveland: General Electric Co., 1928), by Alice Bradley (multiple formats at

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