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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "U408.3" to "U793 .I73 2002" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
U Military Science (Go to start of category)
U408.3 [Info] Basic Cryptanalysis (FM 34-40-2, 1990), by United States Army (PDF and Postscript files at Michigan)
U408.3 [Info] Human Intelligence Collector Operations (US Army Field Manual 2-22-3, 6 Sep 2006; supersedes FM 34-52), by United States Army (PDF at
U408.3 [Info] Leaders' Manual for Combat Stress Control (FM 22-51, 1994), by United States Army (HTML at
U408.3 [Info] Technical Intelligence (FM 34-54, 1998), by United States Army (PDF at
U408.3 .C44 2008 [Info] Mixed-Gender Basic Training: The U.S. Army Experience, 1973-2004 (Fort Monroe, VA: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, 2008), by Anne W. Chapman (PDF at
U410 .H3 [Info] Official Register of the Officers and Cadets, by United States Military Academy (partial serial archives)
U410 .P1 F6 [Info] The Colored Cadet at West Point: Autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., First Graduate of Color from the U. S. Military Academy, by Henry Ossian Flipper (Gutenberg text)
U410 .P1 F6 1878 [Info] The Colored Cadet at West Point: Autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., First Graduate of Color from the U. S. Military Academy (New York: H. Lee and Co., 1878), by Henry Ossian Flipper
U410 .P1 H2 [Info] Life at West Point: The Making of the American Army Officer, His Studies, Discipline, and Amusements (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902), by H. Irving Hancock, contrib. by Albert L. Mills
U413 .A66 D28 2009 [Info] YouTube War: Fighting in a World of Cameras in Every Cell Phone and Photoshop on Every Computer (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2009), by Cori Elizabeth Dauber
U413.A66 L67 1998 [Info] Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts (1998), by Douglas C. Lovelace and Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at
U413 .A66 N82 2009 [Info] Nuclear Heuristics: Selected Writings of Albert and Roberta Wohlstetter (2009), by Albert J. Wohlstetter and Roberta Wohlstetter, ed. by Robert Zarate and Henry D. Sokolski (page images at HathiTrust)
U413.A66 P241 1991 [Info] Lessons Learned: The Iran-Iraq War (Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1991), by Stephen C. Pellitiere and Douglas V. Johnson
U413 .F87 2006 [Info] The Future of Transatlantic Security Relations: Colloquium Report (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2006), ed. by Richard A. Chilcoat, Joseph R. Cerami, and Patrick Baetjer
U549 .L3 [Info] Militarism in Education: A Contribution to Educational Reconstruction (London: Swarthmore Press, ca. 1919), by John Langdon-Davies (multiple formats at
U716 .A85 [Info] Guide for Discussion Leaders (1944), by Donald W. Goodrich
U742 .E9 [Info] Sharpening the Combat Edge: The Use of Analysis to Reinforce Military Judgment (1995), by Julian J. Ewell and Ira Augustus Hunt (PDF at US Army CMH)
U742 .O87 [Info] Field Artillery, 1954-1973 (this edition 1995), by David Ewing Ott (PDF with commentary at US Army CMH)
U767 .L72 [Info] The Life and Adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies, Commonly Call'd Mother Ross (narration attributed in text to Davies; sometimes questionably attributed to Defoe; 1743), by Christian Davies, contrib. by Daniel Defoe (multiple formats at Google)
U768 .L19 [Info] La Vie Militaire au XVIIIe Siècle: Le Livre d'Ordres d'un Régiment d'Infanterie en 1781, d'Après un Manuscrit Original (in French; Paris: H. Charles-Lavauzelle, ca. 1898), by C. de La Jonquière
U768 .M3 [Info] Life in the Legion, From a Soldier's Point of View (London: Everett and Co., ca. 1911), by Frederic Martyn (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
U768 .M3 [Info] Life in the Legion, From a Soldier's Point of View (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1911), by Frederic Martyn (multiple formats at
U773 .L6 [Info] The Austrian Officer at Work and at Play (London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1913), by Dorothea Gerard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
U793 .C655 2004 [Info] Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD (3 volumes, 2004), by Charles Duelfer and United States Central Intelligence Agency
U793 .I73 2002 [Info] Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs (2002), by United States Central Intelligence Agency (illustrated HTML and PDF at

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