Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "UA23 .D685 1988" to "UA23 .N27" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
U | Military Science (Go to start of category) |
UA | Armies: Organization, Distribution, Military Situation (Go to start of category) |
UA23 .D685 1988 | The Eagle's Talons: The American Experience at War (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1988), by Dennis M. Drew and Donald M. Snow |
UA23 .D69 1988 | Making Strategy: An Introduction to National Security Processes and Problems (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1988), by Dennis M. Drew and Donald M. Snow |
UA23 .E45 | University Presidents and the Spirit of Militarism in the United States (New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1915), by John Lovejoy Elliott, contrib. by R. Tait McKenzie |
UA23 .F837 1993 | The U.S.-Japan Security Relationship After the Cold War (c1993), by Francis Fukuyama and Kong Dan Oh (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .F878 1996 | The Future of American Landpower: Strategic Challenges for the 21st Century (1996), by Steven Metz, William Thomas Johnsen, Douglas V. Johnson, James Kievit, and Douglas C. Lovelace (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .G42 | Must We Arm? A Debate on the Question: Resolved, That the Security of the Nation Requires an Increase of the Military Force of the United States (New York: Rand School of Social Science, 1915), by Augustus Peabody Gardner and Morris Hillquit (multiple formats at |
UA23 .H5325 | The Politics of Defence Budgeting: A Study of Organisation and Resource Allocation in the United Kingdom and the United States (Washington: National Defense University Press, 1983), by Michael D. Hobkirk (PDF at |
UA23 .J57 2002 | Conventional Coercion Across the Spectrum of Operations: The Utility of U.S. Military Forces in the Emerging Security Environment (Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 2002), by David E. Johnson, Karl P. Mueller, and William H. Taft (PDF files at |
UA23 .J67 1999 | Deterrence and Defense in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment (1999), by Robert G. Joseph and John F. Reichart (page images at Google) |
UA23 .L484 2015 | Lessons Encountered: Learning From the Long War (Washington: National Defense University Press, 2015), ed. by Richard D. Hooker and Joseph J. Collins (multiple formats at NDU Press) |
UA23 .M478 1994 | America in the Third World: Strategic Alternatives and Military Implications (1994), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .M47822 2001 | The American Army in the Balkans: Strategic Alternatives and Implications (2001), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .M478223 2000 | American Strategy: Issues and Alternatives for the Quadrennial Defense Review (2000), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .M478227 2000 | Refining American Strategy in Africa (2000), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .M478228 1997 | Strategic Horizons: The Military Implications of Alternative Futures (1997), by Steven Metz (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .M76 1988 | The US Air Force After Vietnam: Postwar Challenges and Potential for Responses (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1988), by Donald J. Mrozek |
UA23 .N24844 1991 | National Security Strategy of the United States (August 1991), by United States Executive Office of the President (PDF with commentary at |
UA23 .N24844 1996 | A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement (February 1996), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at |
UA23 .N24844 1997 | A National Security Strategy for a New Century (May 1997), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at |
UA23 .N24844 1998 | A National Security Strategy for a New Century (October 1998), by United States Executive Office of the President (PDF and partial HTML at |
UA23 .N24844 1999 | A National Security Strategy for a New Century (December 1999), by United States Executive Office of the President (PDF and partial HTML at |
UA23 .N24844 2000 | A National Security Strategy for a Global Age (December 2000), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at |
UA23 .N24844 2002 | The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (September 2002), by United States Executive Office of the President (HTML at |
UA23 .N2485 1994 | NSC-68: Forging the Strategy of Containment (1994), ed. by S. Nelson Drew, contrib. by Paul H. Nitze (page images at Google) |
UA23 .N27 | The National Security League, Inc.: What it is and Why, What it has Done and is Doing: A National Defense Catechism for the Busy Man or Woman (New York: National Security League, 1917), by National Security League (page images here at Penn) |
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