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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "UB365.C2 .A25" to "UC480 .B65" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
U Military Science (Go to start of category)
UB Military Administration (Go to start of category)
UB365.C2 .A25 [Info] Returned Soldiers' Handbook: Containing Instructions and Information Dealing With Returned Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (1918), by Canada Department of Militia and Defence (page images at HathiTrust)
UB368 [Info] The Department of Veterans Affairs Persian Gulf Veterans' Health Registry (1993), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
UB369 .R478 2013 [Info] Returning Home from Iraq and Afghanistan: Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Veterans, Service Members, and Their Families (Washington: National Academies Press, 2013), by Institute of Medicine Committee on the Initial Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Military Personnel, Veterans, and Their Families (multiple formats at NAP)
UB373 .A5 1917 [Info] Family Allowance, Indemnity, and Insurance for Officers and Enlisted Men of The Army and Navy: Correspondence Between President Wilson And Hon. W. G. Mcadoo, Secretary of The Treasury, Relating To The Bill Providing For Family Allowances, Indemnification, Reeducation, and Insurance In Behalf of Officers and Enlisted Men of The Army and Navy of the United States (Washington: GPo, 1917), by W. G. McAdoo and Woodrow Wilson (page images here at Penn)
UB418 .A47 M33 1981 [Info] Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965 (Washington: Center of Military History, 1981), by Morris J. MacGregor
UB418 .A47 M33 2001 [Info] Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965 (Washington: Center of Military History, 2001), by Morris J. MacGregor (PDF at US Army CMH)
UB418 .G38 N38 1993 [Info] Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy (1993), by National Defense Research Institute (U.S.) (PDF files with commentary at
UB418 .G38 U55 2010 [Info] Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (with support plan for implementation, and related documents; 2010), by United States Department of Defense (PDF files with commentary at
UB418 .T72 S33 2016 [Info] Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, c2016), by Agnes Gereben Schaefer, Radha Iyengar, Srikanth Kadiyala, Jennifer Kavanagh, Charles C. Engel, Kayla Williams, and Amii M. Kress (multiple formats at
UB419 .C2 P37 1994 [Info] French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Forces, by Jean Pariseau and Serge Bernier
UB501 .1863 [Info] Revised United States Army Regulations of 1861, With an Appendix Containing the Changes and Laws Affecting Army Regulations and Articles of War to June 25, 1863, by United States War Department (page images at MOA)
UB501 1779 [Info] Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, Part I (only part known extant of this early edition; with some inserted material; Philadelphia: Printed by Styner and Cist, 1779), by Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin Steuben (page images at LOC)
UB504.5 .A6 1863 [Info] Military Laws of the Confederate States: Embracing All the Legislation of Congress Appertaining to Military Affairs from the First to the Last Session Inclusive, With a Copious Index (Richmond, VA: J. W. Randolph, 1863), by Confederate States of America
UB626 .A3 1916 [Info] The King's Regulations and Orders for The Army, 1912; Reprinted with Amendments Published in Army Orders Up to 1st August, 1914 (originally published 1914; reprinted 1916), by Great Britain War Office (page images at HathiTrust)
UB803 .B28 2011 [Info] The Battle Behind the Wire: U.S. Prisoner and Detainee Operations from World War II to Iraq (MG-934-OSD; c2011), by Cheryl Benard, Edward O'Connell, Cathryn Quantic Thurston, Andrés Villamizar, Elvira N. Loredo, Thomas Sullivan, and Jeremiah Goulka (PDF with commentary at
UB815 .G8 T5 [Info] Shootings at Dawn: The Army Death Penalty at Work (London: Victoria House Printing Co., ca. 1924), by Ernest Thurtle
UC Maintenance and Transportation (Go to start of category)
UC169 .B4 [Info] Aperçu Général des Principales Mesures Prises pour Améliorer le Bien-être Matériel et Moral du Soldat Belge (In French; Le Havre: Edition du "Bureau Documentaire Belge", 1918), by Belgium. Armeé (page images here at Penn)
UC263 .D47 1988 [Info] The Defense Technology Base: Introduction and Overview (1988), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
UC263 .D47 1989 [Info] Holding the Edge: Maintaining the Defense Technology Base (2 volumes; 1989-1990), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
UC277 .U6 1943 [Info] Army-Navy General Specification for Packaging and Packing Overseas Shipment (US Army specification 100-14A and Navy specification 39P16a; Washington: GPO, 1943), by United States Container Coordinating Committee (page images at HathiTrust)
UC313 .W72 1917 [Info] American Railways in War (1917), by W. H. Williams (page images here at Penn)
UC315 .A3 G5 [Info] History of the Railways During the War in South Africa, 1899-1902 (London: HMSO, 1903), by P. C. Girouard (page images at HathiTrust)
UC333 .M55 1988 [Info] Airlift Doctrine (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1988), by Charles E. Miller
UC480 .B6 [Info] Army Uniforms of the World (1919), by Fred Gilbert Blakeslee (multiple formats at
UC480 .B65 [Info] Uniforms of the World (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1929), by Fred Gilbert Blakeslee (page images at HathiTrust)

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