Call number | Item |
Z | Bibliography and Library Science (Go to start of category) |
Z1361 .N39 P496 | Afro-American Sources in Virginia: A Guide to Manuscripts, by Michael Plunkett (HTML at Virginia) |
Z1361 .N39 P59 1970 | The Negro in the United States: A Selected Bibliography (Washington: Library of Congress, 1970), by Dorothy Porter Wesley |
Z1361 .N39 P6 | North American Negro Poets: A Bibliographical Checklist of Their Writings, 1760-1944 (Hattiesburg, MS: The Book Farm, 1945), by Dorothy Porter Wesley, contrib. by Arthur Alfonso Schomburg (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1365 .T65 | Books and Pamphlets Published in Canada, Up to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-seven, Copies of Which are in the Public Reference Library, Toronto, Canada (Toronto: Toronto Public Library, 1916), by Frances M. Staton |
Z1374 .M6 | Bibliotheca Canadensis, or, A Manual of Canadian Literature (Ottawa: Printed by G. E. Desbarats, 1867), by Henry J. Morgan |
Z1392 .A3 L6 | The Acadians in Fact and Fiction: A Classified Bibliography of Writing on the Subject of Acadians in the Stephens Memorial Library, Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana (Baton Rouge: Dept. of Commerce and Industry, 1955), by Pearl Mary Segura (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1392 .N53 M1 | New Brunswick Bibliography: The Books and Writers of the Province (1895), by W. G. MacFarlane (multiple formats at |
Z1392 .N56 O27 1986 | Bibliography of Newfoundland (2 volumes; Toronto et al.: University of Toronto Press, c1986), ed. by Agnes C. O'Dea and Anne Alexander |
Z1392 .O15 K5 | The Early Bibliography of the Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, With Other Information; A Supplemental Chapter on Canadian Archaeology (Toronto: Rowsell and Hutchinson; Montreal: E. Picken, 1892), by William Kingsford |
Z1431 .B82 | Bibliothèque Mexico-Guatémalienne: Précédée d'un Coup d'Oeil sur les Études Américaines dans leurs Rapports avec les Études Classiques et Suivie du Tableau par Ordre Alphabétique des Ouvrages de Linguistique Américaine Contenus dans le même Volume (in French; Paris: Maisonneuve et cie, 1871), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg |
Z1431 .G6 | Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Américaine de Feu M.E. Eugène Goupil: Livres Anciens Imprimés au Mexique, Ouvrages Ayant Trait à l'histoire, à l'Ethnographie et à la Linguistique de Diverses Contrées de l'Amérique (in French; Paris: É. Paul et fils et Guillemin, 1899) (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1431 .P65 | Catalogue des Livres Rares et Précieux, Manuscrits et Imprimés, Principalement Sur L'amerique et Sur les Langues du Monde Entier, Composant la Bibliothèque de M. Alph.-l. Pinart et Comprenant en Totalité la Bibliothèque Mexico-guatémalienne de M. L'abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg (in French; Paris: Vve A. Labitte, 1883), by A. L. Pinart and abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg |
Z1437 .B23 | Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America, Comprising Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatemala (the Ruins of Palenque, Ocosingo, and Copan), and Oaxaca (Ruins of Mitla): A List of Some of the Writers on This Subject From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time (reprinted from Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society; Worcester: Press of C. Hamilton, 1881), by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier |
Z1437 .B95 1902 | A List of Books, Magazine Articles, and Maps Relating to Central America, Including the Republics of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, 1800-1900 (Washington: GPO, 1902), by Philip Lee Phillips (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1501 .L58 | Bibliography of the West Indies (Excluding Jamaica) (Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1909), by Frank Cundall |
Z1502 .B5 R22 | A Guide for the Study of British Caribbean History, 1763-1834, Including the Abolition and Emancipation Movements (Washington: GPO, 1932), by Lowell J. Ragatz, contrib. by Mary Parker Ragatz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
Z1502 .B5 R22 1923 | A Check-List of House of Commons Sessional Papers Relating to the British West Indies and to the West Indian Slave Trade and Slavery, 1763-1834 (London: Bryan Edwards Press, ca. 1923), by Lowell J. Ragatz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
Z1502 .D7 H5 | A Selective Guide to the English Literature on the Netherlands West Indies, With a Supplement on British Guiana (NIB booklet #9; New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1943), by Philip Hanson Hiss |
Z1531 .R845 | Bibliography and Cartography of Hispaniola (extract from the Royal Geological Society supplementary papers; 1887), by H. Ling Roth (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1541 .I61 1895 | Bibliotheca Jamaicensis: Some Account of the Principal Works on Jamaica in the Library of the Institute of Jamaica (reprinted from the Handbook of Jamaica for 1895; Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1895), by Frank Cundall (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1541 .I61 1902 | Bibliographia Jamaicensis: A List of Jamaica Books and Pamphlets, Magazine Articles, Newspapers, and Maps, Most of Which Are in the Library of the Institute of Jamaica (Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, ca. 1902), by Frank Cundall |
Z1541 .I61 1908 | Supplement to Bibliographica Jamaicensis (Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, ca. 1908), by Frank Cundall (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1595 .Q35 1979 | East Indians in the Caribbean: A Select Bibliography, Prepared on the Occasion of the UNESCO-UWI Conference on the East Indians in the Caribbean, September 16-22, 1979 (St. Augustine, Trinidad: Library, University of the West Indies, 1979), by Lynda Quamina-Aiyejina and Kaye Larbi (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
Z1595 .R321 | Supplement to Writings on the Caribbean Dependencies, 1928-1958 (typescript preprint edition; ca. 1962), by Lowell J. Ragatz (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z1605 .H23 | Handbook of Latin American Studies, by Library of Congress (full serial archives) |