Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "Z711.4 .R4 1982" to "Z720 .H59" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
Z | Bibliography and Library Science (Go to start of category) |
Z711.4 .R4 1982 | Reader Services in Libraries: A Day in Honor of Margaret E. Monroe (1982), ed. by John J. Boll (page images at Wisconsin) |
Z711.4 .R4 1982 | Thermophilic Microorganisms and Life at High Temperatures, by Thomas D. Brock (page images at Wisconsin) |
Z711.8 .R7 | Bridging the Gulf: Work With the Russian Jews and Other Newcomers (New York: Immigrant Publication Society, 1917), by Ernestine Rose (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z711.9 A78 | Libraries, Librarians and the Negro (1944), by Atlanta University School of Library Service (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z711.9 .I5 | Access to Public Libraries: A Research Project (Chicago: American Library Association, 1963), by International Research Associates (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z711.92 .A24 | Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries (Sydney: UTS ePress, c2005), ed. by Martin N. Nakata and Marcia Langton (PDF with commentary at UTS ePress) |
Z711.92 .G73 | Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, c2015), ed. by Jake Carlson and Lisa Johnston (PDF with commentary at Purdue) |
Z712 .M5 1945 | Patrons Are People: How to Be a Model Librarian (Chicago: American Library Association, 1945), by Minneapolis Public Library, illust. by Sarah Leslie Wallace |
Z712 .M5 1956 | Patrons Are People: How to Be a Model Librarian (revised and enlarged edition; Chicago: American Library Association, 1956), by Sarah Leslie Wallace (page images at HathiTrust) |
Z716.33 | Public Libraries and STEM: A National Conference on Current Trends and Future Directions, August 20-22, 2015, Denver, Colorado (PDF at USRA Houston Repository) |
Z716.33 D611 2015 | Discover Tech Hands-On Engineering Activities: Playful Building (ca. 2015), by Keliann LaConte, Andrew Shaner, Stephanie Shipp, and Yolanda Ballard (PDF at USRA Houston Repository) |
Z716.4 .B67 1920 | The Library and Society: Reprints of Papers and Addresses (New York: H. W. Wilson Co.; London: Grafton and Co., 1920), ed. by Arthur E. Bostwick (Gutenberg text) |
Z716.4 .C7 | Cites and Insights: Crawford at Large, by Walt Crawford (full serial archives) |
Z716.4 .I6 | Information for Social Change (1994-) (partial serial archives) |
Z716.4 .J6 | Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies (2017-) (full serial archives) |
Z716.4 .L475 2012 | Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge (The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations, c2012), ed. by Jesus Lau, Anna Maria Tammaro, and T. J. D. Bothma (PDF files with commentary at |
Z716.6 | Library Publishing Directory (annually published, 2014-present), ed. by Sarah K. Lippincott (partial serial archives) |
Z716.6 .G48 2015 | Getting the Word Out: Libraries as Scholarly Publishers (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015), ed. by Maria Bonn and Mike Furlough (PDF at |
Z716.6 .L54 2013 | Library Publishing Toolkit (Geneseo, NY: IDS Project Press, 2013), ed. by Allison P. Brown (PDF and Epub files with commentary at |
Z716.6 .O44 2015 | The Once and Future Publishing Library (CLIR publication #166; Washington: Council on Library and Information Resources and Library of Congress, 2015), by Ann Okerson and Alex Holzman (PDF with commentary at |
Z718 .H3 | Library Work with Children, by Alice Isabel Hazeltine |
Z718.5 | The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults (2010-) (full serial archives) |
Z720 .D544 | Contributions of Asa Don Dickinson (1876-1960), First American Library Pioneer in British India, by Murari Lal Nagar (PDF at Missouri) |
Z720 .E2 G8 | Edward Edwards, the Chief Pioneer of Municipal Public Libraries (London: Scott, Greenwood and Co., 1902), by Thomas Greenwood |
Z720 .H59 | A Mid-Century Child and Her Books (New York: Macmillan, 1926), by Caroline M. Hewins |
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