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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "Z999 .M84 1883" to "Z1003.3 .N4 G54 1989" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Z Bibliography and Library Science (Go to start of category)
Z999 .M84 1883 [Info] Bulletin Mensuel (Librarie Damascène Morgand) (partial serial archives)
Z1000 .B72 [Info] Book-Auction Records, ed. by Frank Karslake (partial serial archives)
Z1000 .B72 [Info] Book-Prices Current (partial serial archives)
Z1001 .D268 2019 [Info] Documentarity: Evidence, Ontology, and Inscription (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, c2019), by Ronald E. Day (HTML with commentary at MIT Press)
Z1002 .N53 [Info] Book Arts (2 volumes; Chicago: Newberry Library, 1919-1920), by Newberry Library (page images at HathiTrust)
Z1003 .A125 [Info] The Guide to Reading, ed. by Lyman Abbott and Asa Don Dickinson (Gutenberg text)
Z1003 .A55 [Info] The Delicious Vice: Pipe Dreams and Fond Adventures of an Habitual Novel-Reader Among Some Great Books and Their People (second edition; Chicago: The Prairieland Publishing Co., 1918), by Young Ewing Allison (Gutenberg text)
Z1003 .B735 1989 [Info] The Republic of Letters: Librarian of Congress Daniel J. Boorstin on Books, Reading, and Libraries, 1975-1987 (Washington: Library of Congress, 1989), by Daniel J. Boorstin, ed. by John Young Cole (HTML at
Z1003 .B75 [Info] The Making of an American's Library (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1915), by Arthur E. Bostwick
Z1003 .B85 1906 [Info] On Reading: An Essay (New York: Duffield and Co., 1906), by Georg Brandes (multiple formats at
Z1003 .C28 [Info] Inaugural Address at Edinburgh, April 2nd, 1866, by Thomas Carlyle (HTML at Bartleby)
Z1003 .C28 [Info] On the Choice of Books (with a long biographical essay on the author), by Thomas Carlyle, contrib. by Richard Herne Shepherd (Gutenberg text)
Z1003 .D75 [Info] Through the Magic Door, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
Z1003 .E4 [Info] Electronic Book Review (partial serial archives)
Z1003 .H69 2019 [Info] How We Read: Tales, Fury, Nothing, Sound (Earth: Punctum Books, c2019), ed. by Kaitlin Heller and Suzanne Conklin Akbari (PDF with commentary at Punctum Books)
Z1003 .M44 1940 [Info] Books and You (book version, c1940), by W. Somerset Maugham (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS)
Z1003 .P68 1916 [Info] The Seven Joys of Reading (New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1916), by Mary Wright Plummer
Z1003 .P85 [Info] Books and Reading: or, What Books Shall I Read and How Shall I Read Them?, by Noah Porter (page images at MOA)
Z1003 .Q6 [Info] On the Art of Reading (Cambridge, UK: At the University Press, 1939), by Arthur Quiller-Couch (Gutenberg text)
Z1003 .Q6 [Info] On the Art of Reading: Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1916-1917, by Arthur Quiller-Couch (HTML at Bartleby)
Z1003 .S438 2019 [Info] Ending Book Hunger: Access to Print Across Barriers of Class and Culture (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, c2019), by Lea Bishop Shaver (PDF with commentary at
Z1003 .W33 [Info] Books and Bookmen, by Ian Maclaren (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Z1003.2 .B73 2004 [Info] Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America (Washington: National Endowment for the Arts, 2004), by Tom Bradshaw and Bonnie Nichols (PDF at
Z1003.2 .T6 2007 [Info] To Read or Not To Read: A Question of National Consequence (2007), by National Endowment for the Arts (PDF at
Z1003.3 .N4 G54 1989 [Info] Reading Becomes a Necessity of Life: Material and Cultural Life in Rural New England, 1780-1835 (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c1989), by William J. Gilmore-Lehne (PDF at Tennessee)

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