18th centuryUse as a chronological subdivision under headings for art and art forms of all nations, regions, and ethnic groups, except those headings for art and art forms of China, Japan, and Korea. Also use under individual languages and groups of languages, groups of literary authors, individual literatures, including drama, and forms and types of musical compositions. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- ʻAmādīyah (Iraq) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Actions and defenses -- Germany -- 18th century
- Actors -- Germany -- 18th century
- Advertising -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
- Advertising -- Italy -- 18th century
- Aesthetic theory -- 18th century
- Aesthetics, British -- 18th century
- Aesthetics, French -- 18th century
- Aesthetics, German -- 18th century
- Aesthetics, Italian -- 18th century
- Aesthetics, Modern -- 18th century
- Africa -- Description and travels -- 18th century
- Africa, North -- Description and travels -- 18th century
- Africa, West -- Description and travels -- 18th century
- Agriculture -- 18th century
- Albanian poetry -- 18th century
- Albums -- Italy -- 18th century
- Algazi Synagogue -- 18th century
- Allegories -- 18th century
- Almanacs -- Germany -- 18th century
- Almanacs -- Italy -- 18th century
- Almanacs, English -- 18th century
- Alphabet books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Alphabet books -- Portugal -- 18th century
- American fiction -- 18th century
- American literature -- 18th century
- American poetry -- 18th century
- Anacreontic poetry, German -- 18th century
- Anagrams -- Germany -- 18th century
- Anatomy -- 18th century
- Anatomy, Artistic -- 18th century
- Annotations (Provenance) -- 18th century
- Annotations -- 18th century
- Antiquarians -- 18th century
- Apologetics -- 18th century
- Aquatint -- 18th century
- Aquatints (prints) -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Aquatints (prints) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Arabic literature -- Coptic authors -- 18th century
- Archaeologists -- 18th century
- Architectural drawing -- 18th century
- Architecture -- 18th century
- Architecture, German -- 18th century
- Architecture, Modern -- 18th century
- Armenian literature -- 18th century
- Armorial bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Armorial bindings (Provenance) -- 18th century
- Art -- Private collections -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam -- 18th century
- Art, American -- 18th century
- Art, British -- 18th century
- Art, Danish -- 18th century
- Art, English -- 18th century
- Art, European -- 18th century
- Art, French -- 18th century
- Art, German -- 18th century
- Art, Italian -- 18th century
- Art, Modern -- 18th century
- Art, Norwegian -- 18th century
- Art, Polish -- 18th century
- Art, Russian -- 18th century
- Art, Swedish -- 18th century
- Arts, French -- 18th century
- Arts, Italian -- 18th century
- Arts, Modern -- 18th century
- Astronomy -- 18th century
- Australian poetry -- 18th century
- Austria -- Economic policy -- 18th century
- Austria -- Popular culture -- 18th century
- Austrian drama -- 18th century
- Authors -- 18th century
- Authors, American -- 18th century
- Authors, Czech -- 18th century
- Authors, Danish -- 18th century
- Authors, English -- 18th century
- Authors, French -- 18th century
- Authors, Gaelic -- 18th century
- Authors, German -- 18th century
- Authors, Irish -- 18th century
- Authors, Italian -- 18th century
- Authors, Russian -- 18th century
- Authors, Scottish -- 18th century
- Authors, Serbian -- 18th century
- Authors, Spanish -- 18th century
- Authors, Swedish -- 18th century
- Authors, Swiss -- 18th century
- Authors, Welsh -- 18th century
- Autobiographies -- 18th century
- Avignon (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Ballads -- 18th century
- Ballads, English -- 18th century
- Ballet -- Germany -- 18th century
- Ballet -- Italy -- 18th century
- Ballet -- United States -- 18th century
- Balloons -- 18th century
- Baltic Provinces (Russia) -- Social life -- 18th century
- Bengal (India) -- Commerce -- 18th century
- Biography -- 18th century
- Bishops -- Chile -- Santiago -- 18th century
- Bishops -- Italy -- Brescia -- 18th century
- Bishops -- Italy -- Macerata -- 18th century
- Bishops -- Italy -- Tolentino -- 18th century
- Bishops -- Italy -- Vicenza -- 18th century
- Black people -- Caribbean Area -- 18th century
- Block books -- China -- 18th century
- Block books -- Japan -- 18th century
- Book catalogs -- Germany -- 18th century
- Bookplates (Provenance) -- 18th century
- Bookplates -- 18th century
- Bookseller's advertisements -- Austria -- 18th century
- Booksellers and bookselling -- German -- 18th century
- Booksellers and bookselling -- Italy -- Rome -- 18th century
- Booksellers' advertisements -- Germany -- 18th century
- Booksellers' advertisements -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Booksellers' advertisements -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Booksellers' advertisements -- Scotland -- 18th century
- Booksellers' catalogs -- 18th century
- Booksellers' catalogues -- Italy -- 18th century
- Botanists -- 18th century
- Botany -- 18th century
- Brazilian poetry -- 18th century
- Broadsides (notices) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Broadsides -- 18th century
- Bronzes, French -- 18th century
- Calf bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Camaldolese -- Italy -- 18th century
- Canada -- 18th century
- Canadian literature -- 18th century
- Cantatas -- Italy -- 18th century
- Cantatas, Secular -- 18th century
- Carols, English -- 18th century
- Carpentras (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Casale Monferrato (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Cast lists -- New York (State) -- New York -- 18th century
- Catalogs -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Catalogs -- Italy -- 18th century
- Catalogs -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Catholic Church -- Chile -- Santiago -- Bishops -- 18th century
- Catholic Church -- Controversial literature -- 18th century
- Catholic Church -- Missions -- China -- 18th century
- Catholic Church -- Relations -- Methodist Church -- 18th century
- Cavaillon (Cavaillon, France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Certificates -- Italy -- 18th century
- Chamber music -- 18th century
- Chapbooks -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
- Chemists -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Child welfare -- Germany -- 18th century
- Children's books -- 18th century
- China -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Christenings -- Italy -- Ferrara -- 18th century
- Christian art and symbolism -- 18th century
- Christian ethics -- 18th century
- Christian heresies -- 18th century
- Christian heretics -- 18th century
- Christian life -- 18th century
- Christian literature, German -- 18th century
- Christian poetry, English -- 18th century
- Christian saints -- Italy -- 18th century
- Chronicles -- 18th century
- Chronograms -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Chronograms -- Germany -- 18th century
- Chronologies (lists) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Church controversies -- Methodist Church -- 18th century
- Church history -- 18th century
- Church of England -- 18th century
- Church of Scotland -- 18th century
- Church of Scotland. General Assembly -- 18th century
- Ciphers -- Germany -- 18th century
- City and town life -- Russia -- 18th century
- City maps -- Belgium -- Brabant -- 18th century
- Civilization -- 18th century
- Civilization, Modern -- 18th century
- Classical philology -- Italy -- 18th century
- Classicists -- Italy -- 18th century
- Clermont (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Collective biographies -- Italy -- 18th century
- College students' writings, English -- 18th century
- Colombian poetry -- Women authors -- 18th century
- Colonies -- America -- 18th century
- Color prints -- 18th century
- Color prints, French -- 18th century
- Comedies -- 18th century
- Composers -- Germany -- 18th century
- Concertos (Piano) -- 18th century
- Constitutional law -- Hungary -- 18th century
- Constitutional law -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Constitutions -- Italy -- Trent -- 18th century
- Conversion Narratives -- 18th century
- Cookbooks -- 18th century
- Cooking, British -- 18th century
- Cooking, German -- 18th century
- Copper engravings (visual works) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Copper engravings (visual works) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Czechoslovakia -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Germany -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Poland -- 18th century
- Copper engravings -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Copybooks (instructional materials) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Copybooks -- Austria -- 18th century
- Copybooks -- Germany -- 18th century
- Copybooks -- Italy -- 18th century
- Coronation books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Coronation books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Corsica (France) -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Crayon manner prints -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Critics -- Italy -- 18th century
- Croatian literature -- 18th century
- Croatian poetry -- 18th century
- Culture -- 18th century
- Cumbria (England) -- Epic poetry -- 18th century
- Damascus (Syria) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Dance -- Germany -- 18th century
- Dance -- Study and teaching -- 18th century
- Dance -- United States -- 18th century
- Dance music -- 18th century
- Dancers -- 18th century
- Danish drama -- 18th century
- Danish literature -- 18th century
- Decorated papers -- Austria -- 18th century
- Decorated papers -- Germany -- 18th century
- Decorated papers -- Italy -- 18th century
- Decorated papers -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Decrees -- Italy -- 18th century
- Denmark -- Commerce -- 18th century
- Dentistry -- 18th century
- Dentistry, Operative -- 18th century
- Designs and plans -- Italy -- 18th century
- Devotional literature -- Germany -- 18th century
- Devotional literature -- Italian -- 18th century
- Devotional literature -- Italy -- 18th century
- Devotional literature -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Devotional pictures -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Diagnosis -- 18th century
- Dialogues -- 18th century
- Dialogues, Italian -- 18th century
- Diaries -- 18th century
- Dictionaries -- English -- 18th century
- Dictionaries -- French -- 18th century
- Dictionaries -- Germany -- 18th century
- Didactic poetry, English -- 18th century
- Diphtheria -- 18th century
- Diplomats -- Italy -- 18th century
- Dissenters, Religious -- Scotland -- 18th century
- Dissertations -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Dissertations, Academic -- New York -- 18th century
- Dissertations, Academic -- Sweden -- Uppsala -- 18th century
- Double leaves -- Japan -- 18th century
- Drama -- 18th century
- Dramatists, English -- 18th century
- Dramatists, French -- 18th century
- Dramatists, German -- 18th century
- Dramatists, Irish -- 18th century
- Dramatists, Italian -- 18th century
- Dramatists, Portuguese -- 18th century
- Dramatists, Russian -- 18th century
- Drawing -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Drawing books -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Drawing, English -- 18th century
- Drawing, European -- 18th century
- Drawing, French -- 18th century
- Drawing, German -- 18th century
- Drawing, Italian -- 18th century
- Drawings -- China -- 18th century
- Drawings -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Dutch drama -- 18th century
- Dutch gilt papers (Binding) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Dutch literature -- 18th century
- Dutch poetry -- 18th century
- Early printed books -- 18th century
- Economic conditions -- 18th century
- Edirne (Turkey) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Education -- 18th century
- Educators -- Italy -- 18th century
- Egypt -- Ethnic relations -- 18th century
- Election sermons -- Connecticut -- 18th century
- Elegiac poetry -- Italy -- 18th century
- Elegiac poetry, English -- 18th century
- Elegiac poetry, Italian -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Austria -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Czechoslovakia -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- German -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Hungary -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Emblem books -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Danish -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Dutch -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Dutch -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Emblem books, French -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblem books, German -- Austria -- 18th century
- Emblem books, German -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Italian -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Latin -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Emblem books, Latin -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblems (Allegorical pictures) -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Austria -- 18th century
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Belgium -- 18th century
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Hungary -- 18th century
- Emblems (allegorical pictures) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Emblems -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Emblems, Dutch -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Emblems, German -- Czechoslovakia -- 18th century
- Emblems, German -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblems, Italian -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emblems, Latin -- Germany -- 18th century
- Emgravings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Emperors -- Russia -- 18th century
- Eng. lit -- 18th century
- Engavings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Engineering drawings -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- England -- 18th century
- English diaries -- 18th century
- English drama (Tragedy) -- 18th century
- English drama -- 18th century
- English essays -- 18th century
- English fiction -- 18th century
- English language -- 18th century
- English letters -- 18th century
- English literature -- 18th century
- English newspapers -- 18th century
- English periodicals -- 18th century
- English poetry -- 18th century
- English prose literature -- 18th century
- Engraver's proofs -- Germany -- 18th century
- Engraving -- 18th century
- Engraving, English -- 18th century
- Engraving, European -- 18th century
- Engraving, French -- 18th century
- Engraving, German -- 18th century
- Engraving, Italian -- 18th century
- Engraving, Japanese -- 18th century
- Engraving, Russian -- 18th century
- Engravings (prints) -- 18th century
- Engravings (prints)zFrance -- 18th century
- Epic poetry, English -- 18th century
- Epics -- Italy -- 18th century
- Epistolary fiction, English -- 18th century
- Epistolary fiction, French -- 18th century
- Erotic literature, French -- 18th century
- Erotica -- Italy -- 18th century
- Errata lists (Publishing) -- 18th century
- Essays -- 18th century
- Etching -- 18th century
- Etching, Dutch -- 18th century
- Etching, Italian -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints -- Italy -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints) -- Austria -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints) -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Etchings (prints) -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Ethics, Modern -- 18th century
- Eulogies -- Denmark -- Copenhagen -- 18th century
- Eulogies -- Germany -- 18th century
- Eulogies -- Italy -- 18th century
- Europe -- 18th century
- Europe, Western -- Foreign relations -- 18th century
- European drama -- 18th century
- European fiction -- 18th century
- European literature -- 18th century
- European poetry -- 18th century
- Execution sermons -- 18th century
- Explorers -- North America -- 18th century
- Extra-illustrated copies (Provenance) -- 18th century
- Fables -- Italy -- 18th century
- Fables -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Falconry -- Poetry -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- Falconry in literature -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- False imprints (Printing) -- 18th century
- Fast-day sermons -- 18th century
- Festival books -- 18th century
- Festivals -- Germany -- 18th century
- Festivals -- Rome -- 18th century
- Fiction -- 18th century
- Fictitious imprints (Printing) -- 18th century
- Fictitious imprints (Publishing) -- 18th century
- Finance -- Germany -- 18th century
- Folded books -- China -- 18th century
- Folding errors (Binding) -- 18th century
- Foot -- 18th century
- Foreign-language dictionaries -- Italy -- 18th century
- Formulas, recipes, etc. -- Italy -- 18th century
- France -- 18th century
- France. États généraux -- 18th century
- France. Armée -- Cavalry -- 18th century
- French drama (Comedy) -- 18th century
- French drama -- 18th century
- French fiction -- 18th century
- French letters -- 18th century
- French literature -- 18th century
- French poetry -- 18th century
- French prose fiction -- 18th century
- French prose literature -- 18th century
- French revolution -- 18th century
- Funeral addresses -- Italy -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Guatemala -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Mexico -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Peru -- 18th century
- Funeral books -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Funeral orations -- Germany -- Munich -- 18th century
- Funeral orations -- Guatemala -- 18th century
- Funeral orations -- Italy -- 18th century
- Funeral orations -- Monaco -- 18th century
- Funeral orations -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Funeral sermons -- Germany -- 18th century
- Funeral sermons -- United States -- 18th century
- Gardening -- 18th century
- Gauffered edges (Binding) -- 18th century
- Gazetteers (dictionaries) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Genealogy -- Italy -- 18th century
- Generals -- Poland -- 18th century
- Genre painting -- 18th century
- Geography -- 18th century
- Georgia (Kingdom) -- Foreign relations -- Russia -- 18th century
- German Americans -- Religious life -- 18th century
- German drama (Tragedy) -- 18th century
- German drama -- 18th century
- German essays -- 18th century
- German fiction -- 18th century
- German language -- 18th century
- German lit -- 18th century
- German literature -- 18th century
- German periodicals -- 18th century
- German poetry -- 18th century
- German prose literature -- 18th century
- Germany -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Germany -- Description and travels -- 18th century
- Germany -- Historical geography -- 18th century
- Germany -- Popular culture -- 18th century
- Glossaries -- 18th century
- Gold tooled bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Gold tooled bindings -- 18th century
- Great Britain -- 18th century
- Great Britain. Parliament -- 18th century
- Guidebooks -- Germany -- 18th century
- Guidebooks -- Italy -- 18th century
- Guilds -- Italy -- 18th century
- Hand coloring -- Austria -- 18th century
- Hand coloring -- Germany -- 18th century
- Hand coloring -- Italy -- 18th century
- Hand coloring -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Hand-coloring -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Hand-coloring -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Hand-coloring -- Italy -- 18th century
- Hand-coloring -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Harpsichord music -- 18th century
- Headpiece (layout features) -- 18th century
- Headpieces (layout features) -- 18th century
- Hebrew poetry -- 18th century
- Herbals -- Italy -- 18th century
- Heroic dramas -- Italy -- 18th century
- Historians -- Italy -- 18th century
- Historical drama, English -- 18th century
- History -- 18th century
- History of doctrines -- 18th century
- History, Military -- 18th century
- History, Modern -- 18th century
- History, Naval -- 18th century
- Humor -- Italy -- 18th century
- Humorists, English -- 18th century
- Hungarian drama -- 18th century
- Hungarian literature -- 18th century
- Hungary -- Statistics -- 18th century
- Hunting -- Poetry -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- Hunting in literature -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- Iceland -- Commerce -- 18th century
- Illustrated books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Illustration of books -- 18th century
- Imaginary conversations -- Germany -- 18th century
- Imprints (Publishers' and printers' statements) -- 18th century
- Imprints -- 18th century
- Impritns -- 18th century
- Incunabula -- Germany -- Bibliography -- 18th century
- India -- 18th century
- Indulgence (doctrinal concept) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Industrialists -- Germany -- Black Forest -- 18th century
- Industries -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Initials (layout features) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Inscriptions (Provenance) -- Italy -- Naples -- 18th century
- Inscriptions (Provenance) -- Russia -- Moscow -- 18th century
- Inscriptions -- 18th century
- Instrumental music -- 18th century
- Intellectual life -- 18th century
- Ireland -- Anecdotes -- 18th century
- Ireland -- Commerce -- 18th century
- Irish drama -- 18th century
- Irish fiction (in English) -- 18th century
- Irish fiction -- 18th century
- Irish poetry -- 18th century
- Istanbul (Turkey) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Italian drama (Comedy) -- 18th century
- Italian drama -- 18th century
- Italian essays -- 18th century
- Italian fiction -- 18th century
- Italian letters -- 18th century
- Italian literature -- 18th century
- Italian poetry -- 18th century
- Italian prose -- 18th century
- Izmir (Turkey) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Jestbooks -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Jewish calendar -- 18th century
- Jewish physicians -- 18th century
- Jewish religious poetry, Hebrew -- 18th century
- Jews -- Greece -- Kerkyra -- 18th century
- Jews -- Italy -- Padua -- 18th century
- Jews -- Switzerland -- Jura -- 18th century
- Juvenile literature -- 18th century
- Kerkyra (Greece) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Ketubah -- 18th century
- L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Lace and lace making -- Europe, Central -- 18th century
- Landscape painting -- 18th century
- Landscape painting, British -- 18th century
- Landscape painting, English -- 18th century
- Large paper printings -- 18th century
- Laudatory poetry -- Italy -- 18th century
- Laudatory poetry -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Laudatory poetry, Italian -- 18th century
- Law -- Russia -- 18th century
- Laws -- Italy -- Trent -- 18th century
- Lay brothers -- Italy -- Como -- 18th century
- Leadership -- Military -- Russia -- 18th century
- Leather bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Legal ethics -- Italy -- Milan -- 18th century
- Lenton sermons -- 18th century
- Letter writing, Turkish -- 18th century
- Letters (correspondence) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Letters -- 18th century
- Library catalogs -- 18th century
- Library catalogues -- 18th century
- Libretti -- Austria -- 18th century
- Libretti -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Libretti -- Germany -- 18th century
- Librettos -- Germany -- 18th century
- Librettos -- Italy -- 18th century
- Lisle (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Literature -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- Literature, Modern -- 18th century
- Lithography -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Lliterature, Modern -- 18th century
- Local government -- Italy -- Milan -- 18th century
- Local government -- Soviet Union -- 18th century
- Logic, Modern -- 18th century
- Lutheran Church -- Apologetic works -- 18th century
- Majolica, Italian -- Italy -- Castelli -- 18th century
- Mantua (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Manuals (Handbooks) -- 18th century
- Manuscripts, Arabic -- 18th century
- Manuscripts, English -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal -- 18th century
- Manuscripts, French -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal -- 18th century
- Manuscripts, Hebrew -- 18th century
- Manuscripts, Persian -- 18th century
- Maps -- America -- 18th century
- Maps -- California -- San Francisco Bay -- 18th century
- Maps -- Guiana -- 18th century
- Maps -- Italy -- Emilia-Romagna -- 18th century
- Maps -- Italy -- Naples Region -- 18th century
- Maps -- Mexico -- 18th century
- Maps -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Maps -- Peru -- 18th century
- Marbled paper (Bindings) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Marbled papers (Binding) -- Turkey -- 18th century
- Marital property -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Markings (Provenance) -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
- Masquerades -- Italy -- 18th century
- Masques -- Czech Republic -- 18th century
- Masques -- Italy -- 18th century
- Massachusetts -- 18th century
- Massacres -- New York (State) -- Fort William Henry -- 18th century
- Mathematical recreations -- Germany -- Stralsund -- 18th century
- Measured drawings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Medical education -- Jews -- Italy -- 18th century
- Medical laws and legislation -- 18th century
- Medicinal plants -- 18th century
- Medicine -- 18th century
- Memorial works -- Italy -- Bergamo -- 18th century
- Memorial works -- Italy -- Verona -- 18th century
- Methodist Church -- Hymns -- 18th century
- Methodist Church -- Relations -- Evangelicals -- 18th century
- Methodist Church -- Societies, etc. -- 18th century
- Methodist Episcopal Church (United States) -- 18th century
- Mezzotint engraving -- 18th century
- Microscopy -- 18th century
- Midwifery -- 18th century
- Milan (Italy) -- Law and legislation -- 18th century
- Military art and science -- 18th century
- Military history, Modern -- 18th century
- Milton, John, 1608-1674 -- Criticism and interpretation -- 18th century
- Miniature painting, Russian -- 18th century
- Missions -- Catholic Church -- 18th century
- Modena (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Monastic and religious life -- Italy -- Milan -- 18th century
- Monasticism and religious orders -- Italy -- Milan -- 18th century
- Montréal (Québec) -- 18th century
- Morocco -- Jews -- 18th century
- Morocco bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Mouth -- Care and hygiene -- 18th century
- Mural painting and decoration -- 18th century
- Mural painting and decoration, Italian -- Italy -- Palermo -- 18th century
- Muscles -- 18th century
- Music -- 18th century
- Mysticism -- Germany -- 18th century
- Naval battles -- 18th century
- Naval history -- 18th century
- Netherlands -- Commerce -- 18th century
- New Spain. Ejército -- Military life -- 18th century
- New Spain. Ejército -- Regulations -- 18th century
- New Zealand poetry -- 18th century
- Newspapers -- 18th century
- Nizza Monferrato (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Non-Latin characters (Type evidence) -- Turkey -- 18th century
- Novelists, American -- 18th century
- Novelists, English -- 18th century
- Novelists, French -- 18th century
- Novelists, Scottish -- 18th century
- Obstetrics -- 18th century
- Occasional poems -- Italy -- 18th century
- Occasional addresses -- Italy -- 18th century
- Occasional poems -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
- Occasional poems -- Italy -- 18th century
- Occasional poems -- Savoy (France and Italy) -- 18th century
- Occasional poems -- Switzerland -- Lucerne -- 18th century
- Occasional sermons -- Italy -- Vercelli -- 18th century
- Occasional verse -- Italy -- 18th century
- Occitan poetry -- 18th century
- Old Believers -- Russia -- 18th century
- Opera -- 18th century
- Operas -- 18th century
- Oratorios -- 18th century
- Orchestral music -- History and criticism -- 18th century
- Organ music -- 18th century
- Orphans -- Germany -- 18th century
- Owners' inscriptions (Provenance) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Oxford University -- Life and reminscences -- 18th century
- Padua (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Pageants -- Italy -- Parma -- 18th century
- Painters -- Germany -- 18th century
- Painters -- Japan -- 18th century
- Painters, French -- 18th century
- Painting -- 18th century
- Painting, American -- 18th century
- Painting, British -- 18th century
- Painting, Dutch -- 18th century
- Painting, English -- 18th century
- Painting, European -- 18th century
- Painting, Flemish -- 18th century
- Painting, French -- 18th century
- Painting, German -- 18th century
- Painting, Irish -- 18th century
- Painting, Italian -- 18th century
- Painting, Modern -- 18th century
- Painting, Russian -- 18th century
- Painting, Spanish -- 18th century
- Pamphlets -- Italy -- 18th century
- Paper -- Italy -- 18th century
- Paper bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Paper cutouts -- Germany -- 18th century
- Parks -- 18th century
- Parody -- Italy -- 18th century
- Passion plays -- Italy -- 18th century
- Passionists -- 18th century
- Pastel drawing, French -- 18th century
- Pastoral drama, Italian -- 18th century
- Pastoral poetry -- Italy -- 18th century
- Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- Discovery and exploration -- 18th century
- Pattern books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Pattern books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Pattern books -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Periodicals -- 18th century
- Philosophers -- Germany -- 18th century
- Philosophers -- Italy -- 18th century
- Philosophers -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Philosophy -- 18th century
- Philosophy, British -- 18th century
- Philosophy, English -- 18th century
- Philosophy, French -- 18th century
- Philosophy, German -- 18th century
- Philosophy, Italian -- 18th century
- Philosophy, Modern -- 18th century
- Philosophy, Scottish -- 18th century
- Physicians -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Physiology -- 18th century
- Piano music -- 18th century
- Picaresque literature -- 18th century
- Piedmont (Italy) -- 18th century
- Pietism -- Germany -- 18th century
- Pilgrimage guidebooks -- Italy -- 18th century
- Plans (maps) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Plants -- 18th century
- Playbills -- Ohio -- Dayton -- 18th century
- Playbills -- Ohio -- Toledo -- 18th century
- Plays (document genre) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Plays -- 18th century
- Poems -- 18th century
- Poems, English -- 18th century
- Poetry -- Germany -- 18th century
- Poetry -- Italy -- 18th century
- Poetry, English -- 18th century
- Poetry, Modern -- 18th century
- Poetry, Scottish -- 18th century
- Poets -- Scotland -- 18th century
- Poets, Armenian -- 18th century
- Poets, Croatian -- 18th century
- Poets, English -- 18th century
- Poets, French -- 18th century
- Poets, German -- 18th century
- Poets, Irish -- 18th century
- Poets, Italian -- 18th century
- Poets, Persian -- 18th century
- Poets, Polish -- 18th century
- Poets, Russian -- 18th century
- Poets, Scottish -- 18th century
- Polish drama -- 18th century
- Polish literature -- 18th century
- Polish poetry -- 18th century
- Political satire, English -- 18th century
- Politics and government -- 18th century
- Poor -- Germany -- 18th century
- Popular culture -- Austria -- 18th century
- Porcelain -- 18th century
- Porcelain, English -- 18th century
- Porcelain, French -- 18th century
- Porcelain, Italian -- 18th century
- Portrait miniatures -- 18th century
- Portrait painting -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, American -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, British -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, English -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, European -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, French -- 18th century
- Portrait painting, Russian -- 18th century
- Portrait prints -- 18th century
- Portrait prints, French -- 18th century
- Portrait prints, German -- 18th century
- Portraits -- Italy -- 18th century
- Portraits, Russian -- 18th century
- Portugal -- Foreign relations -- 18th century
- Portuguese drama -- 18th century
- Portuguese literature -- 18th century
- Portuguese poetry -- 18th century
- Pottery -- 18th century
- Pottery, American -- New Jersey -- 18th century
- Pottery, English -- 18th century
- Prayer books -- Austria -- 18th century
- Prayers -- Austria -- 18th century
- Prefaces -- 18th century
- Prenuptial agreements -- Jews -- 18th century
- Press figures (Printing) -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 18th century
- Princesses -- Turkey -- 18th century
- Printer's proofs -- Germany -- 18th century
- Printers' advertisements -- Italy -- 18th century
- Printers' advertisements -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 18th century
- Printers' devices (Printing) -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam -- 18th century
- Printers' devices (Printing) -- Portugal -- Lisbon -- 18th century
- Printing in multiple colours (Printing) -- Italy -- Verona -- 18th century
- Printmakers -- Japan -- 18th century
- Prints (Graphic arts) -- 18th century
- Prints -- 18th century
- Prints, British -- 18th century
- Prints, English -- 18th century
- Prints, European -- 18th century
- Prints, French -- 18th century
- Prints, German -- Germany -- Augsburg -- 18th century
- Prints, Italian -- Italy -- Rome -- 18th century
- Private libraries -- Italy -- 18th century
- Privateering -- 18th century
- Prize bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Prize books (Provenance) -- Amersfoort -- 18th century
- Prize books (Provenance) -- Zwolle -- 18th century
- Prohibited books -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Prospectuses -- Italy -- 18th century
- Protest literature -- 18th century
- Protestantism -- 18th century
- Protestants -- Soviet Union -- 18th century
- Proverbs, French -- 18th century
- Prussia (Germany) -- Kings and rulers -- 18th century
- Publisher's paper bindings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Publishers' advertisements -- 18th century
- Publishers' catalogs -- Italy -- 18th century
- Puerto Rican poetry -- 18th century
- Quarter bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Rabbis -- Italy -- Livorno -- 18th century
- Ragusa (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Rare books -- 18th century
- Readers -- 18th century
- Rebuses -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Rebuses -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Reformed Church in Switzerland -- 18th century
- Religion -- 18th century
- Religious poems -- Italy -- 18th century
- Religious poetry, English -- 18th century
- Religious poetry, French -- 18th century
- Religious poetry, Italian -- 18th century
- Religious poetry, Welsh -- 18th century
- Religious thought -- 18th century
- Reproductive prints -- Italy -- 18th century
- Reproductive prints -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Revolutionaries -- Poland -- 18th century
- Riddles, Hebrew -- 18th century
- Romance-language literature -- 18th century
- Romanian literature -- 18th century
- Rule of law -- Soviet Union -- 18th century
- Ruling in red (Binding) -- 18th century
- Russia -- Armed Forces -- Officers -- 18th century
- Russia -- Commerce -- 18th century
- Russia -- History, Local -- 18th century
- Russian drama -- 18th century
- Russian literature -- 18th century
- Russian periodicals -- 18th century
- Russian poetry -- 18th century
- Russian prose literature -- 18th century
- Russian wit and humor -- 18th century
- Sacred vocal music -- Poland -- 18th century
- Salé (Morocco) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Sales catalogs -- Italy -- 18th century
- Sanitary engineering -- Poland -- Lublin -- 18th century
- Sanitation, Household -- Poland -- Lublin -- 18th century
- Saros cycle -- 18th century
- Satire -- Germany -- 18th century
- Satire, English -- 18th century
- Satire, French -- 18th century
- Satire, Russian -- 18th century
- Satires (document genre) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Satires -- 18th century
- Satirists -- 18th century
- Scales (Weighing instruments) -- Calibration -- 18th century
- Scandinavian literature -- 18th century
- Scenarios -- Italy -- 18th century
- Scientific expeditions -- Brazil -- 18th century
- Scottish Gaelic poetry -- 18th century
- Scottish drama -- 18th century
- Scottish literature -- 18th century
- Scottish poetry -- 18th century
- Scrolls -- Japan -- 18th century
- Sculpture, Belgian -- Belgium -- Antwerp -- 18th century
- Sculpture, Danish -- 18th century
- Sculpture, English -- 18th century
- Sculpture, Europe -- 18th century
- Sculpture, French -- 18th century
- Sculpture, German -- 18th century
- Sculpture, Italian -- 18th century
- Sculpture, Portuguese -- 18th century
- Sermons -- 18th century
- Sermons, American -- 18th century
- Sermons, English -- 18th century
- Sermons, French -- 18th century
- Sermons, German -- 18th century
- Sermons, Italian -- 18th century
- Sermons, Russian -- 18th century
- Siam -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Signs and symbols -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Silhouettes -- Germany -- 18th century
- Smallpox -- 18th century
- Social conditions -- 18th century
- Social history -- 18th century
- Social life and customs -- 18th century
- Social reformers -- Germany -- 18th century
- Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 18th century
- Soldiers -- Mexico -- 18th century
- Soldiers -- United States -- 18th century
- Songs (High voice) with piano -- 18th century
- Songs (Low voice) with piano -- 18th century
- Songs (Medium voice) with piano -- 18th century
- Songs -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
- Songs with orchestra -- 18th century
- Songs, French -- 18th century
- Songs, Italian -- 18th century
- Songs, Scottish -- 18th century
- South Africa -- Description and travels -- 18th century
- Spain -- 18th century
- Spanish drama (Comedy) -- 18th century
- Spanish drama -- 18th century
- Spanish fiction -- 18th century
- Spanish literature -- 18th century
- Spanish poetry -- 18th century
- Speeches, addresses, etc. -- Germany -- 18th century
- Speeches, addresses, etc. -- Italy -- 18th century
- Speeches, addresses, etc. -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Spiritual life -- Baptists -- Women authors -- 18th century
- Split (Croatia) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Stipple engravers -- 18th century
- Stipple engraving -- 18th century
- Stipple engravings (prints) -- Austria -- 18th century
- Subscribers' Lists -- Pennsylvania -- 18th century
- Subscribers' lists -- Austria -- 18th century
- Subscribers' lists -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Subscribers' lists -- Italy -- Milan -- 18th century
- Subscription lists (Publishing) -- Germany -- Leipzig -- 18th century
- Subscription lists -- 18th century
- Surgery -- 18th century
- Swedish literature -- 18th century
- Swedish poetry -- 18th century
- Swiss literature (German) -- 18th century
- Swiss literature -- 18th century
- Tail pieces (Type evidence) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Technical manuals -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Terra-cotta sculpture, European -- 18th century
- Thai poetry -- 18th century
- Thanksgiving sermons -- New York (N.Y.) -- 18th century
- Thanksgiving sermons -- Pennsylvania -- 18th century
- Theater -- Germany -- 18th century
- Theater -- Italy -- Parma -- 18th century
- Theater -- Italy -- Venice -- 18th century
- Theater -- Russia -- 18th century
- Theologians -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Theology, Anglican -- 18th century
- Theology, Doctrinal -- 18th century
- Theology, Protestant -- 18th century
- Thessalonikē (Greece) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Tithes -- Wales -- 18th century
- Topographical views -- Belgium -- Brabant -- 18th century
- Topographical views -- Germany -- 18th century
- Topographical views -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Torture -- Soviet Union -- 18th century
- Tragedies -- 18th century
- Translations -- 18th century
- Travel Literature -- 18th century
- Travel guidebooks -- Italy -- 18th century
- Travel writing -- 18th century
- Travelers -- 18th century
- Trenton (N.J.) -- Genealogy -- 18th century
- Trenton (N.J.) -- Registers -- 18th century
- Trials, litigation, etc. -- 18th century
- Trieste (Italy) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Trinity -- Sacred books -- 18th century
- Tsefat (Israel) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Turkish poetry -- 18th century
- Type ornaments (Type evidence) -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam -- 18th century
- Untrimmed edges (Binding) -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Uppsala universitet -- Dissertations -- 18th century
- Varallo (Italy) -- Sacro Monte -- Description and travel -- 18th century
- Vedute -- Italy -- 18th century
- Vellum bindings (Binding) -- 18th century
- Venasque (France) -- Jews -- 18th century
- Venice (Italy) -- 18th century
- Verse satire, English -- 18th century
- Visits of state -- Netherlands -- Amsterdam -- 18th century
- Vocal music -- Germany -- 18th century
- Vocal music -- Italy -- 18th century
- Volvelles -- Italy -- 18th century
- Voyages and travels -- 18th century
- Watercolor painting -- 18th century
- Watercolors (paintings) -- Germany -- 18th century
- Watermarks (Paper) -- 18th century
- Wedding books -- Germany -- 18th century
- Wedding books -- Italy -- 18th century
- Wedding books -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Wedding poems -- Italy -- 18th century
- Weights and measures -- Law and legislation -- 18th century
- Welsh literature -- 18th century
- Welsh poetry -- 18th century
- Welsh prose literature -- 18th century
- Women -- 18th century
- Women authors, English -- 18th century
- Women authors, French -- 18th century
- Women authors, German -- 18th century
- Women poets, German -- 18th century
- Wood engravings -- Italy -- 18th century
- Wood-engraving -- 18th century
- Wood-engraving, German -- 18th century
- Woodcuts (prints) -- Italy -- 18th century
- Woodcuts (prints) -- Japan -- 18th century
- Woodcuts (prints) -- Mexico -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Austria -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Belgium -- Liège -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- China -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Denmark -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Germany -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Ireland -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Italy -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Japan -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Mexico -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Netherlands -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Portugal -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Sweden -- 18th century
- Woodcuts -- Switzerland -- 18th century
- Working class -- United States -- 18th century
- Working poor -- United States -- 18th century
- World politics -- 18th century
- Writing books -- 18th century
- Yearbooks -- Italy -- 18th century
- Žagarė (Lithuania) -- Jews -- 18th century
Filed under: 18th century
Filed under: ʻAmādīyah (Iraq) -- Jews -- 18th century
Filed under: Advertising -- Ireland -- Dublin -- 18th century
Filed under: Advertising -- Italy -- 18th century
Filed under: Aesthetic theory -- 18th century
Filed under: Aesthetics, British -- 18th century The Beautiful, Novel, and Strange: Aesthetics and Heterodoxy (originally published 1995; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Ronald Paulson (HTML and PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE) The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1935), by Samuel Holt Monk (page images at HathiTrust) A letter to the Dilettanti Society, respecting the obtention of certain matters essentially necessary for the improvement of public taste, and for accomplishing the original views of the Royal Academy of Great-Britain (Printed for J. Walker ..., 1799), by James Barry and England) Society of Dilettanti (London (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Aesthetics, French -- 18th century
Filed under: Aesthetics, German -- 18th century Klassische Schönheit (E. Diederichs, 1906), by Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Alexander Gleichen-Russwurm, and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (page images at HathiTrust) Schillers Ästhetik im Verhältnis zur Kantischen : (Teildruck) (C.F. Winter, 1912), by Willy Rosalewski (page images at HathiTrust) Herzensergiessungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (F. A. Herbig, 1822), by Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder and Ludwig Tieck (page images at HathiTrust) Die deutsche Litterärgeschichte der Kunst im 18. Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kunstwissenschaft ... ([Karlsruhe], 1916), by Kurt Karl Eberlein (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Aesthetics, Italian -- 18th century
Filed under: Aesthetics, Modern -- 18th century The Topography of Modernity: Karl Philipp Moritz and the Space of Autonomy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press and Cornell University Library, c2012), by Elliott Schreiber (PDF and Epub at Cornell Open) The Role of the Sublime in Kant's Moral Metaphysics, by John R. Goodreau (PDF at crvp.org) Die Kritik der rationalen Ästhetik in England im achtzehnten Jahrhundert (s.n.], 1912), by H. Bruce Wallace (page images at HathiTrust) Laocoon : an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry : with remarks illustrative of various points in the history of ancient art (Roberts Brothers, 1877), by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Ellen Frothingham (page images at HathiTrust) Critik der Urtheilskraft ([s. n.], 1792), by Immanuel Kant (page images at HathiTrust) Herder's Kritische Wälder (Gustav Hempel, 1879), by Johann Gottfried Herder and Heinrich Düntzer (page images at HathiTrust) Lettres familières de M. Winckelmann. (Chez Couturier fils, libraire ..., 1781), by Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Angelica Kauffmann, and Christian Gottlob Heyne (page images at HathiTrust) Lettres familieres de M. Winckelmann : avec Les oeuvres de M. le Chevalier Mengs. ([publisher not identified], 1784), by Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Anton Raphael Mengs, and Christian Gottlob Heyne (page images at HathiTrust) Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (Bey Friedrich Hartknoch, 1771), by Immanuel Kant and Johann Friedrich Hartknoch (page images at HathiTrust) Carta apologetica e analytica que pela ingenuidade da pintura, em quanto sciencia (Na regia Officina Silviana ..., 1752), by José Gomes da Cruz (page images at HathiTrust) Winckelmanns Briefe an seine Freunde : mit einigen Zusätzen und litterarischen Anmerkungen (In der Walterischen Hofbuchhandlung, 1777), by Johann Joachim Winckelmann and Karl Wilhelm Dassdorf (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Africa -- Description and travels -- 18th century Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797 (Dentu, Carteret, 1799), by Mungo Park, Carteret, Dentu, J. Castéra, James Rennell, and Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos (Madrid) (page images at HathiTrust) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : in five Volumes (printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson ..., London, 1790), by James 1730-1794 Bruce, Francisco Guerra, Arthur Howard Southey, J. Robinson, Georges G. Robinson, J. Ruthven, and James Heath (page images at HathiTrust) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : in five Volumes (printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson ..., London, 1790), by James 1730-1794 Bruce, Francisco Guerra, Arthur Howard Southey, J. Robinson, Georges G. Robinson, J. Ruthven, and James Heath (page images at HathiTrust) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : in five Volumes (printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson ..., London, 1790), by James 1730-1794 Bruce, Francisco Guerra, Arthur Howard Southey, J. Robinson, Georges G. Robinson, and J. Ruthven (page images at HathiTrust) Voyage aux sources du Nil, en Nubie et en Abyssynie, pendant les années 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771 ([s.n.], 1790), by James 1730-1794 Bruce, William Paterson, and Jean Henri Castera (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Africa, North -- Description and travels -- 18th century
Filed under: Africa, West -- Description and travels -- 18th century
Filed under: Agriculture -- 18th century
Filed under: Albums -- Italy -- 18th century
Filed under: Algazi Synagogue -- 18th century [Derashot]. (Columbia University Libraries, in the 18th century), by Ḥayyim ben Yehudah Toledano, Yosef Ḥazan, Ḥayyim Moses ben Solomon Amarillo, ha-Leṿi Refaʼel, Ḥayyim ben Benjamin Asael, Israel Jacob ben Yom Tov Algazi, Avraham Gaṭinyo, Isaac ben Judah Rappaport, Hezekiah ben David da Silva, Samuel Primo, Daṿid ben Hezekiah ben David da Silva, Maḥita Toledano, ʻAmram be Sʹasson Levi, Eliʻezer Toledano, and Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University. Libraries) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Allegories -- 18th century
Filed under: Almanacs -- Germany -- 18th century
Filed under: Almanacs -- Italy -- 18th century
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- 18th century
Filed under: Alphabet books -- Italy -- 18th century
Filed under: Alphabet books -- Portugal -- 18th century
Filed under: American fiction -- 18th century
Filed under: American literature -- 18th century A compendium of American literature; chronologically arranged, with biographical sketches of the authors. (E. C. & J. Biddle, 1858), by Charles Dexter Cleveland (page images at HathiTrust) Salmagundi : or, The whimwhams and opinions of Laucelot Langstaff, esq. [pseud.] and others (G. P. Putnam's sons, 1860), by Washington Irving, Evert A. Duyckinck, James Kirke Paulding, and William Irving (page images at HathiTrust) Wolfert's Roost, and other papers, now first collected (J. B. Lippincott & co., 1870), by Washington Irving (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: American poetry -- 18th century
More items available under narrower terms. |