Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- PropagandaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Propaganda Misleading Information From the Battlefield: Hearing Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session, April 24, 2007 (Washington: GPO, 2008), by United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (page images at HathiTrust) Misleading Information From the Battlefield: The Tillman and Lynch Episodes (first committee report, with additional views from Tom Davis; 2008), by United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, contrib. by Tom Davis (PDF at
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021
Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Literature and the warFiled under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Motion pictures and the warFiled under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Personal narratives, AmericanFiled under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Prisoners and prisons, AmericanFiled under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Veterans -- Services for -- United States
Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Veterans -- United States -- Statistics
Filed under: Propaganda The Propaganda Model Today: Filtering Perception and Awareness (London: University of Westminster Press, c2018), ed. by Joan Pedro-Carañana, Daniel Broudy, and Jeffery Klaehn (PDF with commentary at OAPEN) Propaganda and Psychological Warfare (New York: Random House, c1962), by Terence H. Qualter (page images at HathiTrust) Propaganda Handbook (second printing; Media, PA: 20th Century Pub. Co., 1955), by D. Lincoln Harter and John Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust) What is Propaganda? (1944), by Ralph D. Casey (illustrated HTML at You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polluted Information (prepublication edition; 2020), by Whitney Phillips and Ryan M. Milner (HTML at Brave New World Revisited (c1958), by Aldous Huxley (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Propaganda (New York: Liveright Pub. Corp., c1928), by Edward L. Bernays (page images at HathiTrust) Vier Jahre Lüge (in German; Berlin: Verlag Neues Vaterland, 1919), by Emil Julius Gumbel (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups (1954), by United States House Committee on Un-American Activities Free Thought and Official Propaganda (New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1922), by Bertrand Russell Free Thought and Official Propaganda (London: Watts and Co., 1922), by Bertrand Russell Publicity: Some of the Things It Is and Is Not (New York: Industries Publishing Company, 1925), by Ivy L. Lee (page images at
Filed under: Propaganda -- Bibliography
Filed under: Propaganda -- Iraq
Filed under: Propaganda -- United States Prophets of Deceit: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator (c1949), by Leo Lowenthal and Norbert Guterman (PDF files at Propaganda in Moving Pictures: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of The Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate, 77th Congress, 1st Session, on S. Res. 152, a Resolution Authorizing an Investigation of War Propaganda Disseminated by the Motion Picture Industry and of Any Monopoly in the Production, Distribution or Exhibition of Motion Pictures, September 9 to 26, 1941 (Washington: GPO, 1942), by United States Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (page images at HathiTrust) The Activities of the Dies Committee: An Analysis (1940), by American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom
Filed under: Anti-Jewish propaganda Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, contrib. by Sergi︠e︡ĭ Nilusʺ (multiple editions) Adam and Cain: Symposium of Old Bible History, Sumerian Empire, Importance of Blood of Race, Juggling Juggernaut of the Leaders of the Jews, the Gothic Civilization of Adam and the Ten Commandments of His Church (second printing; Tishomingo, OK: The author, 1952), by William H. Murray (multiple formats at The Jews and Their Lies (Los Angeles: Christian Nationalist Crusade, 1948), by Martin Luther (multiple formats at The Republic Reclaimed (second printing, revised; Chicago: N. Jenkins, 1939), by Newton Jenkins (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) What Price Federal Reserve? (New York: Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, 1938), by N. W. Rogers (multiple formats at The World Hoax (Asheville, NC: Pelley Publishers, 1938), by Ernest F. Elmhurst, contrib. by William Dudley Pelley The Jewish System Indicted by the Documentary Record (New York: R. E. Edmondson, 1937), by Robert Edward Edmondson (multiple formats at A Protocol of 1935: Based on a Careful Study of the Present Day Jewish Activities (New York: Pan-Aryan Alliance, c1935), by Pan-Aryan Alliance (multiple formats at Judas Iscariot: An Old Type in a New Form (New York: Minerva Pub. Co., 1889), by T. T. Timayenis (multiple formats at Le Juif: Le Judaïsme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chrétiens (in Frencgh; Paris: H. Plon, 1869), by R. Gougenot Des Mousseaux (page images at HathiTrust) Downfall of Russia: Bolshevism and Judaism (1934 speech; Metairie, LA: Sons of Liberty, reprinted 1976), by Victor De Kayville (multiple formats at The Grave Diggers of Russia (originally published 1921; reprinted Arabi, LA: Sons of Liberty, 1974), by Dietrich Eckart, contrib. by Alfred Rosenberg, illust. by Otto von Kursell (multiple formats at Who Brought the Slaves to America? Slavery and the Jews (Hollywood, CA: Western Front, 1968), by Walter White (multiple formats at Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: An Authentic Portrayal of The Perfidious Proposals of Communism And Socialism in Their Real Setting, As Masks and Devices Employed By Amazingly Organized And Financially Powerful Occult Forces, Bent Upon World Conquest (Washington: Sodality Union of Washington, D.C., c1937), by George Edward Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust) "Are These Things So?" Being a Reply to This Question Propounded by a Jewish High Priest of The First Christian Martyr 1900 Years Ago: A Study in Modern Termites of the Homo Sapiens Type (c1934), by E. N. Sanctuary An Appeal to the Jews, to Stimulate Them to Obtain a Higher State of Civilization; and Other Miscellaneous Matter for the Advancement of Moral Discipline (San Francisco: Francis and Valentine, 1878), by Allan McBoden (multiple formats at Bliz Griadushchii Antikhrist (in Russian; Moscow: Tip. Sviato-Troitskoi Sergievoi Lavry, 1911), by Sergi︠e︡ĭ Nilusʺ (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Il Sangue Cristiano nei Riti Ebraici della Moderna Sinagoga: Rivelazioni di Neofito ex Rabbino Monaco Greco, per la Prima Volta Pubblicate in Italia (in Italian; Prato: Tip. Giachetti, 1883) (page images at HathiTrust) The White Man's Bible (2008 edition), by Ben Klassen (PDF at The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (1-volume abridged and annotated edition; Los Angeles: Christian Nationalist Crusade, ca. 1950), contrib. by Henry Ford and Gerald L. K. Smith (multiple formats at Der Internationale Jude (2-volume translation from the Dearborn Independent's "International Jew" series into German; Leipzig: Hammer-Verlag, ca. 1922), contrib. by Henry Ford The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (4 volumes, reprinted from the Dearborn Independent, 1920-1922), contrib. by Henry Ford Mezhdunarodnoe Evreĭstvo (translation from the Dearborn Independent's "International Jew" series into Russian; ca. 1920), contrib. by Henry Ford (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Original Mr. Jacobs: A Startling Exposé (New York: Minerva Pub. Co., c1888), by T. T. Timayenis
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