AfricaSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:- Africa -- Aerial exploration
- Africa -- Antiquities
- Africa -- Armed Forces
- Africa -- Bibliography
- Africa -- Biography
- Africa -- Church history
- Africa -- Civilization
- Africa -- Colonial influence
- Africa -- Colonization
- Africa -- Commerce
- Africa -- Defenses
- Africa -- Description and travel
- Africa -- Discovery and exploration
- Africa -- Economic conditions
- Africa -- Economic policy
- Africa -- Environmental conditions
- Africa -- Fiction
- Africa -- Forecasting
- Africa -- Foreign economic relations
- Africa -- Foreign public opinion
- Africa -- Foreign relations
- Africa -- History
- Africa -- History, Military
- Africa -- In literature
- Africa -- In mass media
- Africa -- In popular culture
- Africa -- Juvenile fiction
- Africa -- Juvenile literature
- Africa -- Kings and rulers
- Africa -- Languages
- Africa -- Maps
- Africa -- Military relations
- Africa -- Periodicals
- Africa -- Poetry
- Africa -- Politics and government
- Africa -- Population
- Africa -- Press coverage
- Africa -- Race relations
- Africa -- Relations
- Africa -- Religion
- Africa -- Religious life and customs
- Africa -- Social conditions
- Africa -- Social life and customs
- Africa -- Strategic aspects
- Africa -- Study and teaching
- Africa, Central
- Africa, East
- Africa, Eastern
- Africa, English-speaking
- Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- Africa, French-speaking West
- Africa, North
- Africa, Northeast
- Africa, Portuguese-speaking
- Africa, Southern
- Africa, Spanish-speaking
- Africa, Sub-Saharan
- Africa, West
- Industries -- Africa
- Cameroon
- Egypt
- AIDS (Disease) -- Africa
- Adams, Robert (Sailor) -- Travel -- Africa
- African American missionaries -- Africa
- African Americans -- Colonization -- Africa
- Agricultural assistance, American -- Africa
- Agricultural innovations -- Africa
- Agricultural pests -- Integrated control -- Africa
- Agriculture -- Africa
- Agriculture and state -- Africa
- Americans -- Africa
- Anarchism -- Africa
- Apes -- Habitat -- Conservation -- Africa
- Art -- Africa
- Art objects -- Africa
- Atrocities -- Africa
- Authoritarianism -- Africa
- Big game hunting -- Africa
- Birds -- Africa
- Black people -- Africa
- Botany -- Africa
- British -- Africa
- Cartography -- Africa
- Child soldiers -- Africa
- Children -- Africa
- Children and war -- Africa
- Christianity -- Africa
- Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 -- Travel -- Africa
- Cities and towns -- Africa
- Citizenship -- Africa
- Civil rights -- Africa
- Clothing and dress -- Africa
- Coasts -- Africa
- Colonial administrators -- Africa
- Colonies -- Africa
- Commercial law -- Africa
- Commodity exchanges -- Africa
- Communication -- Africa
- Communication in medicine -- Africa
- Communism -- Africa
- Community development -- Africa
- Community leadership -- Africa
- Conflict management -- Africa
- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Foreign relations -- Africa
- Constitutional law -- Africa
- Creative ability in technology -- Africa
- Criminal jurisdiction -- Africa
- Criminal justice, Administration of -- Africa
- Criminal law -- Africa
- Curriculum change -- Social aspects -- Africa
- Dance -- Africa
- Decolonization -- Africa
- Democracy -- Africa
- Democratization -- Africa
- Digital libraries -- Africa
- Diseases -- Economic aspects -- Africa
- Economic assistance -- Africa
- Economic assistance, American -- Africa
- Economic development -- Africa
- Economic forecasting -- Africa
- Education -- Africa
- Education, Higher -- Africa
- Educational change -- Africa
- Electronic information resource searching -- Africa
- Enslaved persons -- Africa
- Environmental policy -- Africa
- Ethnicity -- Africa
- Ethnology -- Africa
- Europeans -- Africa
- Explorers -- Africa
- Families -- Africa
- Feminism -- Africa
- Fertility, Human -- Africa
- Finance -- Africa
- Folklore -- Africa
- Food crops -- Africa
- Food supply -- Africa
- Forests and forestry -- Africa
- Games -- Africa
- Geology -- Africa
- Germans -- Africa
- Grasshoppers -- Africa
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Africa
- HIV infections -- Africa
- Health planning -- Africa
- Health resorts -- Africa
- Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 -- Travel -- Africa
- Human ecology -- Africa
- Human geography -- Africa
- Human rights -- Africa
- Humanitarian intervention -- Africa
- Hunting -- Africa
- Indigenous crops -- Africa
- Indigenous peoples -- Africa
- Industrial policy -- Africa
- Information technology -- Africa
- Insects -- Africa
- International crimes -- Africa
- International criminal courts -- Africa
- International criminal law -- Africa
- International human rights courts -- Africa
- Investments, Foreign -- Africa
- Islam -- Africa
- Italians -- Africa
- Ivory industry -- Africa
- Jews -- Africa
- Kings and rulers -- Africa
- Land tenure -- Africa
- Law -- Africa
- Legends -- Africa
- Libraries -- Africa
- Lion attacks -- Africa
- Locusts -- Africa
- Malaria -- Africa
- Management -- Africa
- Mandates -- Africa
- Manuscripts -- Africa
- Marriage -- Africa
- Mass media -- Africa
- Mass media and women -- Africa
- Medical care -- Africa
- Medically underserved areas -- Africa
- Mercenary troops -- Africa
- Military assistance, American -- Africa
- Mines and mineral resources -- Africa
- Missionaries -- Africa
- Missions -- Africa
- Music -- Africa
- Musical instruments -- Africa
- Muslims -- Africa
- National liberation movements -- Africa
- National security -- Africa
- Nationalism -- Africa
- Natural history -- Africa
- Oral tradition -- Africa
- Poliomyelitis vaccine -- Contamination -- Africa
- Political stability -- Africa
- Politics and culture -- Africa
- Popular culture -- Africa
- Poverty -- Africa
- Princesses -- Africa
- Private security services -- Africa
- Produce trade -- Government policy -- Africa
- Public health -- Africa
- Public libraries -- Africa
- Refugees -- Africa
- Regional planning -- Africa
- Regionalism -- Africa
- Rivers -- Africa
- Rural development -- Africa
- Safaris -- Africa
- Science -- Africa
- Scientific expeditions -- Africa
- Secession -- Africa
- Security, International -- Africa
- Sex role -- Africa
- Shrines -- Africa
- Slave trade -- Africa
- Slavery -- Africa
- Social change -- Africa
- Social service -- Africa
- Social work education -- Africa
- Socialism -- Africa
- South Africa -- Military relations -- Africa
- Soviet Union -- Foreign relations -- Africa
- Sustainable development -- Africa
- Sweden -- Commerce -- Africa
- Tales -- Africa
- Technical assistance -- Africa
- Technical assistance, American -- Africa
- Technological innovations -- Social aspects -- Africa
- Technology -- Africa
- Technology and state -- Africa
- Technology transfer -- Africa
- Telecommunication -- Africa
- Terrorism -- Africa
- Tiptree, James -- Travel -- Africa
- Trade blocs -- Africa
- Traditional farming -- Africa
- Traditional medicine -- Africa
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Africa
- United States -- Relations -- Africa
- Universities and colleges -- Africa
- Urbanization -- Africa
- Valleys -- Africa
- War -- Protection of civilians -- Africa
- Water hyacinth -- Africa
- Water resources development -- Africa
- Water-supply -- Africa
- Watersheds -- Africa
- Wheeler, W. W. (William Webb), 1845-1925 -- Travel -- Africa
- Women -- Africa
- Women explorers -- Africa
- Women in development -- Africa
- Women missionaries -- Africa
- Women travelers -- Africa
- Women's rights -- Africa
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Africa
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Territorial questions -- Africa
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Africa
- Youth -- Africa
- Akhenaton, King of Egypt
- Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo
- Carey, Lott, 1780-1828
- Dioscorus, of Aphrodito
- Good, Adolphus Clemens, 1856-1894
- Griswold, A. V. (Alexander Viets), approximately 1826-1844
- Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw
- Hogg, John, 1833-1886
- Johnson, Thomas L. (Thomas Lewis), 1836-1921
- Thutmose III, King of Egypt
Filed under: Africa
Filed under: Africa -- Armed Forces
Filed under: Africa -- Civilization
Filed under: Africa -- Colonization Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect? (London: UCL Press, 2017), ed. by Andrew W. M. Smith and Chris Jeppesen (PDF with commentary at UCL Press) Acte Général de la Conférence de Berlin (with its protocols, in French; ca. 1885), by Berlin West Africa Conference (1884-1885 : Berlin, Germany) Africa: Its Partition and its Future (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1898), contrib. by Henry M. Stanley, Harry Thurston Peck, John Scott Keltie, W. T. Stead, Fritz Bley, Paul Guieysse, Charles Lemaire, Henry Norman, George Taubman Goldie, F. D. Lugard, Tristram Charles Sawyer Speedy, Joseph C. Hartzell, Edward Heawood, and Henry K. Carroll The New Map of Africa (1900-1916): A History of European Colonial Expansion and Colonial Diplomacy (New York: The Century Co., 1916), by Herbert Adams Gibbons The Native Problem in Africa (2 volumes; New York: Macmillan, 1928), by Raymond Leslie Buell
Filed under: Africa -- Description and travel Africa and its Inhabitants (4 volumes; London: Virtue and Co., ca. 1899), by Elisée Reclus, ed. by A. H. Keane Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, Aethiopia and the Abyssines, With All the Adjacent Islands, Either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern or Oriental Sea, Belonging Thereunto (London: Printed by T. Johnson for the author, 1670), by John Ogilby (HTML at EEBO TCP) An Amateur in Africa (New York: The Adelphi Co., ca. 1925), by C. Lestock Reid (page images at HathiTrust) My Journey From Rhodesia to Egypt, Including an Ascent of Ruwenzori and a Short Account of the Route From Cape Town to Broken Hill and Lado to Alexandria (London: Hutchinson and Co., 1911), by Theo Kassner (multiple formats at Round the Black Man's Garden (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1903), by Zélie Colvile (multiple formats at A Woman's Winter in Africa: A 26,000 Mile Journey (London: S. Paul and Co., c1913), by Charlotte Cameron Africa: Its Partition and its Future (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1898), contrib. by Henry M. Stanley, Harry Thurston Peck, John Scott Keltie, W. T. Stead, Fritz Bley, Paul Guieysse, Charles Lemaire, Henry Norman, George Taubman Goldie, F. D. Lugard, Tristram Charles Sawyer Speedy, Joseph C. Hartzell, Edward Heawood, and Henry K. Carroll The Congo and Coasts of Africa (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907), by Richard Harding Davis Great African Travellers, from Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley, by William Henry Giles Kingston (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Negro Around the World (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1925), by Willard Price, illust. by George Annand Travels of a Philosopher: or, Observations on the Manners and Arts of Various Nations in Africa and Asia (Augusta: Reprinted by P. Edes, 1797), by Pierre Poivre (HTML at Evans TCP) The Blind African Slave, Or Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nicknamed Jeffrey Brace, by Boyrereau Brinch and Benjamin F. Prentiss (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Africa -- Discovery and exploration Heroes of the Dark Continent, by James W. Buel (illustrated HTML with commentary at The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805, Together With Other Documents, Official And Private, Relating To The Same Mission, to Which Is Prefixed an Account of the Life of Mr. Park, by Mungo Park, ed. by J. Whishaw (Gutenberg text) Life and Travels of Mungo Park, With a Full Narrative of Subsequent Adventure in Central Africa (Thomas Nelson edition (Edinburgh), mid-1800s), by Mungo Park, ed. by Andrew R. Bonar (Gutenberg text) Negroland, or, Light Thrown Upon The Dark Continent: The History of African Exploration and Adventure as Given in the Leading Authorities From Herodotus to the Latest Explorers, Including Livingston, Speke, Baker, Stanley, Johnston, and Others (New York: Hurst and Co., c1881), by Charles H. Jones and H. L. Williams Travels in the Interior of Africa (Cassell edition, late 1800s; omits some material in original 1799 edition), by Mungo Park, ed. by Henry Morley The Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, and Their Results: Being the Narrative of the Discovery by Sea, Within One Century, of More Than Half the World (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1877), by Richard Henry Major (multiple formats at The Discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, and Their Results: Being the Narrative of the Discovery by Sea, Within One Century, of More Than Half the World (second edition; London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1877), by Richard Henry Major (page images at HathiTrust) Ostafrikanische Studien (in French; Schaffhausen: F. Hurter, 1864), by Werner Munzinger
Filed under: Africa -- Economic policy
Filed under: Africa -- Fiction The Lad and the Lion (1938), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Benita: An African Romance, by H. Rider Haggard (Gutenberg text) Black Heart and White Heart, and Other Stories, by H. Rider Haggard (Gutenberg texts) Ethiopia Unbound: Studies in Race Emancipation (London: C. M. Phillips, 1911), by J. E. Casely Hayford (multiple formats at A Goddess of Africa: A Story of the Golden Fleece (New York: Hobart Co., c1897), by St. George Rathborne (page images at HathiTrust) In Desert and Wilderness (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1917), by Henryk Sienkiewicz, trans. by Max A. Drezmal (Gutenberg text) The Ivory Trail, by Talbot Mundy (Gutenberg text) The Mission: or, Scenes in Africa, by Frederick Marryat (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The People of the Mist, by H. Rider Haggard (Gutenberg text) Tarzan the Mangificent (1939), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (HTML in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Tarzan and the Forbidden City (1938), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Tarzan's Quest (1935), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (text in Australia; NO US ACCESS) Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (1927-1928), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Australia) The Treasure of the Lake (1925-1926), by H. Rider Haggard The Day of Resis (New York: G. W. Dillingham Co., 1897), by Lillian Frances Mentor, illust. by Harry L. V. Parkhurst She, by H. Rider Haggard (multiple editions) She and Allan, by H. Rider Haggard (multiple editions) The Eternal Lover (original magazine version; includes section published originally as "Sweetheart Primeval"; see also The Eternal Savage), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (illustrated HTML at The Eternal Savage (New York: Ace Books, c1925), by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad (Gutenberg text) The Heart of Darkness (as originally published in 3 parts in Blackwood's, 1899), by Joseph Conrad (page images at Jungle Tales of Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Gutenberg text) King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard Kuningas Salomon Kaivokset (King Solomon's Mines in Finnish; Helsinki: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1908), by H. Rider Haggard (Gutenberg text) The Life and Adventures of Zamba, an African Negro King, and His Experience of Slavery in South Carolina (London: Smith, Elder, and Co. 1847), by Peter Neilson Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave, by Aphra Behn (HTML at EEBO TCP) Tarzan, Apinain Kuningas: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan Aarniometsistä (Tarzan of the Apes in Finnish; Hämeenlinna: Arvi A. Karisto Osakeyhtiö, 1921), by Edgar Rice Burroughs, trans. by Lauri Karila (Gutenberg text) Tarzan of the Apes (New York: A. L. Burt Co., c1914), by Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes (based on 1990s reprints of the 1914 text, compared with 1960s-1980s paperback editions), by Edgar Rice Burroughs, ed. by Kenneth Fuchs (HTML at Tarzan of the Apes (based on 1984 Ballantine edition; some changes from 1914 version), by Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzanin Viidakkoseikkailuja: Seikkailuja Afrikan Aarniometsissä (Jungle Tales of Tarzan in Finnish; Hämeenlinna: Arvi A. Karisto Osakeyhtiö, 1923), by Edgar Rice Burroughs, trans. by Alpo Kupiainen (Gutenberg text) Wisdom's Daughter, by H. Rider Haggard (text in Australia) Wisdom's Daughter: The Life and Love Story of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1923), by H. Rider Haggard
More items available under narrower terms. |