African Americans -- ReligionSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Religion of Black Americans
Filed under: African Americans -- Religion African American Religious Studies: An Interdisciplinary Anthology (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1989), ed. by Gayraud S. Wilmore (page images at HathiTrust) The Black Church and Marxism: What Do They Have to Say to Each Other (New York: Institute for Democatic Socialism, 1980), by James H. Cone, contrib. by Michael Harrington (multiple formats at An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York, by Jupiter Hammon (page images at LOC) An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York, by Jupiter Hammon, ed. by Paul Royster (PDF at The History of the Negro Church (Washington: Associated Publishers, c1921), by Carter Godwin Woodson (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The "Negro Pew": Being an Inquiry Concerning the Propriety of Distinctions in the House of God, on Account of Color (Boston: I. Knapp, 1837), by Harvey Newcomb (multiple formats at Google) Universal Negro Catechism: A Course of Instruction in Religious and Historical Knowledge Pertaining to the Race (New York: Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1921), by George Alexander McGuire (page images at HathiTrust) Annals of the Poor: Containing The Dairyman's Daughter (With Considerable Additions), The Negro Servant, and the Young Cottager (New Haven: Whiting and Tiffany, 1815), by Legh Richmond Biographical Sketches and Interesting Anecdotes of Persons of Colour; To Which is Added, a Selection of Pieces in Poetry (New York: M. Day, 1826), by Abigail Mott (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Gospel Among the Slaves: A Short Account of Missionary Operations Among the Slaves of the Southern States (Nashville: Pub. House of the M. E. Church, South, 1893), ed. by W. P. Harrison The Negro Church: Report of a Social Study Made Under the Direction of Atlanta University; Together with the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, May 26th, 1903 (Atlanta University Publications #8; Atlanta: Atlanta University Press, 1903), ed. by W. E. B. Du Bois Pioneer Colored Christians (Clarksville, TN: W.P. Titus, 1911), by Harriet Parks Miller Richard Allen and Absalom Jones (Baltimore: Church Advocate Press, 1916), by George F. Bragg (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Upward Path: The Evolution of a Race (revised edition of "From Darkness to Light"; New York: Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada, 1909), by Mary Helm The Life Experience and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (with a new introduction by Singleton; New York and Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1960), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones and George A. Singleton (page images at HathiTrust) Autobiography of Bishop Isaac Lane, LL.D., by Isaac Lane (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) A Brand Plucked From the Fire: An Autobiographical Sketch (Cleveland: Printed for the author by W. F. Schneider, 1879), by Julia A. J. Foote (multiple formats at Narrative of William Hayden, Containing a Faithful Account of His Travels for a Number of Years, Whilst a Slave, in the South (Cincinnati: W. Hayden, 1846), by William Hayden (HTML and TEI at UNC) Shadow and Sunshine, by Eliza Suggs A Slave Girl's Story: Being an Autobiography of Kate Drumgoold (Brooklyn: The Author, 1898), by Kate Drumgoold (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Uncle Johnson, the Pilgrim of Six Score Years (tract #96; Philadelphia: Presbyterian Publication Committee, ca. 1866), by G. L. Foster (HTML and TEI at UNC) From Slavery to the Bishopric in the A.M.E. Church: An Autobiography (Philadelphia: The A.M.E. Book Concern, 1928), by William H. Heard (HTML and TEI at UNC) God's Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse (New York: The Viking Press, 1927), by James Weldon Johnson, illust. by Aaron Douglas and C. B. Falls Twice Sold, Twice Ransomed: Autobiography of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray (Chicago: Free Methodist Publishing House, c1926), by Mrs. L. P. Ray and L. P. Ray (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) The Address of Abraham Johnstone, a Black Man, Who Was Hanged at Woodbury, in the County of Glocester, and State of New Jersey, on Saturday the 8th Day of July Last, To the People of Colour; To Which Is Added His Dying Confession or Declaration; Also, a Copy of a Letter to His Wife, Written the Day Previous to His Execution (Philadelphia: The Purchasers, 1797), by Abraham Johnstone (HTML and TEI at UNC) Africa for Christ: Twenty-Eight Years a Slave (London: Alexander and Shepheard, 1892), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Biography of London Ferrill, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Colored Persons, Lexington, KY (Lexington, KY: A. W. Elder, 1854) (HTML and TEI at UNC) A Brief Account of the Life, Experience, Travels, and Gospel Labours of George White, an African: Written by Himself, and Revised by a Friend (New York: J. C. Totten, 1810), by George White (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Catechism for the Use of the Methodist Missions, First Part (Charleston: Published by John Early, 1853), by William Capers (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Days of Bondage: Autobiography of Friday Jones, Being a Brief Narrative of His Trials and Tribulations in Slavery (Washington, D. C.: Commercial Pub. Co., 1883), by Friday Jones (HTML and TEI at UNC) Life and History of the Rev. Elijah P. Marrs, First Pastor of Beargrass Baptist Church, and Author (Louisville, KY: Bradley and Gilbert Co., 1885), by Elijah P. Marrs (HTML and TEI at UNC) Life and Narrative of William J. Anderson, Twenty-Four Years a Slave (Chicago: Daily Tribune Book and Job Printing Office, 1857), by William J. Anderson (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: F. Ford and M. A. Riply, 1880), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Lee and Yeocum, c1887), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Martin and Boden, 1833), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) The Life, History, and Unparalleled Sufferings of John Jea, the African Preacher, Compiled and Written by Himself (Portsea, UK: The author, ca. 1811), by John Jea (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, Labors, and Travels of Elder Charles Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist Denomination (with an essay on "the African race" by the author, and on the fugitive slave law by Arthur Dearing; Watertown, MA: Ingalls and Stowell's Steam Press, 1852), by John W. Lewis, contrib. by Arthur Dearing (HTML and TEI at UNC) Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D. ("The Black Spurgeon"), Pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York City (Nashville: National Baptist Publishing Board, 1902), by Silas Xavier Floyd, contrib. by Robert Stuart MacArthur (HTML and TEI at UNC) Life of the Rev. Elisha W. Green (Maysville, KY: Republican Printing Office, 1888), by Elisha Winfield Green (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Memoir of Old Elizabeth, A Coloured Woman (Philadelphia: Collins, 1863), by Elizabeth (HTML and TEI at UNC) Sketches of Slave Life: Or, Illustrations of the "Peculiar Institution" (first edition; Boston: The author, 1855), by Peter Randolph (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) Sketches of Slave Life: or, Illustrations of the "Peculiar Institution" (second edition, enlarged; Boston: The author, 1855), by Peter Randolph (page images at MOA) Twenty-Eight Years a Slave, or The Story of My Life in Three Continents (Bournemouth, UK: W. Mate and Sons, 1909), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: African Americans -- Religion -- Drama
Filed under: African American churches Charitable Institutions in Colored Churches (Washington: Press of E. L. Pendleton, 1892), by Alexander Crummell The Negro Church: Report of a Social Study Made Under the Direction of Atlanta University; Together with the Proceedings of the Eighth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, May 26th, 1903 (Atlanta University Publications #8; Atlanta: Atlanta University Press, 1903), ed. by W. E. B. Du Bois
Filed under: African Americans -- Confederate States of America -- Religion A Catechism, To Be Taught Orally To Those Who Cannot Read: Designed Especially for the Instruction of the Slaves in the Prot. Episcopal Church (Raleigh: Office of "The Church Intelligencer", 1862), by Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America
Filed under: African Americans -- Georgia -- ReligionFiled under: African Americans -- Maryland -- ReligionFiled under: African Americans -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- ReligionFiled under: African Americans -- Mississippi -- Religion Biography of a Slave: Being The Experiences Of Rev. Charles Thompson, A Preacher of the United Brethren Church, While a Slave in the South, Together With Startling Occurrences Incidental To Slave Life (1875), by Charles Thompson
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