African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church -- Bishops -- BiographySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church -- Bishops -- Biography
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Filed under: Walters, Alexander, 1858-
Filed under: Bishops -- Biography
Filed under: African Methodist Episcopal Church -- Bishops -- Biography The Pilgrimage of Harriet Ransom's Son (Nashville: Sunday School Union, 1949), by Reverdy C. Ransom (page images at HathiTrust) The Life Experience and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (with a new introduction by Singleton; New York and Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1960), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones and George A. Singleton (page images at HathiTrust) From Slavery to the Bishopric in the A.M.E. Church: An Autobiography (Philadelphia: The A.M.E. Book Concern, 1928), by William H. Heard (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: F. Ford and M. A. Riply, 1880), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Lee and Yeocum, c1887), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Martin and Boden, 1833), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC)
Filed under: Anglican Communion -- Uganda -- Bishops -- Biography -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Bishops -- England -- Biography
Filed under: Bishops -- England -- Winchester -- Biography
Filed under: Bishops -- Italy -- Ravenna -- BiographyFiled under: Bishops -- United States -- Biography The Life Experience and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (with a new introduction by Singleton; New York and Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1960), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones and George A. Singleton (page images at HathiTrust) From Slavery to the Bishopric in the A.M.E. Church: An Autobiography (Philadelphia: The A.M.E. Book Concern, 1928), by William H. Heard (HTML and TEI at UNC) Autobiography, Sermons, Addresses, and Essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D. (Atlanta: Franklin Print. and Pub. Co., 1898), by Lucius Henry Holsey (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: F. Ford and M. A. Riply, 1880), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Lee and Yeocum, c1887), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labours of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen; To Which is Annexed, The Rise and Progresss of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America (Philadelphia: Martin and Boden, 1833), by Richard Allen, contrib. by Absalom Jones (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC)
Filed under: African American bishops -- Biography
Filed under: Popes -- Biography The Lives of the Popes, From the Accession of Gregory VII to the Death of Paul II (London: Griffin, Farran, Okeden and Welsh, n.d.), by Platina, ed. by William Benham (multiple formats at The Lives of the Popes, From the Time of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Accession of Gregory VII (London: Griffin and Farran, n.d.), by Platina, ed. by William Benham (multiple formats at Pageant of the Popes (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1942), by John Farrow (HTML with commentary at
Filed under: Popes -- Biography -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Popes -- Chronology Regesten der Kaiser und Päpste für die Jahre 311 bis 476 n. Chr. (in German; Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1919), by Otto Seeck Filed under: Catholic Church -- Algeria -- Hippo (Extinct city) -- Bishops -- Biography Confessions, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, trans. by Albert C. Outler (multiple formats with commentary at CCEL) Confessions, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, ed. by James J. O'Donnell (HTML at Georgetown) Confessions, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, trans. by E. B. Pusey Filed under: Catholic Church -- Spain -- Santiago de Compostela -- Bishops -- BiographyFiled under: Catholic Church -- United States -- Bishops -- BiographyFiled under: Church of England -- Bishops -- Biography
Filed under: Church of Uganda -- Bishops -- Biography -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Episcopal Church -- Bishops -- BiographyFiled under: Orthodox Eastern Church -- Serbia -- Bishops -- BiographyFiled under: Srpska pravoslavna crkva -- Bishops -- Biography |