Aircraft cabins -- Design and constructionSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Aircraft cabins -- Design and construction
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Aircraft cabins -- Fire and fire preventionFiled under: Aircraft cabins -- Health aspects
Filed under: Aircraft cabins -- Materials -- Fire testing
Filed under: Airplanes -- Design and construction
Filed under: Airplanes -- Design and construction -- Human factors -- Bibliography 50 Years of Human Engineering: History and Cumulative Bibliography of the Fitts Human Engineering Division (1995), ed. by Rebecca J. Green, Herschel C. Self, and Tanya S. Ellifritt
Filed under: Airplanes -- United States -- Design and construction -- HistoryFiled under: Airplanes -- Windshields -- Design and construction
Filed under: Agricultural machinery -- Design and construction Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering (3 volumes; London: J. Weale, 1852-1853), by G. H. Andrews
Filed under: Airships -- Design and construction
Filed under: Amusement rides -- Design and construction
Filed under: Architectural studios -- Design and construction
Filed under: Automobiles -- Design and construction Theory of Land Locomotion: The Mechanics of Vehicle Mobility (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1956), by M. G. Bekker (page images at HathiTrust) Our Car as Power Plant (Amsterdam: IOS Press, c2014), by Ad van Wijk and Leendert Verhoef (PDF at The Automotive Chassis (Without Powerplant) (third edition; Nyack, NY: P. M. Heldt, 1952), by Peter Martin Heldt (page images at HathiTrust) The Automotive Chassis (Without Powerplant) (first edition; Nyack, NY: P. M. Heldt, 1945), by Peter Martin Heldt (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Bridges -- Design and construction
Filed under: Cathedrals -- England -- Durham -- Design and construction Durham Cathedral: The Chronology of its Vaults (reproduced from the Archaeological Journal v79; London: Office of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1922), by John Bilson
Filed under: Chairs -- Design and construction
Filed under: Concrete tanks -- Design and construction
Filed under: Dwellings -- Design and construction The Principles and Practice of Modern House-Construction (6 volumes; London et a.: Blackie and Son, Ltd., ca. 1899), ed. by G. Lister Sutcliffe
Filed under: Earth houses -- Design and construction Handbook for Building Homes of Earth (prepared for US Agency for International Development; College Station, TX: Texas Transportation Institute, ca. 1962), by Lyle A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlap, and Bob M. Gallaway
Filed under: Educational tests and measurements -- United States -- Design and construction
Filed under: Electronic analog computers -- Design and construction
Filed under: Electronic digital computers -- Design and constructionFiled under: Embankments -- Louisiana -- Design and construction Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection Systems in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005 (final report; 2 volumes, with appendices; 2006), by Independent Levee Investigation Team, contrib. by Raymond Bolton Seed Filed under: Exterior walls -- Design and constructionFiled under: Facades -- Design and constructionFiled under: Factories -- Design and constructionFiled under: Farm buildings -- Design and construction Rural Architecture: Being a Complete Description of Farm Houses, Cottages, and Out Buildings (New York: C.M. Saxton, 1852), by Lewis F. Allen, illust. by John William Orr Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering (3 volumes; London: J. Weale, 1852-1853), by G. H. Andrews Filed under: Furniture, Mission -- Design and construction Mission Furniture: How to Make It (3 parts; Chicago: Popular Mechanics Co., c1909-1912), by H. H. Windsor Filed under: Guided missiles -- Design and constructionFiled under: Harbors -- Design and constructionFiled under: Huts -- Design and constructionFiled under: Hypodermic needles -- Design and constructionFiled under: Integrated circuits -- Design and constructionFiled under: Iron and steel bridges -- Design and constructionFiled under: Kitchens -- Design and constructionFiled under: Library buildings -- California -- San Francisco -- Design and constructionFiled under: Lighthouses -- Design and construction Report on Light-House Construction and Illumination (Chennai: Superintendent, Government Press, 1895), by F. W. Ashpitel Filed under: Log cabins -- Design and constructionFiled under: Mummy cases -- Design and constructionFiled under: Nuclear reactors -- Design and constructionFiled under: Offshore structures -- Design and constructionFiled under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- Design and constructionFiled under: Parks -- Design and constructionMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |