Anarchists -- CongressesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Anarchists -- Congresses Congrès Anarchiste Tenu à Amsterdam Août 1907: Compte-Rendu Analytique des Seances et Résumé des Rapports sur l'État du Mouvement dans le Monde Entier (in French; Paris: La Publication Sociale, 1908), by Congrès anarchiste
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Anarchists
Filed under: Anarchists -- Great Britain -- BiographyFiled under: Anarchists -- Italy -- BiographyFiled under: Anarchists -- Russia -- BiographyFiled under: Anarchists -- Spain -- Biography The Life, Trial, and Death of Francisco Ferrer (New York: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1911), by William Archer Filed under: Anarchists -- United States -- Biography All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1998), by Carlotta R. Anderson (multiple formats at Wayne State) Living My Life (2 volumes; New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1931), by Emma Goldman Life of Albert R. Parsons; With Brief History of the Labor Movement in America (Chicago: L. E. Parsons, 1889), by Lucy E. Parsons, contrib. by Albert Richard Parsons (page images at HathiTrust) Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist (New York: Mother Earth Publishing Assn., 1912), by Alexander Berkman Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist (second edition; New York: Mother Earth Publishing Assn., 1920), by Alexander Berkman W. Z. Foster: Renegade or Spy? (with appendices; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1945), by Arnold Petersen (multiple formats at W. Z. Foster: Renegade or Spy? (with appendices; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1932), by Arnold Petersen (PDF at
Filed under: Women anarchists -- United States -- Biography
Filed under: Anarchists -- Cuba -- HistoryFiled under: Anarchists -- Fiction The Island of Anarchy: A Fragment of History in the 20th Century (Reading, UK: Pub. by Miss Langley, Lovejoy's Library, 1887), by Elizabeth Waterhouse The Man Who Was Thursday (Dodd Mead, 1908), by G. K. Chesterton (HTML at Bartleby) The Man Who Was Thursday, by G. K. Chesterton Filed under: Meltzer, Albert, 1920-
Filed under: Anarchists -- Illinois -- Chicago Anarchy and Anarchists: A History of the Red Terror, and the Social Revolution in America and Europe (Chicago: F. J. Shulte and Co.; et al., 1889), by Michael J. Schaack Filed under: Costa, Andrea, 1851-1910Filed under: Anarchists -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Anarchists -- New York (State)Filed under: Anarchists -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz', 1842-1921Filed under: Berkman, Alexander, 1870-1936 Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist (New York: Mother Earth Publishing Assn., 1912), by Alexander Berkman Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist (second edition; New York: Mother Earth Publishing Assn., 1920), by Alexander Berkman Filed under: Ferrer Guardia, Francisco, 1859-1909Filed under: Foster, William Z., 1881-1961 More Pages From a Worker's Life (Occasional paper - American Institute for Marxist Studies #32; 1979), by William Z. Foster, ed. by Arthur Zipser (multiple formats at W. Z. Foster: Renegade or Spy? (with appendices; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1945), by Arnold Petersen (multiple formats at Foster-Ford: The Candidates of the Working Youth (New York: Youth Publishers, 1932) (multiple formats at W. Z. Foster: Renegade or Spy? (with appendices; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1932), by Arnold Petersen (PDF at Futility of Fosterism (Winnipeg: One Big Union Bulletin, ca. 1923), by Ben Legere (multiple formats at Keynes, Foster and Marx (2 volumes; Yonkers, NY: The author, c1950), by Earl Browder (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Rebels and Renegades (New York: Macmillan, 1932), by Max Nomad (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940 Emma Goldman: Biographical Sketch (New York: Libertarian Book Club, 1960), by Charles Allan Madison Living My Life (2 volumes; New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1931), by Emma Goldman My Disillusionment in Russia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1923), by Emma Goldman My Further Disillusionment in Russia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co.; 1924), by Emma Goldman Filed under: Labadie, Jo, 1850-1933Filed under: Parsons, Albert Richard, 1848-1887
Filed under: Anarchism -- Congresses
Filed under: Abomey (Benin) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Congresses
Filed under: Academic freedom -- CongressesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |