Angola -- Social conditionsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Angola -- Social conditions
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Angola
Filed under: Angola -- ColonizationFiled under: Angola -- Description and travel Angola and the River Congo (2 volumes; London: Macmillan and Co., 1875), by Joachim John Monteiro The River Congo, From Its Mouth to Bólóbó With a General Description of the Natural History and Anthropology of Its Western Basin (4th edition; London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1895), by Harry Johnston Filed under: Angola -- Discovery and explorationFiled under: Angola -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Angola -- Economic conditions -- 1975-Filed under: Angola -- History Esboço Histórico do Congo e Loango Nos Tempos Modernos, Contendo uma Resenha dos Costumes e Vocabulario dos Indigenas de Cabinda (in Portuguese; Lisbon: Typ. M. Moreira, 1888), by José Emilio de Santos e Silva
Filed under: Angola -- History -- Civil War, 1975-2002 The United Nations, Intra-State Peacekeeping and Normative Change (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, c2003), by Eşref Aksu
Filed under: Angola -- History -- Civil War, 1975-2002 -- FinanceFiled under: Angola -- History -- Revolution, 1961-1975
Filed under: Angola -- History -- Revolution, 1961-1975 -- Sources
Filed under: Kimbundu language -- Texts Folk-Tales of Angola: Fifty Tales, With Ki-Mbundu Text, Literal English Translation, Introduction, and Notes (Boston and New York: Pub. for the American Folk-Lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin and Co.; et al, 1894), ed. by Héli Chatelain Filed under: Kongo language Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, Usually Called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, Under the Direction of Captain J. K. Tuckey, R. N.; To Which is Added, The Journal of Professor Smith (London: J. Murray, 1818), by James Hingston Tuckey, contrib. by Christen Smith
Filed under: Kongo language -- Dictionaries -- English
Filed under: Vili language -- Dictionaries -- French Dictionnaire Vili-Français (in French and Vili; Loango: Impr. de la Mission, 1902), by Christophe Marichelle Filed under: Kongo language -- GrammarFiled under: Kongo language -- Intonation
Filed under: Angola -- Politics and government -- 1975-
Filed under: Angola -- Relations -- Soviet UnionFiled under: Diamond industry and trade -- Angola
Filed under: Folklore -- Angola Folk-Tales of Angola: Fifty Tales, With Ki-Mbundu Text, Literal English Translation, Introduction, and Notes (Boston and New York: Pub. for the American Folk-Lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin and Co.; et al, 1894), ed. by Héli Chatelain Filed under: Kongo (African people)
Filed under: Kongo (African people) -- CommunicationFiled under: Kongo (African people) -- Folklore Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo) (London: Pub. for the Folk-Lore Society by David Nutt, 1898), by R. E. Dennett, contrib. by Mary Henrietta Kingsley Among the Primitive Bakongo: A Record of Thirty Years' Close Intercourse With the Bakongo and Other Tribes of Equatorial Africa, With a Description of Their Habits, Customs, and Religious Beliefs (London: Seeley, Service and Co., 1914), by John H. Weeks (multiple formats at Uit den Kunstschat der Bakongos (2 volumes, in Dutch; Amsterdam: C. L. Van Langenhuysen; Berlin: D. Reimer, 1908), by Ivo Struyf Filed under: Kongo (African people) -- Social life and customsFiled under: Vili (African people)Filed under: Freedom of expression -- AngolaFiled under: Human rights -- AngolaFiled under: Petroleum industry and trade -- Angola
Filed under: Petroleum industry and trade -- Environmental aspects -- AngolaFiled under: Petroleum industry and trade -- Government policy -- AngolaFiled under: Petroleum industry and trade -- Social aspects -- AngolaFiled under: Political violence -- AngolaFiled under: Press law -- AngolaFiled under: Revolutionaries -- Angola
Filed under: Kasai River (Angola and Congo)Filed under: Soviet Union -- Relations -- AngolaFiled under: Tales -- Angola Folk-Tales of Angola: Fifty Tales, With Ki-Mbundu Text, Literal English Translation, Introduction, and Notes (Boston and New York: Pub. for the American Folk-Lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin and Co.; et al, 1894), ed. by Héli Chatelain Filed under: War -- Economic aspects -- Angola
Filed under: Botswana -- Social conditions
Filed under: South Africa -- Social conditionsFiled under: Zambia -- Social conditionsMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |