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Browsing subject area: Animal breeds (Include extended shelves)
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Animal breeds

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Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:
  • Breeds of animals
  • Breeds of domestic animals
  • Breeds, Animal
  • Domestic animal breeds
Filed under: Persian cat -- Juvenile fiction Filed under: Beagle (Dog breed) Filed under: Whippet -- Fiction
  • [Info] Rosehead (c2014), by Ksenia Anske (multiple formats with commentary at
Filed under: Bulldog -- Juvenile fiction Filed under: Great Dane -- Fiction Filed under: Pit bull terriers -- United StatesFiled under: American pit bull terrier Filed under: Airedale terrierFiled under: Boston terrier
  • [Info] The Boston Terrier: Its History, Points, Breeding, Rearing, Training, and Care, Together with Several Instructive Chapters on Management and Diseases of Dogs From a Common Sense View (new and revised edition; New York: Field and Fancy Pub. Co., c1906), by J. Varnum Mott
Filed under: Toy dogsFiled under: Livestock breeds Filed under: Cattle breeds Filed under: Cattle breeds -- Great Britain Filed under: Aberdeen-Angus cattle Filed under: Hereford cattle -- Periodicals Filed under: Dairy cattle breeds -- Québec (Province)Filed under: Ayrshire cattle Filed under: Dexter cattle -- Pedigrees -- Periodicals Filed under: Holstein-Friesian cattle -- Pedigrees -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Jersey cattle Filed under: Kerry cattle -- Pedigrees -- Periodicals Filed under: Morgan horseFiled under: Thoroughbred horse
  • [Info] Eclipse and O'Kelly: Being a Complete History So Far as is Known of That Celebrated English Thoroughbred Eclipse (1764-1789), of His Breeder the Duke of Cumberland and of his subsequent owners William Wildman, Dennis O'Kelly and Andrew O'Kelly, Now For the First Time Set Forth From the Original Authorities and Family Memoranda (London: W. Heinemann, 1907), by Theodore Andrea Cook
Filed under: Sebright bantam chickenFiled under: Hamburg chickenFiled under: Plymouth Rock chicken Filed under: Sheep breeds -- Great BritainFiled under: Merino sheep Filed under: Swine breeds -- Great Britain Filed under: Tumbler pigeons

Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.

Filed under: Domestic animals Filed under: Domestic animals -- Comic books, strips, etc. Filed under: Domestic animals -- Fiction Filed under: Domestic animals -- India Filed under: Domestic animals -- Juvenile fiction Filed under: Domestic animals -- Juvenile poetry

More items available under broader and related terms at left.

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